Find min elements in the Stack
2010-09-25 19:46 wansishuang 阅读(244) 评论(0) 编辑 收藏 举报Implement a stack which supports FindMin(),push() and pop(). The probability of the occurrence is equal.
#include <iostream> #define MAXN 100 using namespace std; template <typename T> class Stack { public: Stack() { curIndex = -1; } void push(T x) { ++curIndex; if(curIndex >= MAXN) return; if(curIndex == 0 || x < stackMinItem[curIndex-1]) { stackMinItem[curIndex] = x; } else stackMinItem[curIndex] = stackMinItem[curIndex - 1]; stackItem[curIndex] = x; } T pop() { if(curIndex < 0) return -1; return stackItem[curIndex--]; } T min() { if(curIndex < 0) return -1; return stackMinItem[curIndex]; } private: int curIndex; int stackItem[MAXN]; int stackMinItem[MAXN]; }; /** * test **/ int main() { Stack<int> s; s.push(5); s.push(2); s.push(3); s.push(4); s.push(1); s.push(6); cout<< s.min() << endl; s.pop(); cout<< s.min() << endl; s.pop(); cout<< s.min() << endl; s.pop(); cout<< s.min() << endl; }
Maintain two stacks. In 1st, maintain the values in order of their push event. while in 2nd stack maintain the minimum value till the same index value in 1st stack.
All operations: 0(1).
Example: 1st stack, 2nd stack
pop will remove(pop) a node from both stacks and will return the pop from 1st stack as answer.