SQL 常用连接字符串

SQL 常用连接字符串
Standard Security:
使用 SQL Server 身份验证:

"Data Source=Aron1;Initial Catalog=pubs;User Id=sa;Password=asdasd;"
   - or -
"Server=Aron1;Database=pubs;User ID=sa;Password=asdasd;Trusted_Connection=False"

Trusted Connection:
使用 Windows 身份验证(信任连接):

"Data Source=Aron1;Initial Catalog=pubs;Integrated Security=SSPI;"
   - or -

Connect via an IP address:
"Data Source=,1433;Network Library=DBMSSOCN;Initial Catalog=pubs;User ID=sa;Password=asdasd;"

Enabling MARS (multiple active result sets):
仅仅支持 ADO.NET2.0


    Note! Use ADO.NET 2.0 for MARS functionality. MARS is not supported in ADO.NET 1.0 nor ADO.NET 1.1
    Streamline your Data Connections by Moving to MARS, by Laurence Moroney, DevX.com >>

Attach a database file on connect to a local SQL Server Express instance:

   - or -
   (use |DataDirectory| when your database file resides in the data directory)
            Why is the "Database" parameter needed? Answer: If the database was previously attached, SQL Server does not reattach it (it uses the attached database as the default for the connection).

Using "User Instance" on a local SQL Server Express instance:

"Data Source=.\SQLExpress;integrated security=true;attachdbfilename=|DataDirectory|\mydb.mdf;user instance=true;"

        The "User Instance" functionality creates a new SQL Server instance on the fly during connect. This works only on a local SQL Server 2005 instance and only when connecting using windows authentication over local named pipes. The purpose is to be able to create a full rights SQL Server instance to a user with limited administrative rights on the computer. To enable the functionality: sp_configure 'user instances enabled','1' (0 to disable)

        Using SQL Server 2005 Express? Don't miss the server name syntax: SERVERNAME\SQLEXPRESS (Substitute "SERVERNAME" with the name of the computer)

如果要进行同步/异步访问需要在字符串后面继续添加 Asynchronous Processing=true 默认关闭

如果要开启 MARS 则加上 MultipleActiveResultSets=True 默认开启。

posted @ 2007-12-23 09:36  吾爱乐乐  阅读(424)  评论(2编辑  收藏  举报