[Asp.net 5] Configuration-新一代的配置文件(接口定义与基础实现)
关于配置文件的目录:[Asp.net 5] Configuration-新一代的配置文件
本系列文章讲的是asp.net 5(Asp.net VNext)中的配置文件部分,工程下载地址为:https://github.com/aspnet/Configuration
- Microsoft.Framework.XXXX.Abstractions:定义微软XXXX的必须的抽象
- Microsoft.Framework.XXXX:定义微软的XXXX的基础实现,内部类多实现Microsoft.Framework.XXXX.Abstractions中接口

public interface IConfigurationSource { bool TryGet(string key, out string value); void Set(string key, string value); void Load(); IEnumerable<string> ProduceConfigurationSections( IEnumerable<string> earlierKeys, string prefix, string delimiter); } public interface IConfigurationBuilder { string BasePath { get; } IEnumerable<IConfigurationSource> Sources { get; } IConfigurationBuilder Add(IConfigurationSource configurationSource); IConfiguration Build(); } public interface IConfiguration { string this[string key] { get; set; } string Get(string key); bool TryGet(string key, out string value); IConfiguration GetConfigurationSection(string key); IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, IConfiguration>> GetConfigurationSections(); IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, IConfiguration>> GetConfigurationSections(string key); void Set(string key, string value); void Reload(); }
- 根节点对象:“当前key”
- 非根节点对象:“前缀”+“分隔符”+“当前key"(前缀是当前节点父节点的key值)
在这里的分隔符,其实就是定义在Constants类中,public static readonly string KeyDelimiter = ":"; 不过源文件中其他部分并未都直接使用该处定义,在IConfigurationSource的派生类也都是自己定义的“:”;所以想修改分隔符,在现有代码中不是能够只修改Constants中这个全局变量就可以的。所以在源码还有问题的时候,我们还是把分隔符=“:”,作为一个约定(不要试图把分隔符该城其他字符串)。
由于当前key值得字符串可能是由存数字组成,我们希望key值为“1”,“2”,“10”的顺序是“1”,“2”,“10” 而不是“1”,“10”,“2”(字符串默认排序的顺序),所以系统在排序的时候使用了IComparer<string>接口。而IComparer<string>接口的实现类就是ConfigurationKeyComparer。

public class ConfigurationKeyComparer : IComparer<string> { private const char Separator = ':'; public static ConfigurationKeyComparer Instance { get; } = new ConfigurationKeyComparer(); public int Compare(string x, string y) { var xParts = x?.Split(Separator) ?? new string[0]; var yParts = y?.Split(Separator) ?? new string[0]; // Compare each part until we get two parts that are not equal for (int i = 0; i < Math.Min(xParts.Length, yParts.Length); i++) { x = xParts[i]; y = yParts[i]; var value1 = 0; var value2 = 0; var xIsInt = x != null && int.TryParse(x, out value1); var yIsInt = y != null && int.TryParse(y, out value2); int result = 0; if (!xIsInt && !yIsInt) { // Both are strings result = string.Compare(x, y, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase); } else if (xIsInt && yIsInt) { // Both are int result = value1 - value2; } else { // Only one of them is int result = xIsInt ? -1 : 1; } if (result != 0) { // One of them is different return result; } } // If we get here, the common parts are equal. // If they are of the same length, then they are totally identical return xParts.Length - yParts.Length; } }
- 能够设置加载的IConfigurationSource源路径目录
- 能够管理的IConfigurationSource列表
- 能够加载IConfigurationSource
- 能够创建IConfiguration
- 将如果传入路径是相对路径,将IConfigurationSource源路径目录和传入路径进行合并。

public class ConfigurationBuilder : IConfigurationBuilder { private readonly IList<IConfigurationSource> _sources = new List<IConfigurationSource>(); public ConfigurationBuilder(params IConfigurationSource[] sources) : this(null, sources) { } public ConfigurationBuilder(string basePath, params IConfigurationSource[] sources) { if (sources != null) { foreach (var singleSource in sources) { Add(singleSource); } } BasePath = basePath; } public IEnumerable<IConfigurationSource> Sources { get { return _sources; } } public string BasePath { get; } public IConfigurationBuilder Add(IConfigurationSource configurationSource) { return Add(configurationSource, load: true); } public IConfigurationBuilder Add(IConfigurationSource configurationSource, bool load) { if (load) { configurationSource.Load(); } _sources.Add(configurationSource); return this; } public IConfiguration Build() { return new ConfigurationSection(_sources); } }

