ArcEngine的类库 - [ArcEnine接口]


理解ArcGIS Engine类库结构、它们的依赖关系和基本功能将有助于初学者了解ArcGIS Engine的组件,建立一个对ArcGIS Engine总体结构的认识,这也是学习AE的入口,在使用帮助时,建立的类库框架结构能方便我们快速查找感兴趣的目标。




  System类库是ArcGIS体系结构中最底层的类库。System类库包含给构成ArcGIS的其他类库提供服务的组件。System类库中定义了大量开发者可以实现的接口。AoInitializer对象就是在System类库中定义的,所有的开发者必须使用这个对象来初始化ArcGIS Engine和解除ArcGIS Engine的初始化。开发者不能扩展这个类库,但可以通过实现这个类库中包含的接口来扩展ArcGIS系统。


  SystemUI类库包含用户界面组件接口定义,这些用户界面组件可以在ArcGIS Engine中进行扩展。包含ICommand、ITool和IToolControl接口。开发者用这些接口来扩展UI组件,ArcGIS Engine开发人员自己的组件将使用这些UI组件,且一般是在高层次的类库中实现。这个类库中包含的对象是一些使用工具对象,开发人员可以通过使用这些对象简化用户界面的开发。开发者不能扩展这个类库,但可以通过实现这个类库中包含的接口来扩展ArcGIS系统。






  Server类库包含允许用户连接并操作ArcGIS Server的对象。开发人员用GISServerConnection对象来访问ArcGIS Server。通过GISServerConnection可以访问ServerObjectManager对象。用这个对象,开发人员可以操作ServerContext对象,以处理运行于服务器上的ArcObjects。开发人员还可以用GISClient类库与ArcGIS Server进行交互。






  GISClient类库允许开发者使用Web服务,这些Web服务可以由ArcIMS和ArcGIS Server提供。GISClient类库中包含用于连接GIS服务器以使用Web服务的对象。该类库支持ArcIMS的图像和要素服务。GISClient类库提供以无态方式直接或通过Web服务目录操作ArcGIS Server对象的通用编程模型。在ArcGIS Server上运行的ArcObjects组件不能通过GISClient接口来访问。要直接获得访问在服务器上运行的ArcObjects,开发人员应使用Server类库中的功能。


  DataSourcesFile类库包含用于基于文件数据源的GeoDatabase API实现。这些基于文件的数据源包括shapefile、coverage、TIN、CAD、SDC、StreetMap和VPF。开发者不能扩展DataSourcesFile类库。


  DataSourcesGDB类库包含用于数据库数据源的GeoDatabase API实现。这些数据源包括Microsoft Access和ArcSDE支持的关系型数据库管理系统--IBM、DB2、Informix、Microsoft SQL Server和Oracle。开发者不能扩展DataSourcesGDB类库。


  DataSourcesOleDB类库包含用于Microsoft OLEDB数据源的GeometryDatabase API实现。此类库只能用在Microsoft Windows操作系统上。这些数据源包括支持数据提供者和文本文件工作空间的所有OLEDB。开发者不能扩展DataSourcesOleDB类库。


  DataSourcesRaster类库包含用于栅格数据源的GeoDatabase API实现。这些数据源包括ArcSDE支持的关系型数据库管理系统--IBM、DB2、Informix、Microsoft SQL Server和Oracle,以及其支持的RDO栅格文件格式。当需要支持新的栅格格式时,开发者不扩展这个类库,而是扩展RDO。开发者不能扩展DataSourcesRaster类库。














  开发者用Controls类库来构建或扩展具有ArcGIS功能的应用程序。ArcGIS Controls通过封装ArcObjects并提供粗粒度的API简化了开发过程。尽管这些控件封装了细粒度的ArcObjects,但是并不限制对这些细粒度的ArcObjects的访问。MapControl和PageLayoutControl分别封装了Carto类库的Map和PageLayout对象。ReaderControl同时封装了Map和PageLayout对象,且在操作控件时提供了简化的API。如果授权了地图发布程序,开发者可以以访问Map和PageLayout的控件类似的方式访问内部对象。Controls类库还包含实现一个目录表的TOCControl及驻留操作合适控件的命令和工具的ToolbarControl。开发者通过创建自己的用于操作控件的命令和工具来扩展Controls类库。为此Controls类库提供HookHelper对象。这个对象使得创建一个操作任何控件及操作诸如ArcMap这样的ArcGIS应用程序的命令变得非常简单。


