--1. 查询学生的基本信息; select * from student go --2. 查询“CS”系学生的基本信息; select * from student where sdept='cs' go --3. 查询“CS”系学生年龄不在19到21之间的学生的学号、姓名; select sno,sname from student where sdept='cs' and sage not between 19 and 21 go --4. 找出最大年龄; select max(sage) from student go --5. 找出“CS”系年龄最大的学生,显示其学号、姓名; select sno,sname from student where sdept='cs' and sage=(select max(sage) from student where sdept='cs' ) go --6. 找出各系年龄最大的学生,显示其学号、姓名; select sno,sname,sdept from student s1 where sage=(select max(sage) from student where sdept=s1.sdept ) go --7. 统计“CS”系学生的人数; select count(*) from student where sdept='cs' go --8. 统计各系学生的人数,结果按升序排列; select sdept,count(sno) as sm from student group by sdept order by sm go
select sdept,count(*) as dd
from student
group by sdept
order by dd
--9. 按系统计各系学生的平均年龄,结果按降序排列; select sdept,count(sage) as sm from student group by sdept order by sm desc go
select sdept,avg(sage)dd
from student
group by sdept
order by dd desc
--10. 查询每门课程的课程名; select cno,cname from course go
select cname from course
--11. 查询无先修课的课程的课程名和学分; select cname,ccredit from course where cpno is null go --12. 统计无先修课的课程的学分总数;//select * from course select sum(ccredit) from course where cpno is null go --13. 统计每位学生选修课程的门数、学分及其平均成绩; select sno,count(sc.cno),count(ccredit),avg(grade) from sc,course where sc.cno=course.cno group by sno go --14. 统计选修每门课程的学生人数及各门课程的平均成绩; select cno,count(sno),avg(grade) from sc group by cno go --15. 找出平均成绩在85分以上的学生,结果按系分组,并按平均成绩的升序排列; select sdept,sc.sno,avg(grade) from sc,student where sc.sno=student.sno group by sc.sno,sdept having avg(grade)>85 order by avg(grade)
--16. 查询选修了“1”或“2”号课程的学生学号和姓名; select distinct sc.sno,sname from sc,student where sc.sno=student.sno and (sc.cno='1' or sc.cno='2') go --17. 查询选修了“1”和“2”号课程的学生学号和姓名; select distinct sc.sno,sname from sc,student where sc.sno=student.sno and sc.cno='1' and sc.sno in(select sno from sc where cno='2') go
update sc set grade=0
where sno in
( selsct sno
from student
where sdept='cs')
--18. 查询选修了课程名为“数据库系统”且成绩在60分以下的学生的学号、姓名和成绩; select sc.sno,sname,grade from sc,student,course where sc.sno=student.sno and sc.cno=course.cno and course.cname='数据库系统' and grade<60 go
--19. 查询每位学生选修了课程的学生信息(显示:学号,姓名,课程号,课程名,成绩); selsct sc.sno,sname,sc.cno,cname,grade
from student,sc,course
where student.sno=sc.sno and course.cno=sc.cno
--20 查询没有选修课程的学生的基本信息; select sno,sname,sage from student where sno not in(select distinct sno from sc) go
select *
from student
where sno not in(select distinct sno from sc)
--21. 查询选修了3门及以上课程的学生学号; select sno from sc group by sno having count(cno)>=3 go --22. 查询选修课程成绩至少有一门在80分以上的学生学号; select distinct sno from sc where grade>80 go --23. 查询选修课程成绩均在80分以上的学生学号; select distinct sno from sc where sno not in(select distinct sno from sc where grade<80) go --24. 查询选修课程平均成绩在80分以上的学生学号; select sno from sc group by sno having avg(grade)>80 go