hadoop2.2.0 core-site.xml--Rack Configuration

<!-- Rack Configuration -->

  <description> The default implementation of the DNSToSwitchMapping. It
    invokes a script specified in net.topology.script.file.name to resolve
    node names. If the value for net.topology.script.file.name is not set, the
    default value of DEFAULT_RACK is returned for all node names.


  <description> The script name that should be invoked to resolve DNS names to
    NetworkTopology names. Example: the script would take host.foo.bar as an
    argument, and return /rack1 as the output.


  <description> The max number of args that the script configured with 
    net.topology.script.file.name should be run with. Each arg is an
    IP address.



posted @ 2014-03-06 17:49  weian404  阅读(120)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报