行列式取+_1的矩阵与逆矩阵其元素都是整数,, 可以使用matlab来找到这些矩阵
A* I =E A^-1 * E=I A与A^-1 加密矩阵与其逆矩阵, I是待加密矩阵, E是加密后的矩阵
long ENMatrix[16]={ 0, 1, 21, 1,2, 1, 3, 3,4, 0, 4, 1, 3, 0, 3, 1} long DEMatrix[16]={-1, 1, 5, -17,-1, 2, 12, -18, 1, -1, -4, 6, 0, 0, -3, 4} int MixArr[16]={1,3,2,6, 15,7,4,8,4, 10,6,3,4, ,6,7,8,5 } int i=1 int j =0 int s2 string s1 string ret="" string tmp="" string arr[16] j=len(vstr) if j <>16 then messagebox('错误','只接受16位字符') return "" end if //只接受16位密码 long srcMatrix[16] long tagMatrix[16] for i = 1 to j s1= mid(vstr,i,1) srcMatrix[i] = asc(s1) next int row int col for row=1 to 4 for col=1 to 4 tagMatrix[(row -1) * 4 + col]=& ENMatrix[(row -1)*4 +1] * srcMatrix[col -1 +1] & + ENMatrix[(row -1)*4 +2] * srcMatrix[col -1 +5] & + ENMatrix[(row -1)*4 +3] * srcMatrix[col -1 +9] & + ENMatrix[(row -1)*4 +4] * srcMatrix[col -1 +13] next next for i=1 to 16 tmp=string(tagMatrix[i]) arr[i]=right("000" +tmp ,4) next for i=1 to 16 tmp=arr[1] arr[1]=arr[MixArr[i]] arr[MixArr[i]]=tmp next for i=1 to 16 ret =ret+arr[i] next return ret
long ENMatrix[16]={ 0, 11, 2, 1,0, 1, 0, 3,14, 0, 4, 1, 3, 0, 3, 1} long DEMatrix[16]={-8, 1, 15, -17,-1, 2, 11, -15, 1, -1, -4, 6, 0, 0, -3, 4} int MixArr[16]={6,41,8, 15,2,4,14, 12,6,3,4, 13,7,8,5 } int i=1 int j =0 int s2 string s1 int arr[16] string tmp int tmpInt string ret j=len(vstr) if j <>16*4 then messagebox('错误','只接受16位字符') return "" end if //只接受16位密码 for i=1 to 16 arr[i]= integer(mid(vstr,(i -1)*4 +1,4)) next for i=1 to 16 tmpInt=arr[MixArr[16 -i+1]] arr[MixArr[16 -i+1]]=arr[1] arr[1]=tmpInt next long tagMatrix[16] int row int col for row=1 to 4 for col=1 to 4 tagMatrix[(row -1) * 4 + col]=& DEMatrix[(row -1)*4 +1] * arr[col -1 +1] & + DEMatrix[(row -1)*4 +2] * arr[col -1 +5] & + DEMatrix[(row -1)*4 +3] * arr[col -1 +9] & + DEMatrix[(row -1)*4 +4] * arr[col -1 +13] next next for i=1 to 16 ret=ret + char(tagMatrix[i]) next return ret