TCP窗口扩大选项Window Scale



【这段内容为本人理解,非书中原文】TCP需要保留一半的序号用于判断是否是以前的旧数据段,(2^32-1)/2<2^31,也就是现在用于处理新数据段小于2^31个;假如窗口大小为wnd,发送方第一次发送[0,wnd-1]一个窗口的数据,这时接收方收到数据,并统一发送一个ack确认这个窗口的数据,确认完之后,窗口移动准备接收[wnd, 2wnd-1]段的数据;若发送方如果没有收到这个ack,需要重传[0, wnd-1]的数据,若收到了ack,则发送[wnd, 2wnd-1]的数据,这两种情况下,接收方都需要满足序号,也就是序号需要满足2*wnd;前面说了序号的一半用于新数据,也就是2*wnd<2^31,wnd<2^30,即(2^16-1)*2^shif < 2^30,得出shift<=14,即除了TCP首部的16bit,这里最多也就是30-16=14bit;

【这段是找到的RFC原文】大概意思是发送和接收窗口,一个窗口的左边沿到另外一个窗口的右边沿最大不能超过2^31,如果超过这个值就与保留的旧序号重叠了,也就是2*wnd < 2^31,wnd  < 2^30,得出shift<=14;

      TCP determines if a data segment is "old" or "new" by testing
      whether its sequence number is within 2**31 bytes of the left edge
      of the window, and if it is not, discarding the data as "old".  To
      insure that new data is never mistakenly considered old and vice-
      versa, the left edge of the sender's window has to be at most
      2**31 away from the right edge of the receiver's window.
      Similarly with the sender's right edge and receiver's left edge.
      Since the right and left edges of either the sender's or
      receiver's window differ by the window size, and since the sender
      and receiver windows can be out of phase by at most the window
      size, the above constraints imply that 2 * the max window size
      must be less than 2**31, or
           max window < 2**30
      Since the max window is 2**S (where S is the scaling shift count)
      times at most 2**16 - 1 (the maximum unscaled window), the maximum
      window is guaranteed to be < 2*30 if S <= 14.  Thus, the shift
      count must be limited to 14 (which allows windows of 2**30 = 1
      Gbyte).  If a Window Scale option is received with a shift.cnt
      value exceeding 14, the TCP should log the error but use 14
      instead of the specified value.







文章来源: <TCP/IP详解>


posted @ 2019-10-28 09:58  AlexAlex  阅读(5158)  评论(1编辑  收藏  举报