如:可将 http://http://www.115sou.com/qq/ 重写为 http://www.115sou.com/show.aspx?id=qq
但不能将 http://qq.115sou.com/ 重写为 http://www.115sou.com/index.aspx?id=qq。
要实现这个功能,前提条件就是 http://www.115sou.com/ 是泛解析的,再就是要修改一下URLRewriter了。
protected virtual void BaseModuleRewriter_AuthorizeRequest(object sender, EventArgs e)
HttpApplication app = (HttpApplication) sender;
Rewrite(app.Request.Path, app);
HttpApplication app = (HttpApplication) sender;
Rewrite(app.Request.Path, app);
protected virtual void BaseModuleRewriter_AuthorizeRequest(object sender, EventArgs e)
HttpApplication app = (HttpApplication) sender;
Rewrite(app.Request.Url.AbsoluteUri, app);
HttpApplication app = (HttpApplication) sender;
Rewrite(app.Request.Url.AbsoluteUri, app);
就是将 app.Request.Path 替换成了 app.Request.Url.AbsoluteUri
for(int i = 0; i < rules.Count; i++)
// get the pattern to look for, and Resolve the Url (convert ~ into the appropriate directory)
string lookFor = "^" + RewriterUtils.ResolveUrl(app.Context.Request.ApplicationPath, rules[i].LookFor) + "$";
// Create a regex (note that IgnoreCase is set)
Regex re = new Regex(lookFor, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
// See if a match is found
if (re.IsMatch(requestedPath))
// match found - do any replacement needed
string sendToUrl = RewriterUtils.ResolveUrl(app.Context.Request.ApplicationPath, re.Replace(requestedPath, rules[i].SendTo));
// log rewriting information to the Trace object
app.Context.Trace.Write("ModuleRewriter", "Rewriting URL to " + sendToUrl);
// Rewrite the URL
RewriterUtils.RewriteUrl(app.Context, sendToUrl);
break; // exit the for loop
// get the pattern to look for, and Resolve the Url (convert ~ into the appropriate directory)
string lookFor = "^" + RewriterUtils.ResolveUrl(app.Context.Request.ApplicationPath, rules[i].LookFor) + "$";
// Create a regex (note that IgnoreCase is set)
Regex re = new Regex(lookFor, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
// See if a match is found
if (re.IsMatch(requestedPath))
// match found - do any replacement needed
string sendToUrl = RewriterUtils.ResolveUrl(app.Context.Request.ApplicationPath, re.Replace(requestedPath, rules[i].SendTo));
// log rewriting information to the Trace object
app.Context.Trace.Write("ModuleRewriter", "Rewriting URL to " + sendToUrl);
// Rewrite the URL
RewriterUtils.RewriteUrl(app.Context, sendToUrl);
break; // exit the for loop
for(int i = 0; i < rules.Count; i++)
// get the pattern to look for, and Resolve the Url (convert ~ into the appropriate directory)
string lookFor = "^" + rules[i].LookFor + "$";
// Create a regex (note that IgnoreCase is set)
Regex re = new Regex(lookFor, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
// See if a match is found
if (re.IsMatch(requestedPath))
// match found - do any replacement needed
string sendToUrl = RewriterUtils.ResolveUrl(app.Context.Request.ApplicationPath, re.Replace(requestedPath, rules[i].SendTo));
// log rewriting information to the Trace object
app.Context.Trace.Write("ModuleRewriter", "Rewriting URL to " + sendToUrl);
// Rewrite the URL
RewriterUtils.RewriteUrl(app.Context, sendToUrl);
break; // exit the for loop
// get the pattern to look for, and Resolve the Url (convert ~ into the appropriate directory)
string lookFor = "^" + rules[i].LookFor + "$";
// Create a regex (note that IgnoreCase is set)
Regex re = new Regex(lookFor, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
// See if a match is found
if (re.IsMatch(requestedPath))
// match found - do any replacement needed
string sendToUrl = RewriterUtils.ResolveUrl(app.Context.Request.ApplicationPath, re.Replace(requestedPath, rules[i].SendTo));
// log rewriting information to the Trace object
app.Context.Trace.Write("ModuleRewriter", "Rewriting URL to " + sendToUrl);
// Rewrite the URL
RewriterUtils.RewriteUrl(app.Context, sendToUrl);
break; // exit the for loop
string lookFor = "^" + RewriterUtils.ResolveUrl(app.Context.Request.ApplicationPath, rules[i].LookFor) + "$";
string lookFor = "^" + rules[i].LookFor + "$";