  GeoAnalyst类库包含支持核心空间分析功能的对象。这些功能用在SpatialAnalyst和3DAnalyst两个类库中。开发者可以通过创建新类型的栅格操作来扩展GeoAnalyst类库。为使用这个类库中的对象,需要ArcGIS Spatial Analyst或3D Analyst扩展模块许可,或者ArcGIS Engine运行时空间分析或3D分析选项许可。


  3DAnalyst类库包含操作3D场景的对象,其方式与Carto类库包含2D地图对象类似。Scene对象是3DAnalyst类库中主要对象之一,因为该对象与Map对象一样,是数据的容器。Camera和Target对象规定在考虑要素位置与观察者关系时场景如何浏览。一个场景由一个和多个图层组成,这些图层规定了场景中包含的数据及这些数据如何显示。开发者很少扩展3DAnalyst类库。为使用这个类库中的对象,需要ArcGIS 3D Analyst扩展模块许可或ArcGIS Engine运行时3D分析选项许可。



  GlobeCore类库中有一个开发控件及与其一起使用的命令和工具。该开发控件可以与Controls类库中的对象协同使用。开发者很少扩展GlobeCore类库。为使用这个类库中的对象,需要ArcGIS 3D Analyst扩展模块许可或ArcGIS Engine运行时3D分析选项许可。


  SpatialAnalyst类库包含在栅格数据和矢量数据上执行空间分析的对象。开发者通常使用这个类库中的对象,而不扩展这个类库。为使用这个类库中的对象,需要ArcGIS空间分析扩展模块许可或ArcGIS Engine运行时空间分析选项许可。






ArcObjects library reference

The libraries of ArcObjects available to ArcGIS Engine developers are shared with ArcGIS Desktop and ArcGIS Server.
Each ArcObjects library is provided as a .NET assembly. As such, the rest of this document will refer to them as assemblies to match .NET conventions.
The assemblies are listed in the table below in dependency order. Use the links to navigate to a more detailed overview of each assembly.
Knowing the dependencies of each assembly on other assemblies is important, since it affects the way in which developers interact with the assemblies as they develop software. Understanding the dependencies also helps when deploying your developments.
Shared assemblies
Deployment notes
The System assembly is the lowest level library in the ArcGIS architecture. The assembly contains components that expose services used by the other libraries composing ArcGIS.  
The SystemUI assembly mainly defined types used by user interface components in the ArcGIS system. Interfaces such as ICommand and ITool are defined in this assembly. Implementation of these types is normally done in one or more libraries, higher in the architecture.  
The ADF assembly provides the .NET base classes, component category unique IDs (CATIDs), and utility classes that were previously delivered in the Utility assembly that has been deprecated for the 9.2 release.
The Utility assembly has been deprecated from 9.2 forward. Most of the functionality that previously existed here has been moved into the new ADF assembly. 
You can still deploy applications that use the Utility classes and any projects referencing them will continue to operate as normal; however, be aware that the Utility classes are now deprecated and may be removed entirely in a future release.
The Geometry assembly contains the core geometry objects, such as Point, Polygon, Polyline, etc. along with Geometry types and definitions. The Geometry assembly also defines and implements the spatial reference objects for both projected and geographic coordinate systems.  
The Display assembly contains the components that support drawing symbology to an output device. Screen displays, symbols, colors and feedback objects, along with their supporting objects are all defined in the assembly.  
The Server assembly contains the objects used to obtain a connection to the ArcGIS Server. The connection is managed via the objects in this library, but objects from other libraries can be created by using functions on the server object.  
The Output assembly contains the objects required generate output, most commonly from Maps or PageLayouts, to both printers and plotters or exporting to files.  
The GeoDatabase assembly contains types for all the definitions relating to data access. Features, tables, networks, TINs are all defined in the GeoDatabase assembly. The implementation of many of the types is contained in the respective DataSource assembly. The usage of some objects in this library requires the Geodatabase Update extension for ArcGIS Engine Runtime.
The GISClient assembly contains objects for working with remote GIS Services. These services can be provided by either ArcIMS or the ArcGIS Server.  
The ArcWeb assembly enables connections to ArcWeb services.  
The DataSourcesFile assembly contains the workspace factories and workspaces for vector data formats supported by the GeoDatabase API.  
The DataSourcesGDB assembly contains the workspace factories and workspaces for vector and raster data formats supported by the GeoDatabase that are stored within an RDBMS.  
The DataSourcesOleDB assembly provides workspaces for working with OleDB based data sources.  
The DataSourcesRaster assembly contains the workspace factories and workspaces for file based raster data formats.  
The DataSourcesNetCDF assembly contains objects used for accessing netCDF files and for creating rasters, features, or tables from netCDF variables in ArcGIS.  
The GeoDatabaseDistributed assembly contains the objects required to perform, checkout / checkin to support distributed GeoDatabase.  
The GeoDatabaseExtensions assembly contains objects to aid in the creation, management, and use of terrain datasets and cadastral fabrics.
Note: At the 9.2 release, the cadastral fabrics related objects are not yet fully implemented and we recommend that developers do not utilize them until the Cadastral Analyst extension is released.
The Carto assembly contains the objects for displaying data. The PageLayout and Map objects are in this library along map layers, renders for all the supported data types. This assembly also contains the MxdServer and MapServer objects used by servers to display map data in a client server environment.  
The NetworkAnalysis assembly supports the creation and analysis of utility networks.  
The Location assembly contains objects related to working with location data. This can either be route events or geocoding locations.  
The GeoAnalyst assembly contains core spatial analysis operations that are used by both the SpatialAnalyst and 3DAnalyst extensions. Requires a 3D or Spatial extension for ArcGIS Engine Runtime.
The Animation assembly contains objects to work with animations in Map, Scene and Globe. In ArcGIS 9.2, with ArcGIS Desktop, the animation functionality is available in the ArcMap, ArcScene, and ArcGlobe applications. However, when working with ArcGIS Engine, animation functionality is not available for the Map control. It is only available for the Scene and Globe controls, which are supported with the 3D Analyst extension.  
The Maplex assembly contains the objects for labeling features using the Maplex Extension. Other Maplex objects can be found in the Carto assembly. Requires a Maplex extension for ArcGIS Engine Runtime.
The Geoprocessing assembly implements the Geoprocessing framework in addition to the base set of Geoprocessing tools. The tools available depend on the licenses available to you. See the individual tools for specific license information. Some geoprocessing tools and functionality require an extension license. See the documentation for each tool for specifics.
The NetworkAnalyst assembly provides objects for working with network datasets. These objects allow you to perform network analysis in your applications. Requires a Network Analyst extension for ArcGIS Engine Runtime.
The Schematic assembly implements the non user-interface functionality of the Schematics extension. It handles the core objects of the ArcGIS Schematics extension, used to manage schematic data and processes. The Schematics extension supports the analysis, display, and manipulation of schematic data within ArcGIS. Requires a Schematic extension for ArcGIS Engine Runtime.
The SpatialAnalyst assembly contains objects for performing spatial analyst on raster and vector data. Requires a Spatial extension for ArcGIS Engine Runtime.
The 3DAnalyst assembly contains objects for performing 3D analysis of data, along with the support for displaying 3D data. Requires a 3D extension for ArcGIS Engine Runtime.
The GlobeCore assembly contains objects for performing analysis of globe data, along with the support for displaying globe data. A control is available in this assembly for developers to use. Requires a 3D extension for ArcGIS Engine Runtime.
The Controls assembly contains controls for application development including commands and tools for use with the controls. Applications that utilize the GlobeControl or SceneControl require a 3D extension for ArcGIS Engine Runtime.
The TrackingAnalyst assembly implements the non-user interface functionality of the Tracking Analyst extension to ArcMap. The Tracking Analyst extension supports the display, analysis, and manipulation of temporal data within ArcGIS.
posted @ 2010-09-21 11:17  淡茶gis  阅读(1710)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报