

2012-10-20 16:04  钱吉  阅读(338)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报

简单的单向链表的实现,主要功能包括:链表反转 元素获取 链表合并。

 3 #include <iostream>
 4 using namespace std;
 6 typedef struct _ListNode
 7 {
 8     int data;
 9     _ListNode *pnext;
11 }ListNode,*pListNode;
12 class LinkList
13 {
14 public:
15     LinkList();
16     LinkList(int n);
17     LinkList(LinkList &list);
18     ~LinkList();
20     void Add(int data);
21     void Del(int npos);                        //delete the node in postion npos
22     bool Inverse();                            //inverse the list
23     bool PurgeItem(int data);                  //delete the node with const data
24     LinkList* MergeList(LinkList *plist1);     //merge the two list of same ascending order
25     void PrintAllItem();                       //print all element in list
26     int GetSize() {return nsize;}              //return the size of list
27     bool GetElement(int &data, int npos);      //get the value in the postion of npos in list
28 private:
29     int nsize;
30     pListNode phead;
31 };
32 #endif


  1 #include "Linklist.h"
  3 LinkList::LinkList()
  4 {
  5     phead = NULL;
  6     nsize = 0;
  7 }
  8 LinkList::LinkList(int n)
  9 {
 10     int i;
 11     pListNode p;
 12     pListNode ptemp;
 13     nsize = n;
 14     phead = NULL;
 15     if (n>0)
 16     {
 17         phead = new ListNode;
 18         phead->pnext = NULL;
 19         phead->data = 0;
 20         p = phead;
 21     }
 22     for (i=0; i<n-1; i++)
 23     {
 24         ptemp = new ListNode;
 25         ptemp->data = 0;
 26         ptemp->pnext = NULL;
 27         p->pnext = ptemp;
 28         p = ptemp;
 29     }
 30 }
 31 LinkList::LinkList(LinkList &list)
 32 {
 33     int i;
 34     pListNode plast;
 35     pListNode ptemp;
 36     pListNode psrc  = list.phead;
 37     phead = NULL;
 38     nsize = list.nsize;
 39     //deeply copy
 40     for (i=0; i<nsize; i++)
 41     {
 42         ptemp = new ListNode;
 43         ptemp->data = psrc->data;
 44         ptemp->pnext = NULL;
 45         if(phead == NULL)
 46         {
 47             phead = ptemp;
 48             plast = ptemp;
 49         }
 50         else
 51         {
 52             plast->pnext = ptemp;
 53         }
 54         psrc = psrc->pnext;
 55     }
 56 }
 58 LinkList::~LinkList()
 59 {
 60     pListNode p = phead;
 61     while(nsize)
 62     {
 63         Del(nsize-1);
 64     }
 65 }
 67 void LinkList::Add(int data)
 68 {
 69     pListNode ptemp1;
 70     pListNode ptemp2;
 71     if (phead == NULL)
 72     {
 73         ptemp1 = new ListNode;
 74         phead = ptemp1;
 75         phead->data = data;
 76         phead->pnext = NULL;
 77         nsize++;
 78     }
 79     else
 80     {
 81         ptemp1 = phead;
 82         while(ptemp1->pnext != NULL)
 83         {
 84             ptemp1 = ptemp1->pnext;
 85         }
 86         ptemp2 = new ListNode;
 87         ptemp2->data = data;
 88         ptemp2->pnext = NULL;
 89         ptemp1->pnext = ptemp2;
 90         nsize++;
 91     }
 92 }
 93 void LinkList::Del(int npos)
 94 {
 95     int ncount=0;
 96     pListNode ptemp = phead;
 97     pListNode plast;
 98     if (npos<0 || npos > nsize)
 99         return;
100     while (ptemp != NULL)
101     {
102         if (ncount == npos && ncount==0)
103         {
104             //delete the head
105             phead = phead->pnext;
106             delete ptemp;
107             ptemp = phead;
108             nsize--;
109         }
110         else if (ncount == npos)
111         {
112             plast->pnext = ptemp->pnext;
113             delete ptemp;
114             ptemp = plast->pnext;
115             nsize--;
116             continue;
117         }
118         else
119         {
120             plast = ptemp;
121             ptemp = ptemp->pnext;
122         }
123         ncount++;
124     }
125 }
126 bool LinkList::Inverse()
127 {
128     if (phead == NULL)
129         return false;
130     pListNode pdown=NULL,pcurrent=phead,ptemp1,ptemp2;
131     while (pcurrent->pnext != NULL)
132     {
133         ptemp1 = pcurrent;
134         ptemp2 = pdown;
135         pcurrent = pcurrent->pnext;
136         pdown = ptemp1;
137         pdown->pnext = ptemp2;
138     }
139     phead = pcurrent;
140     phead->pnext = pdown;
141     return true;
142 }
143 bool LinkList::PurgeItem(int data)
144 {
145     pListNode p = phead;
146     pListNode plast;
147     while (p != NULL)
148     {
149         if(p->data == data && p==phead)
150         {
151             delete p;
152             phead = p->pnext;
153             nsize--;
154             return true;
155         }
156         else if(p->data == data)
157         {
158             plast->pnext = p->pnext;
159             delete p;
160             nsize--;
161             return true;
162         }
163         else
164         {
165             plast = p;
166             p = p->pnext;
167         }
168     }
169     return false;
170 }
171 /****************************************************
172 /****precondition:the two list has sorted by some rule
173 ****************************************************/
174 LinkList* LinkList::MergeList(LinkList *plist1)
175 {
176     LinkList *plistnew = NULL;
177     ListNode *ptemp1 = NULL;
178     ListNode *ptemp2 = NULL;
179     ListNode *ptemp3 = NULL;
180     int i;
181     if (plist1 == NULL)
182     {
183         plistnew = new LinkList(nsize);
184         ptemp1 = plistnew->phead;
185         ptemp2 = phead;
186         if (ptemp1==NULL)
187             return NULL;
188         for (i=0; i<nsize; i++)
189         {
190             ptemp1->data = ptemp2->data;
191             ptemp1=ptemp1->pnext;
192             ptemp2=ptemp2->pnext;
193         }
194     }
195     else
196     {
197         plistnew = new LinkList(nsize+plist1->nsize);
198         ptemp1 = plistnew->phead;
199         ptemp2 = phead;
200         ptemp3 = plist1->phead;
201         while (ptemp2 != NULL && ptemp3 != NULL)
202         {
203             if (ptemp2->data < ptemp3->data)
204             {
205                 ptemp1->data = ptemp2->data;
206                 ptemp2 = ptemp2->pnext;
207             }
208             else
209             {
210                 ptemp1->data = ptemp3->data;
211                 ptemp3 = ptemp3->pnext;
212             }
213             ptemp1 = ptemp1->pnext;
214         }
216         while(ptemp2 != NULL)
217         {
218             ptemp1->data = ptemp2->data;
219             ptemp2 = ptemp2->pnext;
220             ptemp1=ptemp1->pnext;
221         }
222         while(ptemp3 != NULL)
223         {
224             ptemp1->data = ptemp3->data;
225             ptemp3 = ptemp3->pnext;
226             ptemp1=ptemp1->pnext;
227         }
228     }
229     return plistnew;
230 }
232 void LinkList::PrintAllItem()
233 {
234     pListNode p = phead;
235     if (p == NULL)
236         return;
237     printf("All the data in list is:\n");
238     while(p!=NULL)
239     {
240         printf("%d ",p->data);
241         p = p->pnext;
242     }
243     printf("\nending\n");
244 }
245 bool LinkList::GetElement(int &data, int npos)
246 {
247     int ntemp = 0;
248     int ncount = 0;
249     pListNode p = phead;
250     if (npos<0 || npos>=nsize)
251         return false;
252     while (p != NULL)
253     {
254         if (ncount == npos)
255         {
256             data = p->data;
257             return true;
258         }
259         ncount++;
260         p = p->pnext;
261     }
262     return false;
263 }


