Npoi 扩展,适用于.netframework4.5及以上和netstandard2.0, .netframework基于NPOI, .netstandard基于 DotNetCore.NPOI
NpoiExtensions for target framework net4.5 or netstandard2.0,for net45 basedon NPOI,for .netstandard basedon DotNetCore.NPOI
Install-Package WeihanLi.Npoi
dotnet add package WeihanLi.Npoi
it consider the first row of the sheet as the header not for read,it will read data from next row.You can point out your header row through the exposed api if needed.
Read Excel to DataSet
// read excel to dataSet, read all sheets data to dataSet,by default it will read from the headerRowIndex(0) + 1 var dataSet = ExcelHelper.ToDataSet(string excelPath); // read excel to dataSet, read all sheets data to dataSet,headerRowIndex is not for read,read from headerRowIndex+1 var dataSet = ExcelHelper.ToDataSet(string excelPath, int headerRowIndex);
Read Excel to DataTable
// read excel to dataTable directly,by default read the first sheet content var dataTable = ExcelHelper.ToDataTable(string excelPath); // read excel workbook's sheetIndex sheet to dataTable directly var dataTableOfSheetIndex = ExcelHelper.ToDataTable(string excelPath, int sheetIndex); // read excel workbook's sheetIndex sheet to dataTable,custom headerRowIndex var dataTableOfSheetIndex = ExcelHelper.ToDataTable(string excelPath, int sheetIndex, int headerRowIndex); // read excel to dataTable use mapping relations and settings from typeof(T),by default read the first sheet content var dataTableT = ExcelHelper.ToDataTable<T>(string excelPath); // ... sheetIndex and headerRowIndex is also supported like above
Read Excel to List
// read excel first sheet content to a List<T> var entityList = ExcelHelper.ToEntityList<T>(string excelPath); // read excel sheetIndex sheet content to a List<T> // you can custom header row index via sheet attribute or fluent api HasSheet var entityList1 = ExcelHelper.ToEntityList<T>(string excelPath, int sheetIndex);
Get a workbook
// load excel workbook from file var workbook = LoadExcel(string excelPath); // prepare a workbook accounting to excelPath var workbook = PrepareWorkbook(string excelPath); // prepare a workbook accounting to excelPath and custom excel settings var workbook = PrepareWorkbook(string excelPath, ExcelSetting excelSetting); // prepare a workbook whether *.xlsx file var workbook = PrepareWorkbook(bool isXlsx); // prepare a workbook whether *.xlsx file and custom excel setting var workbook = PrepareWorkbook(bool isXlsx, ExcelSetting excelSetting);
Rich extensions
List<TEntity> ToEntityList<TEntity>([NotNull]this IWorkbook workbook) DataTable ToDataTable([NotNull]this IWorkbook workbook) ISheet ImportData<TEntity>([NotNull] this ISheet sheet, DataTable dataTable) int ImportData<TEntity>([NotNull] this IWorkbook workbook, IEnumerable<TEntity> list, int sheetIndex) int ImportData<TEntity>([NotNull] this ISheet sheet, IEnumerable<TEntity> list) int ImportData<TEntity>([NotNull] this IWorkbook workbook, [NotNull] DataTable dataTable, int sheetIndex) ToExcelFile<TEntity>([NotNull] this IEnumerable<TEntity> entityList, [NotNull] string excelPath) int ToExcelStream<TEntity>([NotNull] this IEnumerable<TEntity> entityList, [NotNull] Stream stream) byte[] ToExcelBytes<TEntity>([NotNull] this IEnumerable<TEntity> entityList) int ToExcelFile([NotNull] this DataTable dataTable, [NotNull] string excelPath) int ToExcelStream([NotNull] this DataTable dataTable, [NotNull] Stream stream) byte[] ToExcelBytes([NotNull] this DataTable dataTable) byte[] ToExcelBytes([NotNull] this IWorkbook workbook) int WriteToFile([NotNull] this IWorkbook workbook, string filePath) object GetCellValue([NotNull] this ICell cell, Type propertyType) T GetCellValue<T>([NotNull] this ICell cell) SetCellValue([NotNull] this ICell cell, object value)
Define Custom Mapping and settings
on the property of the entity which you used for export or importAdd
on the entity which you used for export or import,you can set theStartRowIndex
on your need(by default it is1
)for example:
public class TestEntity { [Column("PKID")] public int PKID { get; set; } [Column("账单标题")] public string BillTitle { get; set; } [Column("账单详情")] public string BillDetails { get; set; } [Column("创建人")] public string CreatedBy { get; set; } [Column("创建时间")] public DateTime CreatedTime { get; set; } } internal class TestEntity1 { /// <summary> /// 用户名 /// </summary> [Column("用户名")] public string Username { get; set; } [Column(IsIgnored = true)] public string PasswordHash { get; set; } [Column("可用余额")] public decimal Amount { get; set; } = 1000M; [Column("微信id")] public string WechatOpenId { get; set; } [Column("是否启用")] public bool IsActive { get; set; } }
You can also use FluentApi above version
for example:
var setting = ExcelHelper.SettingFor<TestEntity>(); // ExcelSetting setting.HasAuthor("WeihanLi") .HasTitle("WeihanLi.Npoi test") .HasDescription("") .HasSubject(""); setting.HasSheetConfiguration(0, "系统设置列表"); setting.HasFilter(0, 1) .HasFreezePane(0, 1, 2, 1); setting.Property(_ => _.SettingId) .HasColumnIndex(0); setting.Property(_ => _.SettingName) .HasColumnTitle("设置名称") .HasColumnIndex(1); setting.Property(_ => _.DisplayName) .HasColumnTitle("设置显示名称") .HasColumnIndex(2); setting.Property(_ => _.SettingValue) .HasColumnTitle("设置值") .HasColumnIndex(3); setting.Property(_ => _.CreatedTime) .HasColumnTitle("创建时间") .HasColumnIndex(5) .HasColumnFormatter("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); setting.Property(_ => _.CreatedBy) .HasColumnIndex(4) .HasColumnTitle("创建人"); setting.Property(_ => _.UpdatedBy).Ignored(); setting.Property(_ => _.UpdatedTime).Ignored(); setting.Property(_ => _.PKID).Ignored();
Contact me: weihanli@outlook.com