./plus/list.php - 动态展示栏目列表页(也可能是频道封面)
arc.listview.class.php 是dedecms的列表页的相关处理类
__construct() // 初始化一些字段,变量
CountRecord() // 统计列表记录,总条目数,每页条目数,并对列表模板进行解析
MakeHtml() // 创建列表页HTML,主要是后台批量生成
Display() // 解析并展示列表页
MakePartTemplets() // 创建 '频道封面',或得到 '外部链接' 目录
DisplayPartTemplets() // 同上,只是直接展示,不生成
ParseTempletsFirst() // 只解析模板中的 include/taglib/* 固定标签
ParseDMFields() // 解析模板中的动态字段(list, pagelist, field标签解析)
GetArcList() // 获取展示列表详情
GetPageListST() // 获取静态分页导航
GetPageListDM() // 获取动态分页导航(当列表页是动态页,分页自然也得使用动态链接)
- <?php if(!defined('DEDEINC')) exit('Request Error!');
- /**
- * 文档列表类
- *
- * @version $Id: arc.listview.class.php 2 15:15 2010年7月7日Z tianya $
- * @package DedeCMS.Libraries
- * @copyright Copyright (c) 2007 - 2010, DesDev, Inc.
- * @license
- * @link
- */
- require_once(DEDEINC.'/arc.partview.class.php');
- require_once(DEDEINC.'/ftp.class.php');
- helper('cache');
- @set_time_limit(0);
- /**
- * 自由列表类
- *
- * @package ListView
- * @subpackage DedeCMS.Libraries
- * @link
- */
- class ListView
- {
- var $dsql;
- var $dtp;
- var $dtp2;
- var $TypeID;
- var $TypeLink;
- var $PageNo;
- var $TotalPage;
- var $TotalResult;
- var $PageSize;
- var $ChannelUnit;
- var $ListType;
- var $Fields;
- var $PartView;
- var $upPageType;
- var $addSql;
- var $IsError;
- var $CrossID;
- var $IsReplace;
- var $ftp;
- var $remoteDir;
- /**
- * php5构造函数
- *
- * @access public
- * @param int $typeid 栏目ID
- * @param int $uppage 上一页
- * @return string
- */
- function __construct($typeid, $uppage=1)
- {
- global $dsql,$ftp;
- $this->TypeID = $typeid;
- $this->dsql = &$dsql;
- $this->CrossID = '';
- $this->IsReplace = false;
- $this->IsError = false;
- $this->dtp = new DedeTagParse();
- $this->dtp->SetRefObj($this);
- $this->dtp->SetNameSpace("dede", "{", "}");
- $this->dtp2 = new DedeTagParse();
- $this->dtp2->SetNameSpace("field","[","]");
- $this->TypeLink = new TypeLink($typeid); // 实例化 '栏目链接' 类
- $this->upPageType = $uppage;
- $this->ftp = &$ftp;
- $this->remoteDir = '';
- $this->TotalResult = is_numeric($this->TotalResult)? $this->TotalResult : "";
- if(!is_array($this->TypeLink->TypeInfos))
- {
- $this->IsError = true;
- }
- if(!$this->IsError)
- {
- $this->ChannelUnit = new ChannelUnit($this->TypeLink->TypeInfos['channeltype']); // 实例化频道类
- $this->Fields = $this->TypeLink->TypeInfos;
- $this->Fields['id'] = $typeid;
- $this->Fields['position'] = $this->TypeLink->GetPositionLink(true); // 面包屑导航
- $this->Fields['title'] = preg_replace("/[<>]/", " / ", $this->TypeLink->GetPositionLink(false)); // 获取页面title
- //设置一些全局参数的值
- foreach($GLOBALS['PubFields'] as $k=>$v) $this->Fields[$k] = $v;
- $this->Fields['rsslink'] = $GLOBALS['cfg_cmsurl']."/data/rss/".$this->TypeID.".xml"; // rss订阅,'data/rss/栏目id.xml'
- //设置环境变量
- SetSysEnv($this->TypeID,$this->Fields['typename'],0,'','list');
- $this->Fields['typeid'] = $this->TypeID;
- //获得交叉栏目ID
- /*
- cross - 栏目交叉(仅用于 "最终列表栏目"-也就是 "ispart=0")
- 0 - 不交差
- 1 - 自动获取同名栏目内容
- 2 - 手工指定交叉栏目ID(用逗号分开)
- 会获取一个 'crossid' 表单内容
- */
- if($this->TypeLink->TypeInfos['cross']>0 && $this->TypeLink->TypeInfos['ispart']==0)
- {
- $selquery = '';
- if($this->TypeLink->TypeInfos['cross']==1)
- {
- $selquery = "SELECT id,topid FROM `#@__arctype` WHERE typename LIKE '{$this->Fields['typename']}' AND id<>'{$this->TypeID}' AND topid<>'{$this->TypeID}' ";
- }
- else
- {
- $this->Fields['crossid'] = preg_replace('/[^0-9,]/', '', trim($this->Fields['crossid']));
- if($this->Fields['crossid']!='')
- {
- $selquery = "SELECT id,topid FROM `#@__arctype` WHERE id in({$this->Fields['crossid']}) AND id<>{$this->TypeID} AND topid<>{$this->TypeID} ";
- }
- }
- if($selquery!='')
- {
- $this->dsql->SetQuery($selquery);
- $this->dsql->Execute();
- while($arr = $this->dsql->GetArray())
- {
- $this->CrossID .= ($this->CrossID=='' ? $arr['id'] : ','.$arr['id']);
- }
- }
- }
- }//!error
- }
- //php4构造函数
- function ListView($typeid,$uppage=0){
- $this->__construct($typeid,$uppage);
- }
- //关闭相关资源
- function Close()
- {
- }
- /**
- * 统计列表里的记录
- *
- * @access public
- * @param string
- * @return string
- */
- function CountRecord()
- {
- /*
- $cfg_list_son - 栏目是否允许列出下级栏目的内容
- $cfg_need_typeid2 - 是否启用副栏目
- $cfg_cross_sectypeid - 支持交叉栏目显示副栏目内容
