[COURSE_PTHE] 11. 会话捕获
1. 简介:会话捕获(Session Hijacking)
Want to know what happens during an actual website hack? This modules takes you there, shows you in detail, and give you the tools to accurately test.
In this module, you’ll learn different types of session hijacking, the different ways of launching a session hijack, how to dissect the TCP/IP Protocol Stack and what takes place at each layer of the protocol.
You’ll also learn advanced techniques for session hijacking at both the network and application layer, and the impact of both. Finally, you’ll examine the techniques that are and aren’t in use, and the current tools today.
The topics explored in the Session Hijacking module include:
- Whiteboard, which shows the interrelationship of all the basic components you’ll utilized for this module
- And the following labs:
- Hamster Lab
- Ferret Lab
Leo Dregier here in this module I want to talk about session hijacking. Now session hijacking is really fun penetration testing technique. Reason being is because you will ask somebody else to do all of the hard work and then you just take over their session. So you let then authenticate get access of the systems and then literally just take it over. So there is a couple of different ways in which we can go about doing that. One way is to actually brute force these session ID the session mechanisms. Every client server architecture is going to have some sort of mechanism or method in which the client and server keep track of each other. Some of this is easily disclosed simply by how we interact with the websites. Others are going to be little bit more difficult to enumerate. This is what we call blind session hijacking so we have application session hijacks. We have network session hijacking we need to deeply take apart the TCP/IP process and look at everything that goes on at layer three and all the way up to layer seven in a OSI model and we are going to talk about some of the advanced mechanisms and actually how this session hijacking takes place and then we will follow up with some of the tools that have locked over history some that still worked great today and some that are little bit outdated but also fun when they were available. So we are going to cover everything from basics of session hijacking. All the way to advanced session hijacking and from the network layer all the way up to the application layer. So stick with me and let us get started.
2. 框架
In this whiteboard lecture, you’ll learn about session hijacking: what it is, how to do it and the best tools for doing so. Session hijacking is finding and taking over an existing network session. Every time you are connected to the web you have a unique ID or session which defines you as a valid user. Hackers try to identify these IDs and then gain privileges as a valid user on the web.
Alright let us get into session hijacking. Session hijacking is a really fun module only because you have somebody else to do the hard work and then you get to reap the rewards from it. So let us take it apart section by section. So why does this happen? Some of the reason are obvious, some them are not so obvious. So let us look at them no account loss if you have an infinite session time between the client and server and you aren’t locking out or forcing a log of some sort. Then that becomes a ball of goodness for the penetration tester insecure session handling when does the session get created. Once it gets created before you authenticate and sometimes after authentication. It is really, really good for the penetration tester when it happens before you authenticate because if you can gather that session id prior to supplying your authentication. Well then you could perhaps predict the next round of session information or maybe a small session id if there is only an eight bit field then to power of 8 256 possible combinations. If there is a 16 bit field then 65000 combinations or if there is a 24 bit field well then they are 16 million possible combinations. So the longer the key spaces of the session id the more possible values that you have to exhaust in order to actually take over session. So from the pen testers point of view the shorter the session space the easier it is for the penetration tester. Also weak generation algorithms if you view generate your session id on a date time stamp well then that would be relatively easy. Because you just started guessing dates and times and then you use to construct your session id. Infinite session time if there is no log out or lock capability then you can stay connected for example X website but if you could just stay connected and come back 5 or 6 hours, 2 3 days later and you are still connected well then that exponentially increases the likelihood of someone being able to take over somebodies session. Anything in clear text is a value to the penetration tester because if it is in clear text you can read it. If you can read it and sniff it well then ultimately you can start predicting the sessions. We are always interested in predictable information whatever format that comes in. In most of the context here we are talking about the session ids in general but if anything is predictable that is always a value to the penetration tester. Also the sequence numbers in themselves how do you create the sequence number. How did the developer write them at first they may seem like it might not make any sense but a little bit of reverse engineering and you could get really, really valuable information really really quickly. So some of the basic concepts here I want to talk about and really just lay the foundation for why session hijacking is even possible. So the first piece of this is TCP three way handshake remember I am going to send a synchronization request