

Razor (一个集成的新的View Engine,使代码简洁了不少。)


JavaScript Improvements


Improved Validation


Output Caching

除了支持在url 或 action-method级别的支持外,新增对页面部分(partial page)的output支持(类似于以前的


Previous releases of ASP.NET MVC supported output caching content at a URL or action-method level

With ASP.NET MVC V3 we are also enabling support for partial page output caching


Better Dependency Injection

 You can instead just register a Dependency Injection framework with ASP.NET MVC 3




ASP.NET MVC 3 includes dozens of other nice improvements that help to both reduce the amount of code you write, and make the code you do write cleaner.  Here are just a few examples:

  • Improved New Project dialog that makes it easy to start new ASP.NET MVC 3 projects from templates.
  • Improved Add->View Scaffolding support that enables the generation of even cleaner view templates.
  • New ViewBag property that uses .NET 4’s dynamic support to make it easy to pass late-bound data from Controllers to Views.
  • Global Filters support that allows specifying cross-cutting filter attributes (like [HandleError]) across all Controllers within an app.
  • New [AllowHtml] attribute that allows for more granular request validation when binding form posted data to models.
  • Sessionless controller support that allows fine grained control over whether SessionState is enabled on a Controller.
  • New ActionResult types like HttpNotFoundResult and RedirectPermanent for common HTTP scenarios.
  • New Html.Raw() helper to indicate that output should not be HTML encoded.
  • New Crypto helpers for salting and hashing passwords.
  • And much, much more…



posted on 2011-01-30 15:18  leegool  阅读(395)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