- */
- global $cfg_list_son,$cfg_need_typeid2,$cfg_cross_sectypeid;
- if(empty($cfg_need_typeid2)) $cfg_need_typeid2 = 'N';
- //统计数据库记录
- $this->TotalResult = -1;
- if(isset($GLOBALS['TotalResult'])) $this->TotalResult = $GLOBALS['TotalResult'];
- if(isset($GLOBALS['PageNo'])) $this->PageNo = $GLOBALS['PageNo'];
- else $this->PageNo = 1;
- $this->addSql = " arc.arcrank > -1 ";
- $typeid2like = " '%,{$this->TypeID},%' "; // 副栏目,多个之间用 ',' 分隔,采用like查询
- if($cfg_list_son=='N')
- {
- if($cfg_need_typeid2=='N')
- {
- if($this->CrossID=='') $this->addSql .= " AND (arc.typeid='".$this->TypeID."') ";
- else $this->addSql .= " AND (arc.typeid in({$this->CrossID},{$this->TypeID})) ";
- }
- else
- {
- if($this->CrossID=='')
- {
- $this->addSql .= " AND ( (arc.typeid='".$this->TypeID."') OR CONCAT(',', arc.typeid2, ',') LIKE $typeid2like) ";
- } else {
- if($cfg_cross_sectypeid == 'Y')
- {
- $typeid2Clike = " '%,{$this->CrossID},%' ";
- $this->addSql .= " AND ( arc.typeid IN({$this->CrossID},{$this->TypeID}) OR CONCAT(',', arc.typeid2, ',') LIKE $typeid2like OR CONCAT(',', arc.typeid2, ',') LIKE $typeid2Clike)";
- } else {
- $this->addSql .= " AND ( arc.typeid IN({$this->CrossID},{$this->TypeID}) OR CONCAT(',', arc.typeid2, ',') LIKE $typeid2like)";
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- $sonids = GetSonIds($this->TypeID,$this->Fields['channeltype']); // 获得某栏目的所有下级栏目id(递归)
- if(!preg_match("/,/", $sonids)) {
- $sonidsCon = " arc.typeid = '$sonids' ";
- }
- else {
- $sonidsCon = " arc.typeid IN($sonids) ";
- }
- if($cfg_need_typeid2=='N')
- {
- if($this->CrossID=='') $this->addSql .= " AND ( $sonidsCon ) ";
- else $this->addSql .= " AND ( arc.typeid IN ({$sonids},{$this->CrossID}) ) ";
- }
- else
- {
- if($this->CrossID=='')
- {
- $this->addSql .= " AND ( $sonidsCon OR CONCAT(',', arc.typeid2, ',') like $typeid2like ) ";
- } else {
- if($cfg_cross_sectypeid == 'Y')
- {
- $typeid2Clike = " '%,{$this->CrossID},%' ";
- $this->addSql .= " AND ( arc.typeid IN ({$sonids},{$this->CrossID}) OR CONCAT(',', arc.typeid2, ',') LIKE $typeid2like OR CONCAT(',', arc.typeid2, ',') LIKE $typeid2Clike) ";
- } else {
- $this->addSql .= " AND ( arc.typeid IN ({$sonids},{$this->CrossID}) OR CONCAT(',', arc.typeid2, ',') LIKE $typeid2like) ";
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // 获取栏目下的文章总数(使用 'arctiny' 表来进行查询的,该表数据较少,速度更快)
- if($this->TotalResult==-1)
- {
- $cquery = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS dd FROM `#@__arctiny` arc WHERE ".$this->addSql;
- $row = $this->dsql->GetOne($cquery);
- if(is_array($row))
- {
- $this->TotalResult = $row['dd'];
- }
- else
- {
- $this->TotalResult = 0;
- }
- }
- /*
- 获取列表页模板
- */
- //初始化列表模板,并统计页面总数
- $tempfile = $GLOBALS['cfg_basedir'].$GLOBALS['cfg_templets_dir']."/".$this->TypeLink->TypeInfos['templist'];
- $tempfile = str_replace("{tid}", $this->TypeID, $tempfile);
- $tempfile = str_replace("{cid}", $this->ChannelUnit->ChannelInfos['nid'], $tempfile);
- // 手机版模板(新增了 'm' 目录)
- if ( defined('DEDEMOB') )
- {
- $tempfile =str_replace('.htm','_m.htm',$tempfile);
- }
- if(!file_exists($tempfile))
- {
- $tempfile = $GLOBALS['cfg_basedir'].$GLOBALS['cfg_templets_dir']."/".$GLOBALS['cfg_df_style']."/list_default.htm";
- if ( defined('DEDEMOB') )
- {
- $tempfile =str_replace('.htm','_m.htm',$tempfile);
- }
- }
- if(!file_exists($tempfile)||!is_file($tempfile))
- {
- echo "模板文件不存在,无法解析文档!";
- exit();
- }
- $this->dtp->LoadTemplate($tempfile); // 解析模板
- $ctag = $this->dtp->GetTag("page"); // 获取解析后的 'page标签'
- if(!is_object($ctag))
- {
- $ctag = $this->dtp->GetTag("list"); // page标签不存在,获取 'list标签'
- }
- // 获取每页条数设置
- if(!is_object($ctag))
- {
- $this->PageSize = 20;
- }
- else
- {
- if($ctag->GetAtt("pagesize")!="")
- {
- $this->PageSize = $ctag->GetAtt("pagesize");
- }
- else
- {
- $this->PageSize = 20;
- }
- }
- $this->TotalPage = ceil($this->TotalResult/$this->PageSize);
- }
- /**
- * 列表创建HTML - 应该是后台 '更新栏目HTML'
- *
- * @access public
- * @param string $startpage 开始页面
- * @param string $makepagesize 创建文件数目
- * @param string $isremote 是否为远程
- * @return string
- */
- function MakeHtml($startpage=1, $makepagesize=0, $isremote=0)
- {
- global $cfg_remote_site;
- if(empty($startpage))