public static class ConfigurationHelper { public static string ResolveConfigurationFilePath(IConfigurationBuilder configuration, string path) { if (!Path.IsPathRooted(path)) { if (configuration.BasePath == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException(Resources.FormatError_MissingBasePath( path, typeof(IConfigurationBuilder).Name, nameof(configuration.BasePath))); } else { path = Path.Combine(configuration.BasePath, path); } } return path; } }
- 用字典表保存key,value;并且提供get/set方法
- 提供load方法(该类中是空的虚方法)
- 给定制定前缀,获取该前缀下的子key(如:对于key值包含如下{“p1”,“p1:p2”,“p1:p3:p4”,“s1”},则通过“p1”可以获取到p2、p3)

public abstract class ConfigurationSource : IConfigurationSource { protected ConfigurationSource() { Data = new Dictionary<string, string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase); } protected IDictionary<string, string> Data { get; set; } public virtual bool TryGet(string key, out string value) { return Data.TryGetValue(key, out value); } public virtual void Set(string key, string value) { Data[key] = value; } public virtual void Load() { } public virtual IEnumerable<string> ProduceConfigurationSections( IEnumerable<string> earlierKeys, string prefix, string delimiter) { return Data .Where(kv => kv.Key.StartsWith(prefix, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) .Select(kv => Segment(kv.Key, prefix, delimiter)) .Concat(earlierKeys) .OrderBy(k => k, ConfigurationKeyComparer.Instance); } private static string Segment(string key, string prefix, string delimiter) { var indexOf = key.IndexOf(delimiter, prefix.Length, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase); return indexOf < 0 ? key.Substring(prefix.Length) : key.Substring(prefix.Length, indexOf - prefix.Length); } }

public class MemoryConfigurationSource : ConfigurationSource, IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string,string>> { public MemoryConfigurationSource() { } public MemoryConfigurationSource(IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, string>> initialData) { foreach (var pair in initialData) { Data.Add(pair.Key, pair.Value); } } public void Add(string key, string value) { Data.Add(key, value); } public IEnumerator<KeyValuePair<string, string>> GetEnumerator() { return Data.GetEnumerator(); } IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() { return GetEnumerator(); } }
- 根据key值获取配置信息(包含key值的IConfigurationSource中,ConfigurationBuilder最后添加的IConfigurationSource对象的key值所对应的value值)
- 根据key值设置配置信息(所有IConfigurationSource文件都会被更新,最后信息不是保存在ConfigurationSection中,而是直接反应在IConfigurationSource上)
- 重新加载配置源(IConfigurationSource)
- 根据key值(可以为空)获取<string, IConfiguration>对应的字典表。(系统构建的IConfiguration就是ConfigurationFocus类型)
- 内部封装ConfigurationSection对象
- 内部封装当前的前缀信息
- 根据内部封装的前缀信息+key构造新的key值,之后通过ConfigurationSection获取新key值配置信息/设置新key配置信息
- 根据内部封装的前缀信息+key构造新的key值,之后通过ConfigurationSection获取新key配置信息。(当前配置信息下一级为key的配置信息)
- 根据内部封装的前缀信息+key构造新的key值,之后通过ConfigurationSection获取子<string, IConfiguration>对应的字典表。(当先配置信息下一级为key的配置信息的所有子配置信息)

public class ConfigurationSection : IConfiguration { private readonly IList<IConfigurationSource> _sources = new List<IConfigurationSource>(); public ConfigurationSection(IList<IConfigurationSource> sources) { _sources = sources; } public string this[string key] { get { return Get(key); } set { Set(key, value); } } public IEnumerable<IConfigurationSource> Sources { get { return _sources; } } public string Get([NotNull] string key) { string value; return TryGet(key, out value) ? value : null; } public bool TryGet([NotNull] string key, out string value) { // If a key in the newly added configuration source is identical to a key in a // formerly added configuration source, the new one overrides the former one. // So we search in reverse order, starting with latest configuration source. foreach (var src in _sources.Reverse()) { if (src.TryGet(key, out value)) { return true; } } value = null; return false; } public void Set([NotNull] string key, [NotNull] string value) { if (!_sources.Any()) { throw new InvalidOperationException(Resources.Error_NoSources); } foreach (var src in _sources) { src.Set(key, value); } } public void Reload() { foreach (var src in _sources) { src.Load(); } } public IConfiguration GetConfigurationSection(string key) { return new ConfigurationFocus(this, key + Constants.KeyDelimiter); } public IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, IConfiguration>> GetConfigurationSections() { return GetConfigurationSectionsImplementation(string.Empty); } public IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, IConfiguration>> GetConfigurationSections([NotNull] string key) { return GetConfigurationSectionsImplementation(key + Constants.KeyDelimiter); } private IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, IConfiguration>> GetConfigurationSectionsImplementation(string prefix) { var segments = _sources.Aggregate( Enumerable.Empty<string>(), (seed, source) => source.ProduceConfigurationSections(seed, prefix, Constants.KeyDelimiter)); var distinctSegments = segments.Distinct(); return distinctSegments.Select(segment => CreateConfigurationFocus(prefix, segment)); } private KeyValuePair<string, IConfiguration> CreateConfigurationFocus(string prefix, string segment) { return new KeyValuePair<string, IConfiguration>( segment, new ConfigurationFocus(this, prefix + segment + Constants.KeyDelimiter)); } }

