我们知道,c#所有类型都是从System.Object继承,int等值类型也逃脱不了这种命运,那难道值类型默认有装箱操作吗?答案是否,在CLR via这本书中有简短的解释说明:



3、Even though unboxed value types don’t have a type object pointer, you can still call virtual methods (such as Equals, GetHashCode, or ToString) inherited or overridden by the type. If your value type overrides one of these virtual methods, then the CLR can invoke the method nonvirtually because value types are implicitly sealed and cannot have any types derived from them. In addition, the value type instance being used to invoke the virtual method is not boxed. However, if your override of the virtual method calls into the base type's implementation of the method, then the value type instance does get boxed when calling the base type's implementation so that a reference to a heap object gets passed to the this pointer into the base method




var a=(System.ValueType)1;会发生装箱吗?答案是会