- {
- $startpage = 1;
- }
- //创建封面模板文件
- /*
- isdefault - 栏目列表选项
- 1 - 链接到默认页
- 0 - 链接到列表第一页
- -1 - 使用动态页
- defaultname - 默认页名称(isdefault=1使用)
- */
- if($this->TypeLink->TypeInfos['isdefault']==-1)
- {
- echo '这个类目是动态类目!';
- return '../plus/list.php?tid='.$this->TypeLink->TypeInfos['id'];
- }
- //单独页面
- /*
- ispart - 栏目属性
- 0 - 最终列表栏目(允许在本栏目发布文档,并生成文档列表)
- 1 - 频道封面(栏目本身不允许发布文档)
- 2 - 外部连接(在"文件保存目录"处填写网址)
- */
- else if($this->TypeLink->TypeInfos['ispart']>0)
- {
- // 得到1和2的访问链接地址
- $reurl = $this->MakePartTemplets();
- return $reurl;
- }
- /*
- 现在开始,获取列表页
- */
- if(empty($this->TotalResult)) $this->CountRecord(); // 计算列表条目总数,根据每页条目,得到总页数;并解析 '列表模板'
- //初步给固定值的标记赋值
- $this->ParseTempletsFirst(); // 调用 'include/channelunit.func.php中的MakeOneTag(),对模板中的标签(include/taglib/*),进行计算
- $totalpage = ceil($this->TotalResult/$this->PageSize);
- if($totalpage==0)
- {
- $totalpage = 1;
- }
- CreateDir(MfTypedir($this->Fields['typedir']));
- $murl = '';
- if($makepagesize > 0)
- {
- $endpage = $startpage+$makepagesize;
- }
- else
- {
- $endpage = ($totalpage+1);
- }
- if( $endpage >= $totalpage+1 )
- {
- $endpage = $totalpage+1;
- }
- if($endpage==1)
- {
- $endpage = 2;
- }
- /*
- 生成指定数目的列表页
- */
- for($this->PageNo=$startpage; $this->PageNo < $endpage; $this->PageNo++)
- {
- $this->ParseDMFields($this->PageNo,1); // list和pagelist标签的执行
- // 列表页静态文件生成路径 和 静态文件访问url(默认使用最后一个页面的url)
- $makeFile = $this->GetMakeFileRule($this->Fields['id'],'list',$this->Fields['typedir'],'',$this->Fields['namerule2']);
- $makeFile = str_replace("{page}", $this->PageNo, $makeFile);
- $murl = $makeFile;
- if(!preg_match("/^\//", $makeFile))
- {
- $makeFile = "/".$makeFile;
- }
- $makeFile = $this->GetTruePath().$makeFile;
- $makeFile = preg_replace("/\/{1,}/", "/", $makeFile);
- $murl = $this->GetTrueUrl($murl);
- $this->dtp->SaveTo($makeFile);
- //如果启用远程发布则需要进行判断
- if($cfg_remote_site=='Y'&& $isremote == 1)
- {
- //分析远程文件路径
- $remotefile = str_replace(DEDEROOT, '',$makeFile);
- $localfile = '..'.$remotefile;
- $remotedir = preg_replace('/[^\/]*\.html/', '',$remotefile);
- //不相等则说明已经切换目录则可以创建镜像
- $this->ftp->rmkdir($remotedir);
- $this->ftp->upload($localfile, $remotefile, 'acii');
- }
- }
- /*
- 如果从第一页开始生成列表页
- 设置了 'isdefault=1 - 链接到默认页'
- 设置了 'ispart=0 - 最终列表栏目'
- 获取第一页的列表页,并复制给 '默认页',并返回默认页的url
- */
- if($startpage==1)
- {
- //如果列表启用封面文件,复制这个文件第一页
- if($this->TypeLink->TypeInfos['isdefault']==1
- && $this->TypeLink->TypeInfos['ispart']==0)
- {
- $onlyrule = $this->GetMakeFileRule($this->Fields['id'],"list",$this->Fields['typedir'],'',$this->Fields['namerule2']);
- $onlyrule = str_replace("{page}","1",$onlyrule);
- $list_1 = $this->GetTruePath().$onlyrule;
- $murl = MfTypedir($this->Fields['typedir']).'/'.$this->Fields['defaultname'];
- //如果启用远程发布则需要进行判断
- if($cfg_remote_site=='Y'&& $isremote == 1)
- {
- //分析远程文件路径
- $remotefile = $murl;
- $localfile = '..'.$remotefile;
- $remotedir = preg_replace('/[^\/]*\.html/', '',$remotefile);
- //不相等则说明已经切换目录则可以创建镜像
- $this->ftp->rmkdir($remotedir);
- $this->ftp->upload($localfile, $remotefile, 'acii');
- }
- $indexname = $this->GetTruePath().$murl;
- copy($list_1,$indexname);
- }
- }
- return $murl;
- }
- /**
- * 显示列表
- *
- * @access public
- * @return void
- */
- function Display()
- {
- if($this->TypeLink->TypeInfos['ispart']>0)
- {
- $this->DisplayPartTemplets();
- return ;
- }
- $this->CountRecord();
- if((empty($this->PageNo) || $this->PageNo==1)
- && $this->TypeLink->TypeInfos['ispart']==1)
- {
- $tmpdir = $GLOBALS['cfg_basedir'].$GLOBALS['cfg_templets_dir'];
- $tempfile = str_replace("{tid}",$this->TypeID,$this->Fields['tempindex']);
- $tempfile = str_replace("{cid}",$this->ChannelUnit->ChannelInfos['nid'],$tempfile);
- $tempfile = $tmpdir."/".$tempfile;
- if ( defined('DEDEMOB') )
- {
- $tempfile =str_replace('.htm','_m.htm',$tempfile);
- }
- if(!file_exists($tempfile))
- {
- $tempfile = $tmpdir."/".$GLOBALS['cfg_df_style']."/index_default.htm";
- if ( defined('DEDEMOB') )
- {
- $tempfile =str_replace('.htm','_m.htm',$tempfile);
- }
- }
- $this->dtp->LoadTemplate($tempfile);
- }
- $this->ParseTempletsFirst();
- $this->ParseDMFields($this->PageNo,0);
- $this->dtp->Display();
- }
- /**
- * 创建单独模板页面
