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Windows WorkFlow Foundation入门(六)- 编译工作流




      另一种方式是,markup文件用来声明工作流,然后与包含逻辑实现的代码一起被编译。这种方式被称为“代码分离工作流创建”。被创建的文件名为:WorkflowSample.xoml 和WorkflowSample.xoml.cs

      在代码文件中使用WF对象模型。这种方式称为“仅代码工作流创建”。被创建的文件名为:WorkflowSample.cs 和 WorkflowSample.Designer.cs,这些文件会被编译。


  • 验证工作流活动是否符合为该活动设置的规则,如果验证产生错误,编译器会返回一个错误列表;
  • 据传入到编译器中的标记(markup)定义,创建一个partial类;
  • 从标记文件产生的partial类和人代码文件产生的partial类,被送入到.net编译器,这个过程的输出结果就是一个.net 程序集。文件名如:WorkflowSample.dll,可以被部署运行工作流了。




WorkflowCompiler compiler = new WorkflowCompiler(); 
WorkflowCompilerParameters param 
= new WorkflowCompilerParameters(); 
new string[] { "MainWorkflow.xoml" });


Microsoft (R) Windows Workflow Compiler version
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 2005. All rights reserved.
                 Windows Workflow Compiler Options
wfc.exe <XAML file> /target:codegen [/language:...]
wfc.exe <XAML file list> /target:assembly [<vb/cs file list>] [/language:...]
        [/out:...] [/reference:...] [/library:...] [/debug:...] [/nocode:...] [/checktypes:...]
                        - OUTPUT FILE -
/out:<file>             Output file name
/target:assembly        Build a Windows Workflow assembly (default).
                        Short form: /t:assembly
/target:exe             Build a Windows Workflow application.
                        Short form: /t:exe
/target:codegen         Generate partial class definition.
                        Short form: /t:codegen
/delaysign[+|-]         Delay-sign the assembly using only the public portion
                        of the strong name key.
/keyfile:<file>         Specifies a strong name key file.
/keycontainer:<string>  Specifies a strong name key container.
                        - INPUT FILES -
<XAML file list>        XAML source file name(s).
<vb/cs file list>       Code file name(s).
/reference:<file list>  Reference metadata from the specified assembly file(s).
                        Short form is '/r:'.
/library:<path list>    Set of directories where to lookup for the references.
                        Short form is '/lib:'.
                        - CODE GENERATION -
/debug[+|-]             Emit full debugging information. The default is '+'.
                        Short form is '/d:'.
/nocode[+|-]            Disallow code-separation and code-within models.
                        The default is '-'. Short form is '/nc:'.
/checktypes[+|-]        Check for permitted types in wfc.exe.config file.
                        The default is '-'. Short form is '/ct:'.
                        - LANGUAGE -
/language:[cs|vb]       The language to use for the generated class.
                        The default is 'CS' (C#). Short form is '/l:'.
/rootnamespace:<string> Specifies the root Namespace for all type declarations.
                        Valid only for 'VB' (Visual Basic) language.
                        Short form is '/rns:'.
                        - MISCELLANEOUS -
/help                   Display this usage message. Short form is '/?'.
/nologo                 Suppress compiler copyright message. Short form is '/n'.
/nowarn                 Ignore compiler warnings. Short form is '/w'. 



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