Android ormlite like() function is not working


try {
    QueryBuilder<MakeDTO, Integer> qb = makeDao.queryBuilder();
    qb.where().like("madeCompany", "%"+filterKey+"%");
    PreparedQuery<MakeDTO> pq = qb.prepare();
    return makeDao.query(pq);
} catch (SQLException e) {
    throw new AppException(e);



 Where<T,ID> like(String columnName, Object value) 
          Add a LIKE clause so the column must mach the value using '%' patterns.


 Where<T,ID> like(String columnName, Object value) 
          Add a LIKE clause so the column must mach the value using '%' patterns.
posted @ 2014-08-18 16:57  wanqi  阅读(1033)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报