Poj 2074 Line of Sight



Line of Sight
Time Limit: 1000MS   Memory Limit: 30000K
Total Submissions: 4148   Accepted: 1291


An architect is very proud of his new home and wants to be sure it can be seen by people passing by his property line along the street. The property contains various trees, shrubs, hedges, and other obstructions that may block the view. For the purpose of this problem, model the house, property line, and obstructions as straight lines parallel to the x axis: 

To satisfy the architect's need to know how visible the house is, you must write a program that accepts as input the locations of the house, property line, and surrounding obstructions and calculates the longest continuous portion of the property line from which the entire house can be seen, with no part blocked by any obstruction.


Because each object is a line, it is represented in the input file with a left and right x coordinate followed by a single y coordinate: 
< x1 > < x2 > < y > 
Where x1, x2, and y are non-negative real numbers. x1 < x2 
An input file can describe the architecture and landscape of multiple houses. For each house, the first line will have the coordinates of the house. The second line will contain the coordinates of the property line. The third line will have a single integer that represents the number of obstructions, and the following lines will have the coordinates of the obstructions, one per line. 
Following the final house, a line "0 0 0" will end the file. 
For each house, the house will be above the property line (house y > property line y). No obstruction will overlap with the house or property line, e.g. if obstacle y = house y, you are guaranteed the entire range obstacle[x1, x2] does not intersect with house[x1, x2].


For each house, your program should print a line containing the length of the longest continuous segment of the property line from which the entire house can be to a precision of 2 decimal places. If there is no section of the property line where the entire house can be seen, print "No View".

Sample Input

2 6 6
0 15 0
1 2 1
3 4 1
12 13 1
1 5 5
0 10 0
0 15 1
0 0 0

Sample Output

No View
思路:首先排除掉不在house和proprety line的y的区间中线段,再求出对于每个线段的在property上的不可见区间。



  1 /* 二维几何  */
  2 /* 需要包含的头文件 */
  3 #include<cstdio>
  4 #include <cstring>
  5 #include <cmath >
  6 #include <iostream>
  7 #include <algorithm>
  9 using namespace std;
 10 /** 常用的常量定义 **/
 11 const double INF  = 1e200;
 12 const double eps  = 1e-10;
 13 const double PI  = acos(-1.0);
 14 const int Max = 1e5;
 15 /** 基本几何结构 **/
 16 struct Point
 17 {
 18     double x,y;
 19     Point(double a=0, double b=0){x=a,y=b;}
 20     bool operator<(const Point &ta)const
 21     {
 22         if(x==ta.x)     return y<ta.y;
 23         return x<ta.x;
 24     }
 25     friend Point operator+(const Point &ta,const Point &tb)
 26     {
 27         return Point(ta.x+tb.x,ta.y+tb.y);
 28     }
 29     friend Point operator-(const Point &ta,const Point &tb)
 30     {
 31         return Point(ta.x-tb.x,ta.y-tb.y);
 32     }
 33 };
 34 struct Vec2D        ///二维向量,*重载为点乘,/重载为叉乘
 35 {
 36     double x,y;
 37     Vec2D(double ta,double tb){x=ta,y=tb;}
 38     Vec2D(Point &ta){x=ta.x,y=ta.y;}
 39     friend double operator*(const Vec2D &ta,const Vec2D &tb)
 40     {
 41         return ta.x*tb.x+ta.y*tb.y;
 42     }
 43     friend double operator/(const Vec2D &ta,const Vec2D &tb)
 44     {
 45         return ta.x*tb.y-ta.y*tb.x;
 46     }
 47     friend Vec2D operator+(const Vec2D &ta,const Vec2D &tb)
 48     {
 49         return Vec2D(ta.x+tb.x,ta.y+tb.y);
 50     }
 51     friend Vec2D operator-(const Vec2D &ta,const Vec2D &tb)
 52     {
 53         return Vec2D(ta.x-tb.x,ta.y-tb.y);
 54     }
 55     Vec2D operator=(const Vec2D &ta)
 56     {
 57         x=ta.x,y=ta.y;
 58         return *this;
 59     }
 60 };
 61 struct LineSeg      ///线段,重载了/作为叉乘运算符,*作为点乘运算符
 62 {
 63     Point s,e;
 64     LineSeg(){s=Point(0,0),e=Point(0,0);}
 65     LineSeg(Point a, Point b){s=a,e=b;}
 66     double lenth(void)
 67     {
 68         return sqrt((s.x-e.x)*(s.x-e.x)+(s.y-e.y)*(s.y-e.y));
 69     }
 70     friend double operator*(const LineSeg &ta,const LineSeg &tb)
 71     {
 72         return (ta.e.x-ta.s.x)*(tb.e.x-tb.s.x)+(ta.e.y-ta.s.y)*(tb.e.y-tb.s.y);
 73     }
 74     friend double operator/(const LineSeg &ta,const LineSeg &tb)
 75     {
 76         return (ta.e.x-ta.s.x)*(tb.e.y-tb.s.y)-(ta.e.y-ta.s.y)*(tb.e.x-tb.s.x);
 77     }
 78     LineSeg operator=(const LineSeg &ta)
 79     {
 80         s=ta.s,e=ta.e;
 81         return *this;
 82     }
 83 };
 84 struct Line         /// 直线的解析方程 a*x+b*y+c=0  为统一表示,约定 a >= 0
 85 {
 86     double a,b,c;
 87     Line(double d1=1, double d2=-1, double d3=0){ a=d1,b=d2,c=d3;}
 88 };
 90 int sgn(double ta,double tb);
 91 double fArea(Point &ta,Point &tb,Point &tc);
 92 bool intersect(LineSeg &lx,LineSeg &ly);
 93 bool intersection(LineSeg &lx,LineSeg &ly,Point &pt);
 94 double getdis(const Point &ta,const Point &tb);
 95 bool cmp(const Point &ta,const Point &tb);
 96 void graham(Point ps[],Point tb[],int n,int &num);
 97 void ConvexClosure(Point ps[],Point tb[],int n,int &num);
 99 void scf(LineSeg &lx)
100 {
101     cin>>lx.s.x>>lx.e.x>>lx.s.y;
102     lx.e.y=lx.s.y;
103 }
104 LineSeg hs,pl,cur,lx;
105 Point line[Max],tx,ty;
106 int main(void)
107 {
108     while(1)
109     {
110         int n,num=0;
111         scf(hs);
112         if(!(hs.s.x||hs.s.y||hs.e.x))
113             break;
114         scf(pl);
115         cin>>n;
116         for(int i=0;i<n;i++)
117         {
118             scf(cur);
119             if(sgn(cur.s.y,hs.s.y)<0&&sgn(cur.s.y,pl.s.y)>0)
120             {
121                 lx=LineSeg(hs.s,cur.e);
122                 intersection(lx,pl,tx);
123                 lx=LineSeg(hs.e,cur.s);
124                 intersection(lx,pl,ty);
125                 if(tx.x>=ty.x)
126                     line[num++]=Point(ty.x,tx.x);
127                 else
128                     line[num++]=Point(tx.x,ty.x);
129             }
130         }
131         sort(line,line+num);
132         double ans=0,rr=pl.s.x;
133         line[num++]=Point(pl.e.x,pl.e.x);
134         for(int i=0;i<num;i++)
135         if(!(line[i].y<pl.s.x || line[i].x>pl.e.x))
136         {
137             //printf("====%f %f\n",line[i].x,line[i].y);
138             line[i].x=max(pl.s.x,line[i].x);
139             line[i].y=min(pl.e.x,line[i].y);
140             if(line[i].x>rr)
141                 ans=max(ans,line[i].x-rr);
