DROP PROCEDURE coupon_rush; CREATE PROCEDURE coupon_rush (in v_coupon_id bigint, -- 优惠劵id in v_user_id bigint, -- 用户id in v_status int, -- 状态 in v_rush_time timestamp, -- 抢劵时间 out r_result int) BEGIN DECLARE temp_insert_count int DEFAULT 0; -- 修改记录 DECLARE temp_rush_id int DEFAULT 0; -- 抢劵id DECLARE temp_is_rush_sign int DEFAULT 0; -- 是否抢劵 0-非 1-是 DECLARE temp_is_free_sign int DEFAULT 1; -- 是否收费 0-收费 1-免费 DECLARE temp_buy_times int DEFAULT 0; -- 限购次数 DECLARE temp_rushed_num int DEFAULT 0; -- 已抢个数 DECLARE temp_coupon_use_type int DEFAULT 0;-- 优惠劵类型 1-优惠券 2-优惠码 3-优惠券+优惠码 START TRANSACTION; -- 0.检查优惠劵类型 SELECT is_rush,is_free,buy_times,use_type INTO temp_is_rush_sign,temp_is_free_sign,temp_buy_times,temp_coupon_use_type from pd_coupon where id = v_coupon_id; -- IF (temp_is_rush_sign = 0) THEN -- set r_result = -1; -- 非抢劵 (-1) IF (temp_coupon_use_type = 2) THEN set r_result = -7; -- 不支持优惠码(-7) ELSE -- 0.检查领取数量(免费一张, 收费多张) SELECT COUNT(*) INTO temp_rushed_num from pd_coupon_rush where user_id = v_user_id and coupon_id = v_coupon_id and status != 3; -- 排除已经撤销的抢劵 IF(temp_is_free_sign = 1 AND temp_rushed_num > 0) THEN ROLLBACK; set r_result = -6; -- 不可多抢(-6) ELSEIF(temp_is_free_sign = 0 AND temp_rushed_num >= temp_buy_times) THEN ROLLBACK; set r_result = -6; -- 不可多抢(-6) ELSE -- 1.记录明细 insert into pd_coupon_rush (user_id, coupon_id, status, created_time, updated_time) values (v_user_id, v_coupon_id, v_status, v_rush_time, v_rush_time); SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID() INTO temp_rush_id; -- 获取自增ID select row_count() into temp_insert_count; IF (temp_insert_count = 0) THEN -- 记录明细失败(-2) ROLLBACK; set r_result = -2; ELSEIF (temp_insert_count < 0) THEN -- 记录明细系统异常(-3) ROLLBACK; set r_result = -3; ELSE -- 2.减库存 UPDATE pd_coupon SET remain_num = remain_num - 1 WHERE use_type = 1 -- AND is_rush = 1 --支持优惠劵, 码加劵 AND remain_num>0 AND code_start_time < v_rush_time AND code_end_time > v_rush_time AND `status` = 0 AND preheat = 0 AND is_recom = 0 AND is_lottery = 0; select row_count() into temp_insert_count; IF (temp_insert_count = 0) THEN -- 减库存失败, 抢劵结束 (-4) ROLLBACK; set r_result = -4; ELSEIF (temp_insert_count < 0) THEN -- 减库存失败, 系统异常 (-5) ROLLBACK; set r_result = -5; ELSE -- 减库存成功(主键id) COMMIT; set r_result = temp_rush_id; END IF; END IF; END IF; END IF; END;
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