# my global config global: scrape_interval: 15s evaluation_interval: 30s # scrape_timeout is set to the global default (10s). external_labels: monitor: codelab foo: bar rule_files: - "first.rules" - "my/*.rules" remote_write: - url: http://remote1/push name: drop_expensive write_relabel_configs: - source_labels: [__name__] regex: expensive.* action: drop oauth2: client_id: "123" client_secret: "456" token_url: "http://remote1/auth" tls_config: cert_file: valid_cert_file key_file: valid_key_file - url: http://remote2/push name: rw_tls tls_config: cert_file: valid_cert_file key_file: valid_key_file headers: name: value remote_read: - url: http://remote1/read read_recent: true name: default enable_http2: false - url: http://remote3/read read_recent: false name: read_special required_matchers: job: special tls_config: cert_file: valid_cert_file key_file: valid_key_file scrape_configs: - job_name: prometheus honor_labels: true # scrape_interval is defined by the configured global (15s). # scrape_timeout is defined by the global default (10s). # metrics_path defaults to '/metrics' # scheme defaults to 'http'. file_sd_configs: - files: - foo/*.slow.json - foo/*.slow.yml - single/file.yml refresh_interval: 10m - files: - bar/*.yaml static_configs: - targets: ["localhost:9090", "localhost:9191"] labels: my: label your: label relabel_configs: - source_labels: [job, __meta_dns_name] regex: (.*)some-[regex] target_label: job replacement: foo-${1} # action defaults to 'replace' - source_labels: [abc] target_label: cde - replacement: static target_label: abc - regex: replacement: static target_label: abc - source_labels: [foo] target_label: abc action: keepequal - source_labels: [foo] target_label: abc action: dropequal authorization: credentials_file: valid_token_file tls_config: min_version: TLS10 - job_name: service-x basic_auth: username: admin_name password: "multiline\nmysecret\ntest" scrape_interval: 50s scrape_timeout: 5s body_size_limit: 10MB sample_limit: 1000 metrics_path: /my_path scheme: https dns_sd_configs: - refresh_interval: 15s names: - - - names: - relabel_configs: - source_labels: [job] regex: (.*)some-[regex] action: drop - source_labels: [__address__] modulus: 8 target_label: __tmp_hash action: hashmod - source_labels: [__tmp_hash] regex: 1 action: keep - action: labelmap regex: 1 - action: labeldrop regex: d - action: labelkeep regex: k metric_relabel_configs: - source_labels: [__name__] regex: expensive_metric.* action: drop - job_name: service-y consul_sd_configs: - server: "localhost:1234" token: mysecret services: ["nginx", "cache", "mysql"] tags: ["canary", "v1"] node_meta: rack: "123" allow_stale: true scheme: https tls_config: ca_file: valid_ca_file cert_file: valid_cert_file key_file: valid_key_file insecure_skip_verify: false relabel_configs: - source_labels: [__meta_sd_consul_tags] separator: "," regex: label:([^=]+)=([^,]+) target_label: ${1} replacement: ${2} - job_name: service-z tls_config: cert_file: valid_cert_file key_file: valid_key_file authorization: credentials: mysecret - job_name: service-kubernetes kubernetes_sd_configs: - role: endpoints api_server: "https://localhost:1234" tls_config: cert_file: valid_cert_file key_file: valid_key_file basic_auth: username: "myusername" password: "mysecret" - job_name: service-kubernetes-namespaces kubernetes_sd_configs: - role: endpoints api_server: "https://localhost:1234" namespaces: names: - default basic_auth: username: "myusername" password_file: valid_password_file - job_name: service-kuma kuma_sd_configs: - server: http://kuma-control-plane.kuma-system.svc:5676 - job_name: service-marathon marathon_sd_configs: - servers: - "" auth_token: "mysecret" tls_config: cert_file: valid_cert_file key_file: valid_key_file - job_name: service-nomad nomad_sd_configs: - server: 'http://localhost:4646' - job_name: service-ec2 ec2_sd_configs: - region: us-east-1 access_key: access secret_key: mysecret profile: profile filters: - name: tag:environment values: - prod - name: tag:service values: - web - db - job_name: service-lightsail lightsail_sd_configs: - region: us-east-1 access_key: access secret_key: mysecret profile: profile - job_name: service-azure azure_sd_configs: - environment: AzurePublicCloud authentication_method: OAuth subscription_id: 11AAAA11-A11A-111A-A111-1111A1111A11 