AB(ApacheBench)工具 -- 压力测试







进入 c:/xampp/apache/bin





ab  -n 全部请求数 -c 并发数测试url


注:可以将ab.exe 加入系统环境变量;或直接切换置 ab 目录执行。如: C:\Windows\System32> cd C:\xampp\apache\bin








C:\xampp\apache\bin>ab-n 100 -c 10 http://www.abc.com/index.html


This is ApacheBench, Version 2.0.40-dev<$Revision: 1.146 $> apache-2.0


Copyright 1996 Adam Twiss, Zeus TechnologyLtd, http://www.zeustech.NET/


Copyright 2006 The Apache SoftwareFoundation, http://www.apache.org/




Benchmarking www.abc.com (bepatient).....done




Server Software:        Apache


Server Hostname:       www.abc.com


Server Port:            80




Document Path:          /index.html


Document Length:        17784 bytes     #请求文档大小




Concurrency Level:      10              #并发数


Time taken for tests:   11.898681 seconds    #全部请求完成耗时


Complete requests:      100            #全部请求数    


Failed requests:        0


Write errors:           0


Total transferred:      1805900 bytes      #总传输大小


HTML transferred:       1778400 bytes


Requests per second:    8.40 [#/sec] (mean)    #每秒请求数(平均)


Time per request:       1189.868 [ms] (mean)  #每次并发请求时间(所有并发)


Time per request:       118.987 [ms] (mean, across all concurrentrequests


Transfer rate:          148.17 [Kbytes/sec] received    #传输速率




Connection Times (ms)           #连接时间


                      min mean[+/-sd]  median(中位值)  max


Connect: (#连接)     59   73  11.9     72     132


Processing: (#处理)    86   998538.7     938   2288


Waiting: (#等待)     63   135 106.8     94    663


Total:                 155  1072540.6    1004   2362








 50%   1004


 66%   1260


 75%   1452


 80%   1492


 90%   1923


 95%   2078


 98%   2352


 99%   2362


 100%  2362 (longest request)














备:由于对发请求,cpu实际上并不是同时处理的,而是按照每个请求获得的时间片逐个轮转处理的,所以,基本上第一个Timeper request时间约等于第二个Timeper request时间乘以并发请求数。










-n  requests     全部请求数


-c  concurrency  并发数


-t  timelimit     最传等待回应时间


-p  postfile      POST数据文件


-T  content-type  POST Content-type


-v  verbosity     Howmuch troubleshooting info to print


-w              Print outresults in HTML tables


-i               Use HEAD instead of GET


-x  attributes    String to insert as table attributes


-y  attributes    String to insert as tr attributes


-z  attributes    String to insert as td or th attributes


-C  attribute    加入cookie, eg.'Apache=1234. (repeatable)


-H  attribute    加入http头, eg.'Accept-Encoding: gzip'


                Inserted after all normalheader lines. (repeatable)


-A  attribute    http验证,分隔传递用户名及密码


-P  attribute    Add Basic Proxy Authentication, theattributes


                are a colon separated usernameand password.


-X  proxy:port   代理服务器


-V              查看ab版本


-k              Use HTTPKeepAlive feature


-d              Do not showpercentiles served table.


-S              Do not showconfidence estimators and warnings.


-g  filename     Output collected data to gnuplot formatfile.


-e  filename     Output CSV file with percentages served


-h              Display usageinformation (this message)

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