
3 - Ansible common modules Part 1

2021-08-07 18:45  WayneWei  阅读(20)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
  1. Overview
    At this post we will reveal below ansible modules and get them on practice with examples
    command copy file
    user group service
    script setup  

  2. Ansible module - command

    Example: Run command to get ip address from remote server
    Execute below command from shell-master node, ansible will post the command to specified inventory node for execution:

    ansible webservers -m command -a "ip addr"

  3. Ansible module - copy
    [root@shell-master ~]# ansible-doc -s copy
    - name: Copy files to remote locations

    Example: Copy local file to remote target server

    First we create 1 simple file on shell-master

    Then using Ansible copy module copy it to remote server
    [root@shell-master ~]# ansible webservers -m copy -a "src=copy-to-remote.txt dest=/tmp/ mode=755 owner=wayne"

    Once the command finished, login back to shell-node1 check if the file been copied to required location as required:

  4. Ansible module - file
    [root@shell-master ~]# ansible-doc -s file
    - name: Manage files and file properties

    Example: Let's update the file attribute we just copied to remote server from step 3
    Run below command, to change the file's owner from wayne to root, change the access mode from 755 to 777

    [root@shell-master ~]# ansible webservers -m file -a "path=/tmp/copy-to-remote.txt owner=root mode=777"

    After the command done for running, go back to shell-node1, verify if the file properties been updated: