vivado报错vivado 12-8300 launch hls failed please see vivado hls.log for details
1. Download the "" file attached to this page
2. Unzip the file into the installation root location
Default Windows installation location C:\Xilinx
Default Linux installation location: /opt/Xilinx or /tools/Xilinx
Note: While extracting this patch on Windows, make sure that the destination folder does not contain the Zip file name ( For example, if the installation root is C:\Xilinx make sure that after the extraction the y2k22_patch folder is under C:\Xilinx, i.e : C:\Xilinx\y2k22_patch
3. Open the README and follow the instructions for the specific version you are applying the patch to.
4. A successful output of the script will look like the following for each version of the tool it is being applied to:
[2022-01-07] INFO: This script (version: 1.2) patches Xilinx Tools for HLS Y2k22 bug for the following release:
2014.*, 2015.*, 2016.*, 2017.*, 2018.*, 2019.*, 2020.* and 2021.*
[2022-01-07] UPDATE: /tools/xilinx/Vivado/2021.1/common/scripts
[2022-01-07] COPY: /tools/xilinx/y2k22_patch/automg_patch_20220104.tcl to
[2022-01-07] UPDATE: /tools/xilinx/Vitis_HLS/2021.1/common/scripts
[2022-01-07] COPY: /tools/xilinx/y2k22_patch/automg_patch_20220104.tcl to
ubuntu18.04 vitis2021.1环境下执行补丁后屏幕打印信息: