Balsamiq Mockups





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    好吧,我承认,发布这篇随笔的目的是为了获取该软件的License。这款软件的for Desktop版本可以免费下载,不过功能上有很多限制,当然,如果符合以下条件,你可以获取一份免费的License Key:

  • If your company bought Mockups for Confluence, JIRA or XWiki, ask your IT admin for your company's license information and use it FREE of charge.
  • If you are a do-gooder of any sort (non-profit, charity, open-source contributor, you get the idea), email us with a short blurb and we'll send you a license, FREE of charge.
  • If you are a technical/software blogger or journalist willing to write us up (honest reviews are the most useful to us) email us a short blurb with the link to your blog and we'll send you a license, FREE of charge, so that you can evaluate Mockups properly.
  • If you are willing to demo Mockups to an audience of at least 15 people (at a user group, a conference, a BarCamp), email us your info and we'll give you two licenses, one for you to keep and one to give away at the event, FREE of charge.
  • If you teach a high-school class, email us the name of your school and your class, plus the number of students in your class. We will send you a license for all of them.
  • A note to university students and professors: we currently do not offer free licenses to universities, but we'll be happy to offer you an additional 50% off any orders of 10 or more licenses. Let us know if you're interested and we'll set up a discount code for you.




    话说Adobe AIR真是不错,如果想在下载软件之前试用一下功能的话,可以试试online版本的:。其实,这种东西开发起来难度不是很大,关键是这种应用上的创意确实很难的。







    一周六,一帮哥们(什么也不是的大学教师, me included)约打球,小齐晚到一步,我们已经玩起来了,他拿了个球在场边观战了许久,说:“你们让一个教授顶个球站在场边半天了,忍心么?”,是为“顶个球的professor”。




posted @ 2009-05-03 17:18  蜡人张  阅读(2115)  评论(4编辑  收藏  举报