- *
- * @access public
- * @return string
- */
- function MakePartTemplets()
- {
- $this->PartView = new PartView($this->TypeID,false);
- $this->PartView->SetTypeLink($this->TypeLink);
- $nmfa = 0;
- $tmpdir = $GLOBALS['cfg_basedir'].$GLOBALS['cfg_templets_dir'];
- // 频道封面
- if($this->Fields['ispart']==1)
- {
- // 使用 'tempindex - 封面模板' 作为模板,并解析模板
- $tempfile = str_replace("{tid}",$this->TypeID,$this->Fields['tempindex']);
- $tempfile = str_replace("{cid}",$this->ChannelUnit->ChannelInfos['nid'],$tempfile);
- $tempfile = $tmpdir."/".$tempfile;
- if ( defined('DEDEMOB') )
- {
- $tempfile =str_replace('.htm','_m.htm',$tempfile);
- }
- if(!file_exists($tempfile))
- {
- $tempfile = $tmpdir."/".$GLOBALS['cfg_df_style']."/index_default.htm";
- if ( defined('DEDEMOB') )
- {
- $tempfile =str_replace('.htm','_m.htm',$tempfile);
- }
- }
- $this->PartView->SetTemplet($tempfile);
- }
- // 外部链接(使用的是 '文件保存目录' 填写的内容)
- else if($this->Fields['ispart']==2)
- {
- //跳转网址
- return $this->Fields['typedir'];
- }
- /*
- 开始生成 '频道封面'
- */
- CreateDir(MfTypedir($this->Fields['typedir'])); // 创建目录
- // 生成静态文件
- $makeUrl = $this->GetMakeFileRule($this->Fields['id'],"index",MfTypedir($this->Fields['typedir']),$this->Fields['defaultname'],$this->Fields['namerule2']);
- $makeUrl = preg_replace("/\/{1,}/", "/", $makeUrl);
- $makeFile = $this->GetTruePath().$makeUrl;
- if($nmfa==0)
- {
- $this->PartView->SaveToHtml($makeFile);
- //如果启用远程发布则需要进行判断
- if($GLOBALS['cfg_remote_site']=='Y'&& $isremote == 1)
- {
- //分析远程文件路径
- $remotefile = str_replace(DEDEROOT, '',$makeFile);
- $localfile = '..'.$remotefile;
- $remotedir = preg_replace('/[^\/]*\.html/', '',$remotefile);
- //不相等则说明已经切换目录则可以创建镜像
- $this->ftp->rmkdir($remotedir);
- $this->ftp->upload($localfile, $remotefile, 'acii');
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if(!file_exists($makeFile))
- {
- $this->PartView->SaveToHtml($makeFile);
- //如果启用远程发布则需要进行判断
- if($cfg_remote_site=='Y'&& $isremote == 1)
- {
- //分析远程文件路径
- $remotefile = str_replace(DEDEROOT, '',$makeFile);
- $localfile = '..'.$remotefile;
- $remotedir = preg_replace('/[^\/]*\.html/', '',$remotefile);
- //不相等则说明已经切换目录则可以创建镜像
- $this->ftp->rmkdir($remotedir);
- $this->ftp->upload($localfile, $remotefile, 'acii');
- }
- }
- }
- // 返回 '频道封面访问url'
- return $this->GetTrueUrl($makeUrl);
- }
- /**
- * 显示单独模板页面 - 同上面逻辑基本一样,只是不用生成静态页面,直接展示频道页内容
- *
- * @access public
- * @param string
- * @return string
- */
- function DisplayPartTemplets()
- {
- $this->PartView = new PartView($this->TypeID,false);
- $this->PartView->SetTypeLink($this->TypeLink);
- $nmfa = 0;
- $tmpdir = $GLOBALS['cfg_basedir'].$GLOBALS['cfg_templets_dir'];
- if($this->Fields['ispart']==1)
- {
- //封面模板
- $tempfile = str_replace("{tid}",$this->TypeID,$this->Fields['tempindex']);
- $tempfile = str_replace("{cid}",$this->ChannelUnit->ChannelInfos['nid'],$tempfile);
- $tempfile = $tmpdir."/".$tempfile;
- if ( defined('DEDEMOB') )
- {
- $tempfile =str_replace('.htm','_m.htm',$tempfile);
- }
- if(!file_exists($tempfile))
- {
- $tempfile = $tmpdir."/".$GLOBALS['cfg_df_style']."/index_default.htm";
- if ( defined('DEDEMOB') )
- {
- $tempfile =str_replace('.htm','_m.htm',$tempfile);
- }
- }
- $this->PartView->SetTemplet($tempfile);
- }
- else if($this->Fields['ispart']==2)
- {
- //跳转网址
- $gotourl = $this->Fields['typedir'];
- header("Location:$gotourl");
- exit();
- }
- CreateDir(MfTypedir($this->Fields['typedir']));
- $makeUrl = $this->GetMakeFileRule($this->Fields['id'],"index",MfTypedir($this->Fields['typedir']),$this->Fields['defaultname'],$this->Fields['namerule2']);
- $makeFile = $this->GetTruePath().$makeUrl;
- if($nmfa==0)
- {
- $this->PartView->Display();
- }
- else
- {
- if(!file_exists($makeFile))
- {
- $this->PartView->Display();
- }
- else
- {
- include($makeFile);
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * 获得站点的真实根路径
- *
- * @access public
- * @return string
- */
- function GetTruePath()
- {
- $truepath = $GLOBALS["cfg_basedir"];
- return $truepath;
- }
- /**
- * 获得真实连接路径
- *
- * @access public
- * @param string $nurl 地址
- * @return string
- */
- function GetTrueUrl($nurl)
- {
- if($this->Fields['moresite']==1)
- {
- if($this->Fields['sitepath']!='')
