1 //导出数据 2 public function index_doExport() 3 { 4 $search['diqu']=$_POST['diqu']; 5 $search['start']=$_POST['start']; 6 $search['end']=$_POST['end']; 7 8 $search['diqu']=$search['diqu']?$search['diqu']:0; 9 $search['start']=$search['start']?strtotime($search['start']):1; 10 $search['end']=$search['end']?strtotime("+1 day",strtotime($end)):strtotime("+1 day",strtotime(date("Y-m-d"))); 11 12 $this->success(U('Human/index_doExport_action',$search)); 13 } 14 15 public function index_doExport_action() 16 { 17 $search=$_GET; 18 $branchid=$search['diqu']; 19 $time1 = $search['start']; 20 $time2 =$search['end']; 21 22 //做一个空数组存储数据 23 $attr = array(); 24 25 if($branchid==0) 26 { 27 //取网点 28 $arr = M('branchs')->where("level = '服务处' ")->select(); 29 30 //一个地区的数据统计 31 foreach($arr as $v) 32 { 33 $attr1 = array(); //缓存,临时 34 $attr1['branchid'] = $v['id']; //地区id 35 $branchid = $v['id']; 36 37 $attr1['branchname'] = $v['name']; //地区名字 38 39 $attr2 = M('admin')->where(" roleid = 8 and branchid = $branchid ")->select(); //一个服务处所有的理财经理 40 $manager = count($attr2); 41 $attr1['manager'] = $manager; //理财经理 42 43 44 $attr3 = array(); //一个服务处所有注册客户 45 $attr31 = M('users')->where(" isqiye=0 and isloanuser = 0 and isdanbao = 0 and branchid = $branchid ")->select(); 46 foreach($attr31 as $a) 47 { 48 array_push($attr3,$a['user_id']); 49 } 50 $attr32= D('UserdcView')->where("Users.branchid = $branchid ")->select(); 51 foreach($attr32 as $b) 52 { 53 array_push($attr3,$b['user_id']); 54 } 55 array_unique($attr3); 56 $zhuce = count($attr3); 57 $attr1['zhuce'] = $zhuce; //注册的投资客户 58 59 $money=0; //充值金额 60 $count = 0; //有充值记录客户 61 foreach($attr3 as $t) 62 { 63 $attr4 = M('recharge')->where(" uid = $t ")->select(); 64 $a = count($attr4); 65 if($a>0) 66 { 67 $count++; 68 foreach($attr4 as $tt) 69 { 70 $money += $tt['bzmoney']; 71 } 72 } 73 } 74 $attr1['touzi'] = $count; 75 $attr1['money'] = $money; 76 array_push($attr,$attr1); 77 } 78 } 79 else 80 { 81 $att['branchid']=$branchid; 82 83 $branchname = M('branchs')->where(" id = $branchid")->getField("name"); 84 $att['branchname'] = $branchname; //地区名字 85 86 $attr2 = M('admin')->where(" roleid = 8 and branchid = $branchid ")->select(); //指定服务处所有的理财经理 87 $manager = 0; 88 foreach($attr2 as $v) 89 { 90 $time = strtotime($v['regtime']); 91 if( $time >= $time1 && $time <= $time2) 92 { 93 $manager++; 94 } 95 } 96 $att['manager'] = $manager; //理财经理 97 98 99 $attr3 = array(); //指定服务处所有注册客户 100 $attr31 = M('users')->where(" isqiye=0 and isloanuser = 0 and isdanbao = 0 and branchid = $branchid and regtime >= $time1 and regtime <= $time2 ")->select(); 101 foreach($attr31 as $a) 102 { 103 array_push($attr3,$a['user_id']); 104 } 105 $attr32= D('UserdcView')->where("Users.branchid = $branchid ")->select(); 106 foreach($attr32 as $b) 107 { 108 array_push($attr3,$b['user_id']); 109 } 110 array_unique($attr3); 111 $zhuce = count($attr3); 112 $att['zhuce'] = $zhuce; //注册的投资客户 113 114 $money=0; //充值金额 115 $count = 0; //有充值记录客户 116 foreach($attr3 as $t) 117 { 118 $attr4 = M('recharge')->where(" uid = $t ")->select(); 119 $a = count($attr4); 120 if($a>0) 121 { 122 $count++; 123 foreach($attr4 as $tt) 124 { 125 $money += $tt['bzmoney']; 126 } 127 } 128 } 129 $att['touzi'] = $count; 130 $att['money'] = $money; 131 132 array_push($attr,$att); 133 } 134 135 $list=$attr; 136 $list=keysortExcel($list,array('branchname','manager','zhuce','touzi','money')); 137 exportexcel($list,array('服务处网点','理财经理','注册会员','投资人数','标准业绩'),'人力资源统计-'.time()); 138 } 139
1 //导出数据 2 function doExport(that){ 3 var diqu=$("#branchid").combobox('getValue'); 4 var start=$("#a").datebox('getValue'); 5 var end =$("#b").datebox('getValue'); 6 $.post('<{:U('Human/index_doExport')}>', {diqu:diqu,start:start,end:end}, function(res){ 7 if(!res.status){ 8 $.messager.alert('提示信息', res.info, 'error'); 9 }else{ 10 window.open(res.info,'_blank'); 11 } 12 }, 'json'); 13 }