ubuntu kylin 13.10 无法安装ia32-libs解决方案

1.安装 Synaptic 

2.sudo apt-get install synaptic

3.进入synaptic ,设置->软件库

4.点击  其他软件->添加

5.输入“deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ raring main restricted universe multiverse”


7.在终端中输入"sudo apt-get update"

8.在终端中输入"sudo apt-get install ia32-libs"


Here is a workaround using ia32-libs from a previous distribution (13.04). This has been tested with the release candidate of 13.10 and all is well and functional.

  1. Install Synaptic from terminal window
  2. sudo apt-get install synaptic
  3. Launch synaptic and goto “settings > Repositories”
  4. click “other software > add”
  5. insert this line in the box "deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ raring main restricted universe multiverse"
  6. click ok and close synaptic
  7. in terminal “sudo apt-get update”
  8. in terminal “sudo apt-get install ia32-libs”


posted @ 2014-03-31 10:44  瀑布飞鹰  阅读(2227)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报