- {
- $nurl = preg_replace("/^".$this->Fields['sitepath']."/", '', $nurl);
- }
- $nurl = $this->Fields['siteurl'].$nurl;
- }
- return $nurl;
- }
- /**
- * 解析模板,对固定的标记进行初始给值
- *
- * @access public
- * @return string
- */
- function ParseTempletsFirst()
- {
- if(isset($this->TypeLink->TypeInfos['reid']))
- {
- $GLOBALS['envs']['reid'] = $this->TypeLink->TypeInfos['reid'];
- }
- $GLOBALS['envs']['typeid'] = $this->TypeID;
- $GLOBALS['envs']['topid'] = GetTopid($this->Fields['typeid']);
- $GLOBALS['envs']['cross'] = 1;
- MakeOneTag($this->dtp,$this);
- }
- /**
- * 解析模板,对内容里的变动进行赋值
- *
- * @access public
- * @param int $PageNo 页数
- * @param int $ismake 是否编译
- * @return string
- */
- function ParseDMFields($PageNo,$ismake=1)
- {
- //替换第二页后的内容
- if(($PageNo>1 || strlen($this->Fields['content'])<10 ) && !$this->IsReplace)
- {
- $this->dtp->SourceString = str_replace('[cmsreplace]','display:none',$this->dtp->SourceString);
- $this->IsReplace = true;
- }
- foreach($this->dtp->CTags as $tagid=>$ctag)
- {
- // 解析 'list标签',控制 '列表展示'
- if($ctag->GetName()=="list")
- {
- $limitstart = ($this->PageNo-1) * $this->PageSize;
- $row = $this->PageSize;
- if(trim($ctag->GetInnerText())=="")
- {
- $InnerText = GetSysTemplets("list_fulllist.htm");
- }
- else
- {
- $InnerText = trim($ctag->GetInnerText());
- }
- $this->dtp->Assign($tagid,
- $this->GetArcList(
- $limitstart,
- $row,
- $ctag->GetAtt("col"),
- $ctag->GetAtt("titlelen"),
- $ctag->GetAtt("infolen"),
- $ctag->GetAtt("imgwidth"),
- $ctag->GetAtt("imgheight"),
- $ctag->GetAtt("listtype"),
- $ctag->GetAtt("orderby"),
- $InnerText,
- $ctag->GetAtt("tablewidth"),
- $ismake,
- $ctag->GetAtt("orderway")
- )
- );
- }
- // 解析 'pagelist标签',控制 '分页导航展示'
- else if($ctag->GetName()=="pagelist")
- {
- $list_len = trim($ctag->GetAtt("listsize"));
- $ctag->GetAtt("listitem")=="" ? $listitem="index,pre,pageno,next,end,option" : $listitem=$ctag->GetAtt("listitem");
- if($list_len=="")
- {
- $list_len = 3;
- }
- if($ismake==0)
- {
- $this->dtp->Assign($tagid,$this->GetPageListDM($list_len,$listitem));
- }
- else
- {
- $this->dtp->Assign($tagid,$this->GetPageListST($list_len,$listitem));
- }
- }
- else if($PageNo!=1 && $ctag->GetName()=='field' && $ctag->GetAtt('display')!='')
- {
- $this->dtp->Assign($tagid,'');
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * 获得要创建的文件名称规则
- *
- * @access public
- * @param int $typeid 栏目ID
- * @param string $wname
- * @param string $typedir 栏目目录
- * @param string $defaultname 默认名称
- * @param string $namerule2 栏目规则
- * @return string
- */
- function GetMakeFileRule($typeid,$wname,$typedir,$defaultname,$namerule2)
- {
- $typedir = MfTypedir($typedir);
- if($wname=='index')
- {
- return $typedir.'/'.$defaultname;
- }
- else
- {
- $namerule2 = str_replace('{tid}',$typeid,$namerule2);
- $namerule2 = str_replace('{typedir}',$typedir,$namerule2);
- return $namerule2;
- }
- }
- /**
- * 获得一个单列的文档列表
- *
- * @access public
- * @param int $limitstart 限制开始
- * @param int $row 行数
- * @param int $col 列数
- * @param int $titlelen 标题长度
- * @param int $infolen 描述长度
- * @param int $imgwidth 图片宽度
- * @param int $imgheight 图片高度
- * @param string $listtype 列表类型
- * @param string $orderby 排列顺序
- * @param string $innertext 底层模板
- * @param string $tablewidth 表格宽度
- * @param string $ismake 是否编译
- * @param string $orderWay 排序方式
- * @return string
- */
- function GetArcList($limitstart=0,$row=10,$col=1,$titlelen=30,$infolen=250,
- $imgwidth=120,$imgheight=90,$listtype="all",$orderby="default",$innertext="",$tablewidth="100",$ismake=1,$orderWay='desc')
- {
- global $cfg_list_son,$cfg_digg_update;
- $typeid=$this->TypeID;
- if($row=='') $row = 10;
- if($limitstart=='') $limitstart = 0;
- if($titlelen=='') $titlelen = 100;
- if($infolen=='') $infolen = 250;
- if($imgwidth=='') $imgwidth = 120;
- if($imgheight=='') $imgheight = 120;
- if($listtype=='') $listtype = 'all';
- if($orderWay=='') $orderWay = 'desc';
- if($orderby=='') {
- $orderby='default';
- }
- else {
- $orderby=strtolower($orderby);
- }
- $tablewidth = str_replace('%','',$tablewidth);
- if($tablewidth=='') $tablewidth=100;
- if($col=='') $col=1;
- $colWidth = ceil(100/$col);
- $tablewidth = $tablewidth.'%';
- $colWidth = $colWidth.'%';