to the server. The server is going to reply with an acknowledgment and their own synchronization request and then of course all I have to do is acknowledge it. That is your three way handshake so that ultimately can be manipulated in the context of session hijacking also spoofing versus hijacking well spoofing is simply claiming somebody else’s identity but it is normally directly from the client to the server. Whereas server session hijacking is really watching somebody else’s client to server and then ultimately inserting yourself either actively or passively to take over that. So identity spoofing is kind of a precursor or it is one style of attack session hijacking is really different altogether because you are realistically anticipating on I wish to have the option to take over somebody else’s session and get access to their resources which brings us to active versus passive. Passive session hijacking is realistically just listening or sniffing or eavesdropping to the details of the conversation where active that means to take our client our source of our client. We knock them offline and then actively their resources on the behalf of the original client. The server is indifferent of who is actually accessing the resources. So you are kind of swapping out the original source. Next we can go into application versus network this is really the focal point where you can focus your time. You could do network level session hijacking or you can do application session hijacking it just really depends on where do you want to exploit the software. Next is session IDs themselves so how are they created how are they used, how are they handled, how are they setup used terminated the penetration tester has got to spend a significant amount of time learning all of how this is done manually and then of course write algorithms so that computers or scripts can actually do this automatically. So while manually is very, very painful and it is working on how to do because if one lays the foundation for how this attacks works ideally what you want is to use a program where you just click a button and you say take over session. Let us do man in the browser. Any sort of software where you have to set up an internal proxy a good example of this burp suite. Because basically you are you own proxy and then that application sniffs all the traffic and then forwards it on. So effectively there is a proxy of some sort in the relationship between the original client and the server whether that happens directly through the web browser or in between over the network by a third party or penetration tester. So we just talked about man in browser but you then you also have men in the middle. So if it kind of the same concept except one is literally a redirect within a web browser application where the man in the middle technique is realistically across the network somewhere also easily accomplished through a cross side script. This is running a script from one site to another. So whether you are using the cross side script to steal a cookie or some other valuable information like a session id. Cross eyed scripting is a very, very popular attack especially nowadays. Alright this is the basic architecture it is client and server or the victim and some sort of application service and the attacker wants to monitor this conversation and knock the victim offline and then take over and get access to that server side service or resource, passively the attacker would just listen actively the attacker knocks the victim offline and then connects to the server. So that is the architecture so let us look at how this actually happens. If the attacker wanted to do a session hijacking attack then ultimately they are going to need to sniff traffic or monitor the traffic. This is where we can gain insight to the TCP through a handshake or how the application handles in the session or any sort of session ID information. Ultimately you are going to do this actively you are going to need to desynchronize the original victim or knock them off line and then once they are offline then you can just take over the session. Now the server or the service side of a relationship at this point they are not distinguishing between an authorized user and an unauthorized user because the original victim has already done all of the hard work. They have already offended they have already been authorized and you are just taking advantage of that. So the last step of this is realistically you can do whatever you want in the relationship. So this is the how do we actually do this? Okay. Now when it comes to session IDs there is kind of – sessions IDs are generic terms. But where do we use these sessions ID concepts if you will one kind of place that is easily identifiable and in clear text is right through the URL. This is where we do sniffing traffic going into the application data digging down and looking at the tool kit. Another place in which it has been found if it is not going to be directly in the URL. Some developers put it in a hidden form field. So you can use any sort of form dissecting or form scalpeland dig out the hidden form field information and this where tools like the Chrome browser make it really easy to tear apart and look at a web page and a source code of that and even to insert your own code and submit that to the server. Also another place in which it is very commonly used is through cookies and themselves. The cookies are just little pieces of code that the server will put on the client to remember things about the session. So the attacker in this case could write a script that says. Hey go get me this cookie from victim and give it back to me and that is where things like the session ID or time stamps or lots of value or information