public class ConfigurationFocus : IConfiguration { private readonly string _prefix; private readonly IConfiguration _root; public ConfigurationFocus(IConfiguration root, string prefix) { _prefix = prefix; _root = root; } public string this[string key] { get { return Get(key); } set { Set(key, value); } } public string Get(string key) { // Null key indicates that the prefix passed to ctor should be used as a key if (key == null) { // Strip off the trailing colon to get a valid key var defaultKey = _prefix.Substring(0, _prefix.Length - 1); return _root.Get(defaultKey); } return _root.Get(_prefix + key); } public bool TryGet(string key, out string value) { // Null key indicates that the prefix passed to ctor should be used as a key if (key == null) { // Strip off the trailing colon to get a valid key var defaultKey = _prefix.Substring(0, _prefix.Length - 1); return _root.TryGet(defaultKey, out value); } return _root.TryGet(_prefix + key, out value); } public IConfiguration GetConfigurationSection(string key) { return _root.GetConfigurationSection(_prefix + key); } public void Set(string key, string value) { _root.Set(_prefix + key, value); } public IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, IConfiguration>> GetConfigurationSections() { return _root.GetConfigurationSections(_prefix.Substring(0, _prefix.Length - 1)); } public IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, IConfiguration>> GetConfigurationSections(string key) { return _root.GetConfigurationSections(_prefix + key); } public void Reload() { throw new InvalidOperationException(Resources.Error_InvalidReload); } }
public void CanGetConfigurationSection() { // Arrange var dic1 = new Dictionary<string, string>() { {"Data:DB1:Connection1", "MemVal1"}, {"Data:DB1:Connection2", "MemVal2"} }; var dic2 = new Dictionary<string, string>() { {"DataSource:DB2:Connection", "MemVal3"} }; var dic3 = new Dictionary<string, string>() { {"Data", "MemVal4"} }; var memConfigSrc1 = new MemoryConfigurationSource(dic1); var memConfigSrc2 = new MemoryConfigurationSource(dic2); var memConfigSrc3 = new MemoryConfigurationSource(dic3); var builder = new ConfigurationBuilder(); builder.Add(memConfigSrc1, load: false); builder.Add(memConfigSrc2, load: false); builder.Add(memConfigSrc3, load: false); var config = builder.Build(); string memVal1, memVal2, memVal3, memVal4, memVal5; bool memRet1, memRet2, memRet3, memRet4, memRet5; // Act var configFocus = config.GetConfigurationSection("Data"); memRet1 = configFocus.TryGet("DB1:Connection1", out memVal1); memRet2 = configFocus.TryGet("DB1:Connection2", out memVal2); memRet3 = configFocus.TryGet("DB2:Connection", out memVal3); memRet4 = configFocus.TryGet("Source:DB2:Connection", out memVal4); memRet5 = configFocus.TryGet(null, out memVal5); // Assert Assert.True(memRet1); Assert.True(memRet2); Assert.False(memRet3); Assert.False(memRet4); Assert.True(memRet5); Assert.Equal("MemVal1", memVal1); Assert.Equal("MemVal2", memVal2); Assert.Equal("MemVal4", memVal5); Assert.Equal("MemVal1", configFocus.Get("DB1:Connection1")); Assert.Equal("MemVal2", configFocus.Get("DB1:Connection2")); Assert.Null(configFocus.Get("DB2:Connection")); Assert.Null(configFocus.Get("Source:DB2:Connection")); Assert.Equal("MemVal4", configFocus.Get(null)); Assert.Equal("MemVal1", configFocus["DB1:Connection1"]); Assert.Equal("MemVal2", configFocus["DB1:Connection2"]); Assert.Null(configFocus["DB2:Connection"]); Assert.Null(configFocus["Source:DB2:Connection"]); Assert.Equal("MemVal4", configFocus[null]); }
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