- $innertext = trim($innertext);
- if($innertext=='') {
- $innertext = GetSysTemplets('list_fulllist.htm');
- }
- //排序方式
- $ordersql = '';
- if($orderby=="senddate" || $orderby=="id") {
- $ordersql=" ORDER BY $orderWay";
- }
- else if($orderby=="hot" || $orderby=="click") {
- $ordersql = " ORDER BY $orderWay";
- }
- else if($orderby=="lastpost") {
- $ordersql = " ORDER BY arc.lastpost $orderWay";
- }
- else {
- $ordersql=" ORDER BY arc.sortrank $orderWay";
- }
- //获得附加表的相关信息
- $addtable = $this->ChannelUnit->ChannelInfos['addtable'];
- if($addtable!="")
- {
- $addJoin = " LEFT JOIN `$addtable` ON = ".$addtable.'.aid ';
- $addField = '';
- $fields = explode(',',$this->ChannelUnit->ChannelInfos['listfields']);
- foreach($fields as $k=>$v)
- {
- $nfields[$v] = $k;
- }
- if(is_array($this->ChannelUnit->ChannelFields) && !empty($this->ChannelUnit->ChannelFields))
- {
- foreach($this->ChannelUnit->ChannelFields as $k=>$arr)
- {
- if(isset($nfields[$k]))
- {
- if(!empty($arr['rename'])) {
- $addField .= ','.$addtable.'.'.$k.' as '.$arr['rename'];
- }
- else {
- $addField .= ','.$addtable.'.'.$k;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- $addField = '';
- $addJoin = '';
- }
- //如果不用默认的sortrank或id排序,使用联合查询(数据量大时非常缓慢)
- if(preg_match('/hot|click|lastpost/', $orderby))
- {
- $query = "SELECT arc.*,tp.typedir,tp.typename,tp.isdefault,tp.defaultname,
- tp.namerule,tp.namerule2,tp.ispart,tp.moresite,tp.siteurl,tp.sitepath
- $addField
- FROM `#@__archives` arc
- LEFT JOIN `#@__arctype` tp ON
- $addJoin
- WHERE {$this->addSql} $ordersql LIMIT $limitstart,$row";
- }
- //普通情况先从arctiny表查出ID,然后按ID查询(速度非常快)
- else
- {
- $t1 = ExecTime();
- $ids = array();
- $query = "SELECT id FROM `#@__arctiny` arc WHERE {$this->addSql} $ordersql LIMIT $limitstart,$row ";
- $this->dsql->SetQuery($query);
- $this->dsql->Execute();
- while($arr=$this->dsql->GetArray())
- {
- $ids[] = $arr['id'];
- }
- $idstr = join(',',$ids);
- if($idstr=='')
- {
- return '';
- }
- else
- {
- $query = "SELECT arc.*,tp.typedir,tp.typename,tp.corank,tp.isdefault,tp.defaultname,
- tp.namerule,tp.namerule2,tp.ispart,tp.moresite,tp.siteurl,tp.sitepath
- $addField
- FROM `#@__archives` arc LEFT JOIN `#@__arctype` tp ON
- $addJoin
- WHERE in($idstr) $ordersql ";
- }
- $t2 = ExecTime();
- //echo $t2-$t1;
- }
- $this->dsql->SetQuery($query);
- $this->dsql->Execute('al');
- $t2 = ExecTime();
- //echo $t2-$t1;
- $artlist = '';
- $this->dtp2->LoadSource($innertext);
- $GLOBALS['autoindex'] = 0;
- for($i=0;$i<$row;$i++)
- {
- if($col>1)
- {
- $artlist .= "<div>\r\n";
- }
- for($j=0;$j<$col;$j++)
- {
- if($row = $this->dsql->GetArray("al"))
- {
- $GLOBALS['autoindex']++;
- $ids[$row['id']] = $row['id'];
- //处理一些特殊字段
- $row['infos'] = cn_substr($row['description'],$infolen);
- $row['id'] = $row['id'];
- if($cfg_digg_update > 0)
- {
- $prefix = 'diggCache';
- $key = 'aid-'.$row['id'];
- $cacherow = GetCache($prefix, $key);
- $row['goodpost'] = $cacherow['goodpost'];
- $row['badpost'] = $cacherow['badpost'];
- $row['scores'] = $cacherow['scores'];
- }
- if($row['corank'] > 0 && $row['arcrank']==0)
- {
- $row['arcrank'] = $row['corank'];
- }
- $row['filename'] = $row['arcurl'] = GetFileUrl($row['id'],$row['typeid'],$row['senddate'],$row['title'],$row['ismake'],
- $row['arcrank'],$row['namerule'],$row['typedir'],$row['money'],$row['filename'],$row['moresite'],$row['siteurl'],$row['sitepath']);
- $row['typeurl'] = GetTypeUrl($row['typeid'],MfTypedir($row['typedir']),$row['isdefault'],$row['defaultname'],
- $row['ispart'],$row['namerule2'],$row['moresite'],$row['siteurl'],$row['sitepath']);
- if($row['litpic'] == '-' || $row['litpic'] == '')
- {
- $row['litpic'] = $GLOBALS['cfg_cmspath'].'/images/defaultpic.gif';
- }
- if(!preg_match("/^http:\/\//i", $row['litpic']) && $GLOBALS['cfg_multi_site'] == 'Y')
- {
- $row['litpic'] = $GLOBALS['cfg_mainsite'].$row['litpic'];
- }
- $row['picname'] = $row['litpic'];
- $row['stime'] = GetDateMK($row['pubdate']);
- $row['typelink'] = "<a href='".$row['typeurl']."'>".$row['typename']."</a>";
- $row['image'] = "<img src='".$row['picname']."' border='0' width='$imgwidth' height='$imgheight' alt='".preg_replace("/['><]/", "", $row['title'])."'>";