 1 #include "Linklist.h"
 2 #include <iostream>
 3 using namespace std;
 5 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
 6 {
 7     LinkList list1,list2;
 8     LinkList *pResult;
 9     int data;
10     int ncount = 5;
11     cout<<"please input the five element of list1"<<endl;
12     while(ncount--)
13     {
14         scanf("%d",&data);
15         list1.Add(data);
16     }
17     printf("Size of list1 is:%d\n",list1.GetSize());
18     list1.PrintAllItem();
19     list1.Inverse();
20     printf("/************Inverse the list************/\n");
21     list1.PrintAllItem();
22     printf("/*********get the element in postion 2***/\n");
23     list1.GetElement(data,2);
24     printf("The element is:%d\n",data);
25      printf("/****del the first node wiht data 3******/\n");
26      list1.PurgeItem(data);
27      list1.PrintAllItem();
29      ncount = 5;
30      cout<<"please input the five element of list2"<<endl;
31      while (ncount--)
32      {
33          scanf("%d",&data);
34          list2.Add(data);
35      }
36      list2.PrintAllItem();
37      pResult = list1.MergeList(&list2);
38     //pResult = list1.MergeList(0);
39     printf("/********Merge the two list**************/\n");
40     pResult->PrintAllItem();
42      if (pResult != NULL)
43      {
44          delete pResult;
45          pResult = NULL;
46      }
47     return 0;
48 }