142             rr=max(line[i].y,rr);
143         }
144         if(sgn(ans,0))
145             printf("%.2f\n",ans);
146         else
147             printf("No View\n");
149     }
151     return 0;
152 }
157 /*******判断ta与tb的大小关系*******/
158 int sgn(double ta,double tb)
159 {
160     if(fabs(ta-tb)<eps)return 0;
161     if(ta<tb)   return -1;
162     return 1;
163 }
164 /*********求两点的距离*************/
165 double getdis(const Point &ta,const Point &tb)
166 {
167     return sqrt((ta.x-tb.x)*(ta.x-tb.x)+(ta.y-tb.y)*(ta.y-tb.y));
168 }
169 /************三角形面积**************************/
170 double fArea(Point &ta,Point &tb,Point &tc)
171 {
172     return fabs(LineSeg(ta,tb)/LineSeg(ta,tc)*0.5);
173 }
175 /*********** 判断P1P2是否和P3P4相交****************************
176     其中Pi坐标为(xi,yi),需要满足两个条件:
177     (1)快速排斥试验:
178         以P1P2为对角线的矩形S1是否和以P3P4为对角线的矩形S2相交,
179         即 min(x1,x2)<=max(x3,x4) && min(x3,x4)<=max(x1,x2)
180         && min(y1,y2)<=max(y3,y4) &&min(y3,y4)<=max(y1,y2)
181     (2)跨立试验:
182         点P1,P2必然在线段P3P4的不同侧,
183         点P3,P4必然在线段P1P2的不同侧,
184 ***************************************************************/
185 bool intersect(LineSeg &lx,LineSeg &ly)
186 {
187     return     sgn(min(lx.s.x,lx.e.x),max(ly.s.x,ly.e.x))<=0
188             && sgn(min(ly.s.x,ly.e.x),max(lx.s.x,lx.e.x))<=0
189             && sgn(min(lx.s.y,lx.e.y),max(ly.s.y,ly.e.y))<=0
190             && sgn(min(ly.s.y,ly.e.y),max(lx.s.y,lx.e.y))<=0
191             && sgn((lx/LineSeg(lx.s,ly.s))*(lx/LineSeg(lx.s,ly.e)),0)<=0
192             && sgn((ly/LineSeg(ly.s,lx.s))*(ly/LineSeg(ly.s,lx.e)),0)<=0;
193 }
194 /************线段求交点**************************
195     返回-1代表直线平行,返回0代表直线重合,返回1代表线段相交
196     利用叉积求得点P分线段DC的比,
197     然后利用高中学习的定比分点坐标公式求得分点P的坐标
198 **************************************************/
199 bool intersection(LineSeg &lx,LineSeg &ly,Point &pt)
200 {
201     pt=lx.s;
202     if(sgn(lx/ly,0)==0)
203     {
204         if(sgn(LineSeg(lx.s,ly.e)/ly,0)==0)
205             return 0;//重合
206         return -1;//平行
207     }
208     double t = (LineSeg(lx.s,ly.s)/ly)/(lx/ly);
209     pt.x+=(lx.e.x-lx.s.x)*t, pt.y+=(lx.e.y-lx.s.y)*t;
210     return 1;
211 }
212 /** ************凸包算法****************
213         寻找凸包的graham 扫描法
214         PS(PointSet)为输入的点集;
215         tb为输出的凸包上的点集,按照逆时针方向排列;
216         n为PointSet中的点的数目
217         num为输出的凸包上的点的个数
218 ****************************************** **/
219 bool cmp(const Point &ta,const Point &tb)/// 选取与最后一条确定边夹角最小的点,即余弦值最大者
220 {
221 //    double tmp=LineSeg(ps[0],ta)/LineSeg(ps[0],tb);
222 //    if(sgn(tmp,0)==0)
223 //        return getdis(ps[0],ta)<getdis(ps[0],tb);
224 //    else if(tmp>0)
225 //        return 1;
226     return 0;
227 }
228 void graham(Point ps[],Point tb[],int n,int &num)
229 {
230     int cur=0,top=2;
231     for(int i=1;i<n;i++)
232         if(sgn(ps[cur].y,ps[i].y)>0 || (sgn(ps[cur].y,ps[i].y)==0 && sgn(ps[cur].x,ps[i].x)>0))
233             cur=i;
234     swap(ps[cur],ps[0]);
235     sort(ps+1,ps+n,cmp);
236     tb[0]=ps[0],tb[1]=ps[1],tb[2]=ps[2];
237     for(int i=3;i<n;i++)
238     {
239         while(sgn(LineSeg(tb[top-1],tb[top])/LineSeg(tb[top-1],ps[i]),0)<0)
240             top--;
241         tb[++top]=ps[i];
242     }
243     num=top+1;
244 }
245 /** 卷包裹法求点集凸壳,参数说明同graham算法 **/
246 void ConvexClosure(Point ps[],Point tb[],int n,int &num)
247 {
248     LineSeg lx,ly;
249     int cur,ch;
250     bool vis[Max];
251     num=-1,cur=0;
252     memset(vis,0,sizeof(vis));
253     for(int i=1;i<n;i++)
254         if(sgn(ps[cur].y,ps[i].y)>0 || (sgn(ps[cur].y,ps[i].y)==0 && sgn(ps[cur].x,ps[i].x)>0))
255             cur=i;
256     tb[++num]=ps[cur];
257     lx.s=Point(ps[cur].x-1,ps[cur].y),lx.e=ps[cur];
258     /// 选取与最后一条确定边夹角最小的点,即余弦值最大者
259     while(1)
260     {
261         double mxcross=-2,midis,tmxcross;
262         ly.s=lx.e;
263         for(int i=0;i<n;i++)if(!vis[i])
264         {
265             ly.e=ps[i];
266             tmxcross=(lx*ly)/lx.lenth()/ly.lenth();
267             if(sgn(tmxcross,mxcross)>0 ||(sgn(tmxcross,mxcross)==0 && getdis(ly.s,ly.e)<midis))
268                 mxcross=tmxcross,midis=getdis(ly.s,ly.e),ch=i;
269         }
270         if(ch==cur)break;
271         tb[++num]=ps[ch],vis[ch]=1;
272         lx.s=tb[num-1],lx.e=tb[num],ly.s=tb[num];
273     }
274 }



posted @ 2017-02-04 13:46  weeping  阅读(166)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报