- $row['imglink'] = "<a href='".$row['filename']."'>".$row['image']."</a>";
- $row['fulltitle'] = $row['title'];
- $row['title'] = cn_substr($row['title'],$titlelen);
- if($row['color']!='')
- {
- $row['title'] = "<font color='".$row['color']."'>".$row['title']."</font>";
- }
- if(preg_match('/c/', $row['flag']))
- {
- $row['title'] = "<b>".$row['title']."</b>";
- }
- $row['textlink'] = "<a href='".$row['filename']."'>".$row['title']."</a>";
- $row['plusurl'] = $row['phpurl'] = $GLOBALS['cfg_phpurl'];
- $row['memberurl'] = $GLOBALS['cfg_memberurl'];
- $row['templeturl'] = $GLOBALS['cfg_templeturl'];
- //编译附加表里的数据
- foreach($row as $k=>$v)
- {
- $row[strtolower($k)] = $v;
- }
- foreach($this->ChannelUnit->ChannelFields as $k=>$arr)
- {
- if(isset($row[$k]))
- {
- $row[$k] = $this->ChannelUnit->MakeField($k,$row[$k]);
- }
- }
- if(is_array($this->dtp2->CTags))
- {
- foreach($this->dtp2->CTags as $k=>$ctag)
- {
- if($ctag->GetName()=='array')
- {
- //传递整个数组,在runphp模式中有特殊作用
- $this->dtp2->Assign($k,$row);
- }
- else
- {
- if(isset($row[$ctag->GetName()]))
- {
- $this->dtp2->Assign($k,$row[$ctag->GetName()]);
- }
- else
- {
- $this->dtp2->Assign($k,'');
- }
- }
- }
- }
- $artlist .= $this->dtp2->GetResult();
- }//if hasRow
- }//Loop Col
- if($col>1)
- {
- $i += $col - 1;
- $artlist .= " </div>\r\n";
- }
- }//Loop Line
- $t3 = ExecTime();
- //echo ($t3-$t2);
- $this->dsql->FreeResult('al');
- return $artlist;
- }
- /**
- * 获取静态的分页列表
- *
- * @access public
- * @param string $list_len 列表宽度
- * @param string $list_len 列表样式
- * @return string
- */
- function GetPageListST($list_len,$listitem="index,end,pre,next,pageno")
- {
- $prepage = $nextpage = '';
- $prepagenum = $this->PageNo-1;
- $nextpagenum = $this->PageNo+1;
- if($list_len=='' || preg_match("/[^0-9]/", $list_len))
- {
- $list_len=3;
- }
- $totalpage = ceil($this->TotalResult/$this->PageSize);
- if($totalpage<=1 && $this->TotalResult>0)
- {
- return "<li><span class=\"pageinfo\">共 <strong>1</strong>页<strong>".$this->TotalResult."</strong>条记录</span></li>\r\n";
- }
- if($this->TotalResult == 0)
- {
- return "<li><span class=\"pageinfo\">共 <strong>0</strong>页<strong>".$this->TotalResult."</strong>条记录</span></li>\r\n";
- }
- $purl = $this->GetCurUrl();
- $maininfo = "<li><span class=\"pageinfo\">共 <strong>{$totalpage}</strong>页<strong>".$this->TotalResult."</strong>条</span></li>\r\n";
- $tnamerule = $this->GetMakeFileRule($this->Fields['id'],"list",$this->Fields['typedir'],$this->Fields['defaultname'],$this->Fields['namerule2']);
- $tnamerule = preg_replace("/^(.*)\//", '', $tnamerule);
- //获得上一页和主页的链接
- if($this->PageNo != 1)
- {
- $prepage.="<li><a href='".str_replace("{page}",$prepagenum,$tnamerule)."'>上一页</a></li>\r\n";
- $indexpage="<li><a href='".str_replace("{page}",1,$tnamerule)."'>首页</a></li>\r\n";
- }
- else
- {
- $indexpage="<li>首页</li>\r\n";
- }
- //下一页,未页的链接
- if($this->PageNo!=$totalpage && $totalpage>1)
- {
- $nextpage.="<li><a href='".str_replace("{page}",$nextpagenum,$tnamerule)."'>下一页</a></li>\r\n";
- $endpage="<li><a href='".str_replace("{page}",$totalpage,$tnamerule)."'>末页</a></li>\r\n";
- }
- else
- {
- $endpage="<li>末页</li>\r\n";
- }
- //option链接
- $optionlist = '';
- $optionlen = strlen($totalpage);
- $optionlen = $optionlen*12 + 18;
- if($optionlen < 36) $optionlen = 36;
- if($optionlen > 100) $optionlen = 100;
- $optionlist = "<li><select name='sldd' style='width:{$optionlen}px' onchange='location.href=this.options[this.selectedIndex].value;'>\r\n";
- for($mjj=1;$mjj<=$totalpage;$mjj++)
- {
- if($mjj==$this->PageNo)
- {
- $optionlist .= "<option value='".str_replace("{page}",$mjj,$tnamerule)."' selected>$mjj</option>\r\n";
- }
- else
- {
- $optionlist .= "<option value='".str_replace("{page}",$mjj,$tnamerule)."'>$mjj</option>\r\n";
- }
- }
- $optionlist .= "</select></li>\r\n";
- //获得数字链接
- $listdd="";
- $total_list = $list_len * 2 + 1;
- if($this->PageNo >= $total_list)
- {
- $j = $this->PageNo-$list_len;
- $total_list = $this->PageNo+$list_len;
- if($total_list>$totalpage)
- {
- $total_list=$totalpage;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- $j=1;
- if($total_list>$totalpage)
- {
- $total_list=$totalpage;
- }
- }