resource_group: my-resource-group tenant_id: BBBB222B-B2B2-2B22-B222-2BB2222BB2B2 client_id: 333333CC-3C33-3333-CCC3-33C3CCCCC33C client_secret: mysecret port: 9100 - job_name: service-nerve nerve_sd_configs: - servers: - localhost paths: - /monitoring - job_name: 0123service-xxx metrics_path: /metrics static_configs: - targets: - localhost:9090 - job_name: badfederation honor_timestamps: false metrics_path: /federate static_configs: - targets: - localhost:9090 - job_name: œyÔ‡ metrics_path: /metrics static_configs: - targets: - localhost:9090 - job_name: httpsd http_sd_configs: - url: "" - job_name: service-triton triton_sd_configs: - account: "testAccount" dns_suffix: "" endpoint: "" port: 9163 refresh_interval: 1m version: 1 tls_config: cert_file: valid_cert_file key_file: valid_key_file - job_name: digitalocean-droplets digitalocean_sd_configs: - authorization: credentials: abcdef - job_name: docker docker_sd_configs: - host: unix:///var/run/docker.sock - job_name: dockerswarm dockerswarm_sd_configs: - host: role: nodes - job_name: service-openstack openstack_sd_configs: - role: instance region: RegionOne port: 80 refresh_interval: 1m tls_config: ca_file: valid_ca_file cert_file: valid_cert_file key_file: valid_key_file - job_name: service-puppetdb puppetdb_sd_configs: - url: https://puppetserver/ query: 'resources { type = "Package" and title = "httpd" }' include_parameters: true port: 80 refresh_interval: 1m tls_config: ca_file: valid_ca_file cert_file: valid_cert_file key_file: valid_key_file - job_name: hetzner relabel_configs: - action: uppercase source_labels: [instance] target_label: instance hetzner_sd_configs: - role: hcloud authorization: credentials: abcdef - role: robot basic_auth: username: abcdef password: abcdef - job_name: service-eureka eureka_sd_configs: - server: "" - job_name: ovhcloud ovhcloud_sd_configs: - service: vps endpoint: ovh-eu application_key: testAppKey application_secret: testAppSecret consumer_key: testConsumerKey refresh_interval: 1m - service: dedicated_server endpoint: ovh-eu application_key: testAppKey application_secret: testAppSecret consumer_key: testConsumerKey refresh_interval: 1m - job_name: scaleway scaleway_sd_configs: - role: instance project_id: 11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111112 access_key: SCWXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX secret_key: 11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111 - role: baremetal project_id: 11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111112 access_key: SCWXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX secret_key: 11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111 - job_name: linode-instances linode_sd_configs: - authorization: credentials: abcdef - job_name: uyuni uyuni_sd_configs: - server: https://localhost:1234 username: gopher password: hole - job_name: ionos ionos_sd_configs: - datacenter_id: 8feda53f-15f0-447f-badf-ebe32dad2fc0 authorization: credentials: abcdef - job_name: vultr vultr_sd_configs: - authorization: credentials: abcdef alerting: alertmanagers: - scheme: https static_configs: - targets: - "" - "" - "" storage: tsdb: out_of_order_time_window: 30m tracing: endpoint: "localhost:4317" client_type: "grpc" headers: foo: "bar" timeout: 5s compression: "gzip" tls_config: cert_file: valid_cert_file key_file: valid_key_file insecure_skip_verify: true
Prometheus提供了一种名为PromQL(Prometheus Query Language)的功能查询语言,可以让用户实时选择和聚合时间序列数据,表达式的结果可以显示为图形,在Prometheus表达式浏览器中以表格形式查看,或者由外部系统通过HTTP API使用。关于PromQL语法使用也可以参考之前博客相关内容。
- Instant vector:一组时间序列,每个时间序列包含一个样本,所有时间序列共享相同的时间戳。
- Range vector:一组时间序列,其中包含每个时间序列随时间变化的一系列数据点
- Scalar:一个简单的浮点值
- String:一个简单的字符串值;目前未使用
Instant vector
- =:选择与提供的字符串完全相同的标签
- !=:选择不等于提供的字符串的标签
- =~:选择与提供的字符串正则表达式匹配的标签
- !~:选择与提供的字符串正则表达式不匹配的标签
Range vector
- ms-毫秒
- s-秒
- m-分钟
- h-小时
- d-天
- w-周
- y-年
- offset:修改查询中各个Instant vector和Range vector的时间偏移;
- @修饰符:允许更改查询中各个Instant vector和Range vector的评估时间,提供给修饰符的时间@是unix时间戳,并用浮点文字描述。
- +(加)
- -(减)
- *(乘)
- /(除)
- %(取余)
- ^(幂)
- ==(相等)
- !=(不相等)
- >(大于)
- <(小于)
- >=(大于等于)
- <=(小于等于)
- sum(总和)
- min(最小值)
- max(最大值)
- avg(平均值)
- group(结果向量中的所有值均为1)
- stddev(计算维度上的总体标准差)
- stdvar(计算维度上的总体标准方差)
- count(计算向量中元素的数量)
- count_values(计算具有相同值的元素数量)
- bottomk(按样本值计算的最小k个元素)
- topk(样本值中最大的k个元素)
- quantile(计算维度上的分位数)