MySQL 过滤复制+复制映射 配置方法
node1 和 node2 为两台不同业务的MySQL服务器。
业务方有个需求,需要将node1上的 employees库的departments 、dept_manager 这2张表同步到 node2 的 hellodb 库下面。
- 版本升级,5.5 -> 5.7
- 复制过滤,只复制 departments 、dept_manager 2张表
- 重写库名,主库名为 employees ,备库名为 hellodb
接下来,我们一步步解决上述的 3 个问题。
原主库版本是 5.5.57,新库版本是 5.7.21(开启了gtid,master_auto_position=1)。
# node2 && node3
stop slave; CHANGE MASTER TO master_auto_position=0; start slave;
然后关掉 GTID:
# node2 && node3
# node2: set global gtid_mode=ON_PERMISSIVE; # node3: set global gtid_mode=ON_PERMISSIVE; # node2: set global gtid_mode=OFF_PERMISSIVE; # node3: set global gtid_mode=OFF_PERMISSIVE; # node2: set global gtid_mode=OFF; # node3: set global gtid_mode=OFF; # node2: set global enforce_gtid_consistency=OFF; # node3: set global enforce_gtid_consistency=OFF;
# 注意 GTID 的在线开启和关闭,主从需要依次逐步开启
这样,5.5 到 5.7 的复制就不会有GTID的硬性问题了(如果你碰到其他不兼容,比如datetime默认值问题,谷歌解决即可)
然后把 node1 的employees库的departments 、dept_manager 这2张表同步到 node3 的 hellodb 库下面。
# node3
stop slave; change master to ...
# 开启 GTID
主从: set global gtid_mode=OFF_PERMISSIVE;
主从: set global gtid_mode=ON_PERMISSIVE;
主从: set global enforce_gtid_consistency=ON;
主从: set global gtid_mode=ON;
# 改 auto_increment = 1
stop slave;
CHANGE MASTER TO master_auto_position=1;
start slave;
接下来设置复制过滤,我采用了笨重的重启方法(5.7 已经支持在线设置复制过滤了),这也是为什么业务迁到 node2,我却用node3 作为 node1的从库,因为需要重启。
replicate-rewrite-db = employees -> hellodb replicate-wild-do-table=hellodb.departments replicate-wild-do-table=hellodb.dept_manager 注意,如果有 replicate-rewrite-db , replicate-wild-do-table 后面的库名要写 rewrite 之后的库名,而不是原来的库名。
然后重启 node3,现在,node1 employees 库下面的 departments 、dept_manager 表,就会实时同步到 node3和node2 。
node1 -> node3 -> node2
show slave status\G
Replicate_Wild_Do_Table: hellodb.departments,hellodb.dept_manager
Replicate_Rewrite_DB: (employees,hellodb)
Syntax: CHANGE REPLICATION FILTER filter[, filter][, ...] filter: REPLICATE_DO_DB = (db_list) | REPLICATE_IGNORE_DB = (db_list) | REPLICATE_DO_TABLE = (tbl_list) | REPLICATE_IGNORE_TABLE = (tbl_list) | REPLICATE_WILD_DO_TABLE = (wild_tbl_list) | REPLICATE_WILD_IGNORE_TABLE = (wild_tbl_list) | REPLICATE_REWRITE_DB = (db_pair_list) db_list: db_name[, db_name][, ...] tbl_list: db_name.table_name[, db_table_name][, ...] wild_tbl_list: 'db_pattern.table_pattern'[, 'db_pattern.table_pattern'][, ...] db_pair_list: (db_pair)[, (db_pair)][, ...] db_pair: from_db, to_db
# 设置只同步db1,db2这2个库:(要先停止SQL线程) 使用命令很简单:CHANGE REPLICATION FILTER REPLICATE_DO_DB = (db1, db2); # 要是又要全部的库都要同步该如何操作呢,也很简单。 STOP SLAVE SQL_THREAD; CHANGE REPLICATION FILTER REPLICATE_DO_DB = (); start SLAVE SQL_THREAD;
# 置空多个过滤设置
CHANGE REPLICATION FILTER REPLICATE_REWRITE_DB=(),REPLICATE_WILD_DO_TABLE=(); # 同样可以可以设置只同步某个库下面的某张表,或者不同步某个库下面的某张表。看命令。 mysql> CHANGE REPLICATION FILTER -> REPLICATE_WILD_DO_TABLE = ('db1.t1%'), -> REPLICATE_WILD_IGNORE_TABLE = ('db1.t2%'); # 设置同时同步1个库下面的某些表可以这样写: mysql> CHANGE REPLICATION FILTER -> REPLICATE_WILD_DO_TABLE = ('db2.t1%','db2.t2%');
# 设置重写DB:(注意需要加2个括号,否则语法报错,2个括号是因为可以同时设置多对重写规则)
CHANGE REPLICATION FILTER REPLICATE_REWRITE_DB = ((db_activity,db_webadmin),(db_a,db_b));
# 设置重写 8.0才支持 for channel 语法
Only DML statements can be logged using the row format. DDL statements are always logged as statements, even when binlog_format=ROW.
All DDL statements are therefore always filtered according to the rules for statement-based replication.
This means that you must select the default database explicitly with a USE statement in order for a DDL statement to be applied.
意思是说,DDL语句永远是以 statement-based 的格式记录在binlog中的(即使 binlog_format=ROW)。在复制过滤中,要使 DDL 在设置复制过滤的从库生效,必须显示指定数据库(使用 USE db 语句)。
由此,小编做了一个测试,A B C 三个实例,B是A的从库,C是设置了复制过滤的A的从库。在A执行语句:
ALTER TABLE `db1`.`tb1` DROP INDEX `idx_abc`, ADD INDEX `idx_abc` (`a`,`b`,`c`);
use `test`/*!*/; SET TIMESTAMP=1566374584/*!*/; SET @@session.sql_mode=0/*!*/; /*!\C utf8 *//*!*/; SET @@session.character_set_client=33,@@session.collation_connection=33,@@session.collation_server=45/*!*/; ALTER TABLE `db1`.`tb1` DROP INDEX `idx_abc`, ADD INDEX `idx_abc` (`a`,`b`,`c`) /*!*/;
可以看到,在未显示 USE db 的情况下,MySQL使用了默认的test库。结果是:B节点正确复制了该语句,C节点却没有。在C的error log中找到如下错误信息:
2019-08-21T16:03:04.376974+08:00 144172 [Note] Slave SQL for channel '': Worker 1 failed executing transaction 'ANONYMOUS' at master log mysql-bin.616178, end_log_pos 31881792; Could not execute Query event. Detailed error: Slave SQL thread ignored the query because of replicate-*-table rules; Error log throttle is enabled. This error will not be displayed for next 60 secs. It will be suppressed, Error_code: 1237
(一)对于 Database-Level Replication,MySQL的处理流程如下:
1. Which logging format is used?
- STATEMENT. Test the default database.
- ROW. Test the database affected by the changes.
2. Are there any --replicate-do-db options?
- Yes. Does the database match any of them?
- Yes. Continue to Step 4.
- No. Ignore the update and exit.
- No. Continue to step 3.
3. Are there any --replicate-ignore-db options?
- Yes. Does the database match any of them?
- Yes. Ignore the update and exit.
- No. Continue to step 4.
- No. Continue to step 4.
4. Proceed to checking the table-level replication options, if there are any. For a description of how these options are checked, see Section, “Evaluation of Table-Level Replication Options”.
(二)对于 Table-Level Replication,MySQL的处理流程如下:
1. Are there any table replication options?
- Yes. Continue to step 2.
- No. Execute the update and exit.
2. Which logging format is used?
- STATEMENT. Carry out the remaining steps for each statement that performs an update.
- ROW. Carry out the remaining steps for each update of a table row.
3. Are there any --replicate-do-table options?
- Yes. Does the table match any of them?
- Yes. Execute the update and exit.
- No. Continue to step 4.
- No. Continue to step 4.
4. Are there any --replicate-ignore-table options?
- Yes. Does the table match any of them?
- Yes. Ignore the update and exit.
- No. Continue to step 5.
- No. Continue to step 5.
5. Are there any --replicate-wild-do-table options?
- Yes. Does the table match any of them?
- Yes. Execute the update and exit.
- No. Continue to step 6.
- No. Continue to step 6.
6. Are there any --replicate-wild-ignore-table options?
- Yes. Does the table match any of them?
- Yes. Ignore the update and exit.
- No. Continue to step 7.
- No. Continue to step 7.
7. Is there another table to be tested?
- Yes. Go back to step 3.
- No. Continue to step 8.
8. Are there any --replicate-do-table or --replicate-wild-do-table options?
- Yes. Ignore the update and exit.
- No. Execute the update and exit.
注意:如果一张表同时被设置了 --replicate-do-table and --replicate-wild-do-table option, 或 --replicate-ignore-table and --replicate-wild-ignore-table ,那么只有 binlog_format=ROW 的 DML 语句可以被复制到从库。