- for($j;$j<=$total_list;$j++)
- {
- if($j==$this->PageNo)
- {
- $listdd.= "<li class=\"thisclass\">$j</li>\r\n";
- }
- else
- {
- $listdd.="<li><a href='".str_replace("{page}",$j,$tnamerule)."'>".$j."</a></li>\r\n";
- }
- }
- $plist = '';
- if(preg_match('/index/i', $listitem)) $plist .= $indexpage;
- if(preg_match('/pre/i', $listitem)) $plist .= $prepage;
- if(preg_match('/pageno/i', $listitem)) $plist .= $listdd;
- if(preg_match('/next/i', $listitem)) $plist .= $nextpage;
- if(preg_match('/end/i', $listitem)) $plist .= $endpage;
- if(preg_match('/option/i', $listitem)) $plist .= $optionlist;
- if(preg_match('/info/i', $listitem)) $plist .= $maininfo;
- return $plist;
- }
- /**
- * 获取动态的分页列表
- *
- * @access public
- * @param string $list_len 列表宽度
- * @param string $list_len 列表样式
- * @return string
- */
- function GetPageListDM($list_len,$listitem="index,end,pre,next,pageno")
- {
- global $cfg_rewrite;
- $prepage = $nextpage = '';
- $prepagenum = $this->PageNo-1;
- $nextpagenum = $this->PageNo+1;
- if($list_len=='' || preg_match("/[^0-9]/", $list_len))
- {
- $list_len=3;
- }
- $totalpage = ceil($this->TotalResult/$this->PageSize);
- if($totalpage<=1 && $this->TotalResult>0)
- {
- return "<li><span class=\"pageinfo\">共 1 页/".$this->TotalResult." 条记录</span></li>\r\n";
- }
- if($this->TotalResult == 0)
- {
- return "<li><span class=\"pageinfo\">共 0 页/".$this->TotalResult." 条记录</span></li>\r\n";
- }
- $maininfo = "<li><span class=\"pageinfo\">共 <strong>{$totalpage}</strong>页<strong>".$this->TotalResult."</strong>条</span></li>\r\n";
- $purl = $this->GetCurUrl();
- // 如果开启为静态,则对规则进行替换
- if($cfg_rewrite == 'Y')
- {
- $nowurls = preg_replace("/\-/", ".php?", $purl);
- $nowurls = explode("?", $nowurls);
- $purl = $nowurls[0];
- }
- $geturl = "tid=".$this->TypeID."&TotalResult=".$this->TotalResult."&";
- $purl .= '?'.$geturl;
- $optionlist = '';
- //$hidenform = "<input type='hidden' name='tid' value='".$this->TypeID."'>\r\n";
- //$hidenform .= "<input type='hidden' name='TotalResult' value='".$this->TotalResult."'>\r\n";
- //获得上一页和下一页的链接
- if($this->PageNo != 1)
- {
- $prepage.="<li><a href='".$purl."PageNo=$prepagenum'>上一页</a></li>\r\n";
- $indexpage="<li><a href='".$purl."PageNo=1'>首页</a></li>\r\n";
- }
- else
- {
- $indexpage="<li><a>首页</a></li>\r\n";
- }
- if($this->PageNo!=$totalpage && $totalpage>1)
- {
- $nextpage.="<li><a href='".$purl."PageNo=$nextpagenum'>下一页</a></li>\r\n";
- $endpage="<li><a href='".$purl."PageNo=$totalpage'>末页</a></li>\r\n";
- }
- else
- {
- $endpage="<li><a>末页</a></li>\r\n";
- }
- //获得数字链接
- $listdd="";
- $total_list = $list_len * 2 + 1;
- if($this->PageNo >= $total_list)
- {
- $j = $this->PageNo-$list_len;
- $total_list = $this->PageNo+$list_len;
- if($total_list>$totalpage)
- {
- $total_list=$totalpage;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- $j=1;
- if($total_list>$totalpage)
- {
- $total_list=$totalpage;
- }
- }
- for($j;$j<=$total_list;$j++)
- {
- if($j==$this->PageNo)
- {
- $listdd.= "<li class=\"thisclass\"><a>$j</a></li>\r\n";
- }
- else
- {
- $listdd.="<li><a href='".$purl."PageNo=$j'>".$j."</a></li>\r\n";
- }
- }
- $plist = '';
- if(preg_match('/index/i', $listitem)) $plist .= $indexpage;
- if(preg_match('/pre/i', $listitem)) $plist .= $prepage;
- if(preg_match('/pageno/i', $listitem)) $plist .= $listdd;
- if(preg_match('/next/i', $listitem)) $plist .= $nextpage;
- if(preg_match('/end/i', $listitem)) $plist .= $endpage;
- if(preg_match('/option/i', $listitem)) $plist .= $optionlist;
- if(preg_match('/info/i', $listitem)) $plist .= $maininfo;
- if($cfg_rewrite == 'Y')
- {
- $plist = str_replace('.php?tid=', '-', $plist);
- $plist = str_replace('&TotalResult=', '-', $plist);
- $plist = preg_replace("/&PageNo=(\d+)/i",'-\\1.html',$plist);
- }
- return $plist;
- }
- /**
- * 获得当前的页面文件的url
- *
- * @access public
- * @return string
- */
- function GetCurUrl()
- {
- if(!empty($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']))
- {
- $nowurl = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
- $nowurls = explode('?', $nowurl);
- $nowurl = $nowurls[0];
- }
- else
- {
- $nowurl = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];
- }
- return $nowurl;
- }
- }//End Class