can be disclosed to the attacker. So that is why crossed eye scripting is very much in relationship to session hijacking because you are looking for very similar style information. Let us jump up here to techniques so ultimately we need to figure out how the applications are going to calculate your session IDs. Now there is the classic example of like a date and time stamp format but even that can hashed but you know the format in which the application is using it. It really doesn’t matter if it is hashed or not because you can use hashing calculators to ultimately figure out what the different sessions are. So they may not be as if encrypted at first glance ideally we want to steal session information that is what allows us to monitor the traffic and steal the session. There was a great Firefox plugin called fire sheet years ago and there swell spot has not been a great replacement for it. Moreover we are still looking for the replacement but it was a really great Firefox add-on and worked great on wireless networks. So you just had to connect to the same access point and anybody who is connected to any other popular social networking sites you can just monitor the sessions and literally click and take over session. It was really point and click graphical take over based. It was a phenomenal toll. Brute forcing there is another technique here. This is where you have some sort of URL and the session ID has some sort of weak generation. So I used an easy example here of 001 002 003 or this date and then add seconds to it or add milliseconds to it or add days to it. If it is easily predictable well then we can use that to our advantage as a penetration tester. Ultimately we can use forged ICMP or ARP request as well – so this where we have got what we call packeting crafting software. There is a variety of them out there but especially crafted packets to start manipulating pieces of this. I want to zoom out and look at the big picture here. Ultimately what we are doing here is we penetration testers we are experts analysts in terms of looking at information. So you have to learn how to sniff traffic dissect that stuff and really become an expert. As much as I consider myself a penetration tester I very much consider myself just a protocol analyst because it is one thing to watch protocols behave normally but once you know what normal behavior is well then you can start manipulating them and tweaking them in small different ways and you can start changing little tiny features of ICMP or ARP or routing protocols or applications. Ultimately to trick computers into giving you some sort of detailed or juicy information. So forging ICMP or forging request is really just two of the protocols here but you have got to think of this as full blown packet analysis penetration testers at the foundation must be experts in packet analysis at the end of the day. I would even go as far as to say log file analysis as well let us look at the network level couple of concepts here you have blind hijacking anything blind is a technique where you don’t see the results. Right so you don’t know if it works. It is kind of like throw in the grade on the other side of a wall and you don’t know if they blew up or not. Okay. Well we get the same thing from the network level Whether it be SQL injection or session hijacking code goes in but you don’t get any response or any information back to you to the end user or the penetration tester UDP hijacking is also possible while TCP has additional fields compared to that UDP. It has things like sequence number acknowledgements and sliding windows and flow control and has lots of information. UDP has none of that – one way that you can easily learn the difference between TCP and UDP is to sniff through some traffic. The sniffing module go back to that and we will watch it again. Because when you look at sniffing TCP verus UDP the best way to learn about these protocols is to sniff the traffic and watch the normal behavior over them. Once you understand the normal behavior then you can start using package crafters and then manipulating that to achieve some sort of an objective. Whether it be like men in the middle or cross side scripting or whatever. TCP/IP now we are still on version 4 so it is not going to away yet and I don’t think it is going to go away anytime soon. A version six has been out for some time now and we are just slowly starting to go in the IPv6 route in 2014. But it is not here yet. So there is still going to be plenty of hacking to do on TCP/IP version 4 networks for some time to come. So if you haven’t learnt TCP/IP version 4 it is never too late to learn. Because I still believe just like those old windows servers and NT 4 servers that are still around for whatever reason. There is still going to be TCP/IP version 4 networks for years and years and years to come. Reset hijacking now to appreciate reset hijacking you have to go and look at the TCP/IP protocol. Remember I sent you the synchronization you reply with your acknowledgement and your synchronization and then I finally acknowledge it. Well in a normal conversation if we are done. I would send a finished request or whatever side is done since the finish request. It is kind of analogous to when you are done talking on the phone if you are finished to say. Hey I am done I am going to hang up well a reset is kind of like all of a sudden the phone is disconnected and you have to pick up and redial again. So reset hijacking is realistically sending a reset packet to one side of the conversation. Either the victim or the server the client or the server and tricking them into some sort of behavior. So if I could send you a reset packet and you think I have been disconnected. Let me pick up the phone and dial again and this time you are dialing to the attacker as opposed to legitimate service while you could take over session. An easy way to get yourself is to be in the middle or IP spoofing and we have already covered that with spoofing your source address but it is just technically it is another component of network level of attacks. So we talked about the why we talked about concepts we talk about where it happened. We talked about the network level – now let us go and look at some of the counter measures. By far one of the easiest way is that you can prevent a session hijacking is to encrypt the traffic or what I generically say encrypt your stuff. Whatever that stuff is use protocols like SSH or HTTPS or whatever it is at the network layer you could use IP sec or you can use an application and use things like SSL SSH and TLS. Also use good random number generators. Some random number generators aren’t really that random. Which kind of defeats the purpose and I find irony in that because it is supposed to be random but it is not really random. It is called pseudo random as opposed to completely random use a really, really good random number generator. So that when you choose your session space with that session IP really comes out of thin air. It is not based on anything previous so that is good. Generate the session id after log on – you don’t want to give pieces to the attacker or penetration tester and then make them authenticate that discloses information. So encryption and disclosure work together – well the same thing here. If you generate the session id after you log in or log on then that naturally prevents certain information from being disclosed. Simply stated have a log out functionality and not only use two factor authentication but have a two factor challenge. It is a little bit more robust here but it is a great way to counter measure session hijacking. The reason being is because let us return the attacker takes over a session. If the attacker captures the authentication information and then the server says hey who are you. You just replay the authentication information and boom you are in. But now if you have to tie in two factors to – something you know – something you have or something you are in addition to just regular authentication well then the attacker or the penetration tester is ultimately stuck because now they don’t have what the original victim has. So use two factor challenges or two factor authentication that is a great, great counter measure. Education may people wear what strange behavior what does session hijacking look like. If they understand the symptoms of this well then they identify it. They might start logging out voluntarily on their own – I mean think of it this way. Would you start voluntarily logging out of your banking website. If you know that hey somebody else could take over and wipe out your account. I know I would also the concepts of switches versus – meaning virtual private connections versus shared mediums and things like access points. Wireless action points you can typically sniff a lot of the association type traffic that is kind of equivalent to a hub. You can switch that over to switched environment well then you have these virtual private connections. Well if port A and port 1 and port 3 communicate to each other none of the other ports on the switch or the medium should be able to hear what that conversation is. So it is kind of like a virtual private connection. Just between me and you – use strong authentication you can use tools like and there is other alternatives to arp watch out there but remember this is likely to happen on a switch or a network somewhere so arp watch detects the flooding or the knocking offline at layer 2. Also defensive in depth, in theory that is don’t rely on any one technique a variety of counter measures is probably the right way to go here. Also use time out features or log out or log off features. Keep your software up to date that always goes with best practices make sure that you are on the latest and greatest that way you naturally reduce your surface area of attack and then follow up with encryption at the network layer. Because session hijacking is either happening at the network level or at the application level. The more information you can naturally encrypt well then it is not disclosed. We want to protect things at the network layer using things like IP Sec therefore the attack or the penetration tester can’t hear what is going on. Then they can’t predict the session tokens – then they can’t take over the session. Doesn’t matter if it is at the network layer or the application layer. If you are using things like SSL and TLS well that would be great. Because now the penetration tester has the same exact problem – if they can’t sniff the traffic they can’t predict the sessions. If they can’t predict the sessions. They cannot insert themselves into the middle they cannot be offline etc. Session hijacking in itself is one of my favorite modules because realistically as a penetration tester you are letting somebody else do all of the hard work and you are taking an advantage of all of the weakness. Let all the hard work be done by somebody else and then you just reap the rewards of it and there are some pretty good tools out here that can do away with. Now some of the tools are like freeware oriented but commercial session high jacking tools are very, very expensive and script kitties aren’t likely to go for ten or fifteen thousand dollars for one piece of software. So session hijacking very, very important stuff can be done at the click of a button also can be done at the script kitty level but nonetheless very, very important. So let us go ahead and take a look at some examples.
3. Hamster使用
The first simulation lab in the Session Hijacking module talks about Hamster.
Hamster is a side-jacking sniffing tool. In this lab, you’ll learn how to configure Hamster for the specific targets you want to attack. This lab demo will teach you how to set up location specific targets and clone a session so that you can acquire a user’s browsing data. At the conclusion of this lab, you’ll know how to access user browser settings and cookies in order to perform session hijacking.
4. Ferret使用
This lab session talks about Ferret. You’ll observe a demonstration of Ferret being used to gain information. Ferret gives you the syntax to use and includes information such as the interface number to monitor when using IPCONFIG.
Hey Leo Dregier here. I want to show you a really, really cool tool which comes from the hamster and ferret suite. The classic sniffing and web application pen testing and session high jacking tools. So basically what I did is I copied the tools in the suite to the windows system 33 directory. This way I can just run the tool from the command prompt. So it is hamster ferret cascading style sheets and some java script files. So let us open up the command prompt and type ferret. Once you do that it will give you the syntax in which to actually use in this case. Ferret-i and the interface number where the number is the interface to monitor. A real easy way to check this is to do a IP config in windows and basically there are numerically an order so look a connection would be one that tunneling adapters and everything else would secretly go to 3,4,5 etc. So we will clear the screen let us do it again ferret and then we are going to do a ferret -i and I am going to do it for my ethernet interface and just hit enter here and basically you can see give you a quick idea of ferret 1.2.0 the name of the company which made it. The actual build which it is it is actually using the wind p cap traffic analysis and sniffing driver which is just package dll and the specific version. Now in the older days of windows and hacking when p-cap versioning mattered for most part I just install nowadays and whatever it is just seems to work. But that is based on the UNIX lib p cap device it also says the device so if I was curious by guessing in the dark and saying you could say 1. it is the intel network card that happened in the system. & sniffing on that interface it is an Ethernet interface and it is seeing in traffic. So what I am going to do basically is just open any webpage. We are just going to go to CNN.com and basically minimize that and you would be able to see the flood of traffic that basically gets dumped this captures and analyzes. Now not too much of interest in the fact that it is actually flooded but what I would do is actually capture this stuff that is going through my terminal and basically redirect that to like a aesthetic file where I could throw it nicely and dissect it and then I can search because you see some basic stuff like http traffic and then the host who that host is equal to in the URL and again it is not in an easy format much we can look at or review or analyze etc. So I would probably want to import the log file that I created by capturing into a file and then importing into a comma separated value. Choose that because of all of these commas that I see here. So that is how I would store the information in the file and I once I have it in the format in a particular file and then I can import that with another program and actually be able to store all of the host fields etc. or use excel where I could basically do some really good filtering a lot easier than you could a text file anyway. But nonetheless you can see just by opening the CNN home page. All sorts of stuff gets fired off. So you can source addresses names. All sort of stuff in here it is really to take you good half hour 45 minutes to really dig through this at least manually and start trying to make some sense out of what realistically is going on. But I said the value here is actually being able to filter this information. Ultimately you would be looking for things like this like this cookie that is here and if you can determine some of the parameters in the cookies or anything that is stored on the client machines etc. So that is it ferret the basic sniffing tool for application settings and if you want to kind of go away from the command line stuff here and then into realistically a GUi tool I want you to understand the basic of ferret and the types of information that ferret collects. Then you can move over to the burp suit and actually look at the stuff and not so command prompt type away. So that is it for this video my name is Leo Dregier. Don’t forget to check us out on Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube and Twitter.