
While not all problems can be solved with hash tables, a shocking number of interview problems can be Before your interview, make sure to practice both using and implementinghash tables


1 public HashMap buildMap(Student[] students) {2 HashMap map = new HashMap();3 for (Student s : students) map.put(s.getId(), s);4 return map;5 }

ArrayList (Dynamically Resizing Array):


An ArrayList, or a dynamically resizing array, is an array that resizes itself as needed whilestill providing O(1) access A typical implementation is that when a vector is full, the arraydoubles in size Each doubling takes O(n) time, but happens so rarely that its amortized timeis still O(1)

数 组链表(大小可动态变化的数组)在使用中能够根据需要扩大数组的容量,并且能够提供O(1)的随机访问效率。数组链表典型的一种实现方法就是:当达到数组 上限,就将数组容量扩大一倍。虽然在扩大容量时候的时间复杂度为O(n),但是这样情况都较少发生,所以总的时间开销可近似为O(1)。

1 public ArrayList merge(String[] words, String[] more) {2 ArrayList sentence = new ArrayList();3 for (String w : words) sentence.add(w);4 for (String w : more) sentence.add(w);5 return sentence;6 }

StringBuffer / StringBuilder


Question: What is the running time of this code?
1 public String makeSentence(String[] words) {2 StringBuffer sentence = new StringBuffer();3 for (String w : words) sentence.append(w);4 return sentence.toString();5 }


Answer: O(n^2), where n is the number of letters in sentence Here’s why: each time youappend a string to sentence, you create a copy of sentence and run through all the letters insentence to copy them over If you have to iterate through up to n characters each time in the loop, and you’re looping at least n times, that gives you an O(n^2) run time Ouch! With StringBuffer (or StringBuilder) can help you avoid this problem 1 public String makeSentence(String[] words) {2 StringBuffer sentence = new StringBuffer();3 for (String w : words) sentence.append(w);4 return sentence.toString();5 }

答:O(n^2), 这里的n为字符串sentence中的字符的个数。理由如下:每次你在向字符串sentence串中才追加一个数组的时候,就需要重新复制一次 sentence中的字符,每次复制都需要从头到尾遍历一次sentence。这样的话把所有的单词追加到sentence中的时间复杂度为 O(n^2)。

1.1 Implement an algorithm to determine if a string has all unique characters What if you can not use additional data structures?
For simplicity, assume char set is ASCII (if not, we need to increase the storage size The rest of the logic would be the same) NOTE: This is a great thing to point out to your interviewer!
1 public static boolean isUniqueChars2(String str) {
2 boolean[] char_set = new boolean[256];
3 for (int i = 0; i < str.length(); i++) {
4 int val = str.charAt(i);
5 if (char_set[val]) return false;
6 char_set[val] = true;
7 }
8 return true;
9 }
We can reduce our space usage a little bit by using a bit vector We will assume, in the below code, that the string is only lower case ‘a’ through ‘z’ This will allow us to use just a single int
Alternatively, we could do the following:

1 Check every char of the string with every other char of the string for duplicate occurrences This will take O(n^2) time and no space
2 If we are allowed to destroy the input string, we could sort the string in O(n log n) time and then linearly check the string for neighboring characters that are identical Careful, though - many sorting algorithms take up extra space

1.1 设计算法判断一个字符串中字符都是否唯一的。如果不能使用额外的数据结构呢?



1. 检查每一个字符在字符串中的出现次数,这样的方法时间复杂度为O(n^2),但是空间复杂度为0。
2. 如果字符串中的内容可以破坏的话。我们可以将字符串中的字符排序(时间复杂度为O(nlogn)),然后遍历字符串中的某个字符相邻的字符时候相同。但是要注意有些排序算法是需要额外的存储空间的。

1.2 Write code to reverse a C-Style String (C-String means that “abcd” is represented as five characters, including the null character )SOLUTION :This is a classic interview question  The only “gotcha” is to try to do it in place, and to be care- ful for the null character  1    void reverse(char *str) { 2         char * end = str; 3         char tmp; 4         if (str) { 5              while (*end) { 6                  ++end; 7              } 8              --end; 9              while (str < end) {  10                tmp = *str;  11                *str++ = *end;  12                *end-- = tmp;  13            }  14       } 15  }

 1.2 实现C语言风格的字符串反转的算法

1.3 Design an algorithm and write code to remove the duplicate characters in a string without using any additional buffer NOTE: One or two additional variables are fine An extra copy of the array is notFOLLOW UPWrite the test cases for this method

1.3 设计一个算法移除字符串中的重复字符,算法不使用额外缓冲。并对你的算法设计测试用例。注意:一两个变量使用当是OK的,但是复制整个数组就不行了。
1. 对每个字符判断是否为重复字符。
2. 重复字符直接跳过,非重复字符记录。

1. 无重复字符:abcd;
2. 全重复字符:aaaa;
3. 无效字符串:null;
4. 连续重复字符串:aaaabbbb;
5. 非连续重复字符串:abcabc;


1. 无重复字符:abcd;
2. 全重复字符:aaaa;
3. 无效字符串:null;
4. 空字符串:empty
5. 连续重复字符串:aaaabbbb;
6. 非连续重复字符串:abcabc;

1.4 Write a method to decide if two strings are anagrams or not

1.4 写一个函数判断两个字符串是否使用相同的字符构成。
法1 排序法

法2 计数法

1.5 Write a method to replace all spaces in a string with ‘%20’

1.5 编写代码将字符串在中的空格替换为‘%20’
1 遍历字符串,记录下有多少个空格;
2 从字符串尾部重新解析:
  (1) 如果当前字符为空格,在写入字符串'%20'
  (2) 非空格则直接记录。

1.6 Given an image represented by an NxN matrix, where each pixel in the image is 4 bytes, write a method to rotate the image by 90 degrees Can you do this in place?

1.6 给出一张图片,表示为NXN的居然,每个像素点为4字节。写一个函数实现将这张图片旋转90°。

1.7 Write an algorithm such that if an element in an MxN matrix is 0, its entire row and column is set to 0

1.7 实现算法:在一个MxN的矩阵中,如果某一元素为0,则将其所在的行和列都置为零。

1.8 Assume you have a method isSubstring which checks if one word is a substring of another Given two strings, s1 and s2, write code to check if s2 is a rotation of s1 using only one call to isSubstring (i e , “waterbottle” is a rotation of “erbottlewat”)

1.8 假设你已经有一个函数用来 isSubstring(s1,s2) 用来判断字符串s1是否是字符串s2的子串。那么现在给你一个字符串s1和s2,让你判断s1是否是s2循环位移得到的。你的算法中只能调用一次isSubstring (比如“waterbottle”循环位移就可以得到"erbottlewat")。
1 如果length(s1)!= length(s2) 返回 false
2 将是s1和本身连接,得到新字符串s1',调用isSubstring(s2,s1')判断s2是否为s1'的字符串。


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