随笔分类 - Jailbreak
摘要:"Theos" 是一个越狱开发工具包,安装方法可以参考 "Wiki" 。 安装 dpkg dpkg(Debian Packager) 是 Theos 依赖工具之一,可以使用 dpkg 制作 deb,Theos 开发的插件都会以 deb 的格式进行发布,在安装 Theos 之前需要安装 dpkg,安装
摘要:Dumps decrypted mach o files from encrypted iPhone applications from memory to disk. This tool is necessary for security researchers to be able to loo
摘要:What is class dump? This is a command line utility for examining the Objective C runtime information stored in Mach O files. It generates declarations