Boost Graph Library materials

Needed to compute max flow in a project and found the official document of BGL to be rather obscure, hence record some materials which I think can help to understand this library a little better:


This is the official book of boost. The explanation is clear and elaborate. Very good introduction, but the version of boost seems a little bit old and it does not cover flow computing:


This IBM tutorial can serve as a supplement of the above official introduction:


Other than the examples in boost documents, I found this piece of codes especially helpful for building a flow network:


This seems to be just the compilation of all examples in boost documents, a little helpful anyway:


The following should be an in-depth explanation of the libary, however, I haven't read any:


Of course, the boost document should serve as another in-depth explanation :-)


posted @ 2019-05-11 08:45  waytofall  阅读(287)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报