自动化运维之---Ansible Playbook语法介绍(一)
1 --- 2 - hosts: webservers #选择hosts,在invonter配置的 3 vars: #设置变量 4 http_port: 80 5 max_clients: 200 6 remote_user: root #远端执行权限 7 tasks: 8 - name: ensure apache is at the latest version 9 yum: pkg=httpd state=latest 10 - name: write the apache config file 11 templete: src=/srv/httpd.j2 dest=/etc/httpd.conf 12 notify: restart apache 13 - name: ensure apache is running 14 service: name=httpd state=started 15 handlers: 16 - name: restart apache 17 service: name=httpd state=restarted
- 可以通过handlers定义一组任务
- 仅当某个任务触发(notify)handlers时才执行相应的任务
- 如果有多个notify触发执行handlers任务,也仅执行一次
- 仅当任务的执行状态为changed时handlers任务才执行
- handlers任务在所有其他任务都执行后才执行
1 --- 2 - hosts: test 3 tasks: 4 - name: create dir 5 file: 6 path: /tmp/parents/subdir/ 7 state: directory 8 notify: touch file 9 handlers: 10 - name: touch file 11 file: 12 path: /tmp/parents/subdir/new.txt 13 state: touch
- when可以定义判断条件,条件为真时才执行某个任务
- 常见条件操作符如下:==、!=、>、<、>=、<=
- 多个条件可以使用and或or分隔
- when表达式中调用变量不要使用{{}}
1 --- 2 - hosts: test 3 tasks: 4 - name: check memory size 5 service: 6 name: NetworkManager 7 state: stopped 8 when: ansible_memfree_mb < 700
> 支持多行输入,不保留换行符
1 --- 2 - hosts: 3 tasks: 4 - name: touch a file 5 file: 6 path: /tmp/when.txt 7 state: touch 8 when: > 9 ansible_distribution == "RedHat" 10 and 11 ansible_distribution_major_version == "8"
1 --- 2 - hosts: test 3 tasks: 4 - name: define a group of tasks 5 block: 6 - name:install httpd 7 yum: 8 name: httpd 9 state: present 10 - name: start httpd 11 service: 12 name: httpd 13 state: started 14 when: ansible_distribution == "RedHat"
- rescue定义block任务执行失败时要执行的其他任务
- always定义无论block任务是否成功,都要执行的任务
1 --- 2 - hosts: 3 tasks: 4 - block: 5 - name: touch a file test1.txt 6 file: 7 path: /tmp/test.txt 8 state: touch 9 rescue: 10 - name : touch a file test2.txt 11 file: 12 path: /tmp/test2.txt 13 state: touch 14 always: 15 - name: touch a file test3.txt 16 file; 17 path: /tmp/test3.txt 18 state: touch
1 --- 2 - hosts: 3 tasks: 4 - name: mkeir mutil directory 5 file: 6 path: /tmp/{{item}} #注意,itme是关键字 7 state: directory 8 loop: 9 - School 10 - Legend 11 - Life
1 --- 2 - hosts: 3 tasks: 4 - name: create mutil user 5 user: 6 name: "{{item.iname}}" 7 password: "{{item.ipass | password_hash('sha512')}}" 8 loop: 9 - {iname:'term',ipass:'123456'} 10 - {iname:'amy',ipass:'654321'}
1 # ansible-playbook group_proxy-install.yml --syntax-check
playbook语法中定义变量,在playbook中使用变量,使用{{ 变量名 }}来使用变量
1 --- 2 - hosts: test 3 ignore_errors: yes 4 gather_facts: false 5 vars: 6 linux_dir: /opt 7 linux_package: /ansible/packages 8 ansible_package: /opt/ansiblepkg