




// # Reload me!
// 	David Martin
// 	8/2/2001
// 	This document describes the segmentation file format.  Segmentation
// 	files end in ".seg".
// 	The overall structure of the file is as follows:
// <header>
// 	data
// 	<data>
// 	The first part of the file is the header.  The header is ascii text,
// 	and can contain comments.  The comment character is '#'.  The header
// 	is separated from the data with a line containing the literal text
// 	"data".
// 	The header can contain the following information, in any order:
// format {*ascii|binary} {*cr|map}
// date <date string>
// 	image <int>	# image ID number
// 	user <int>	# user ID number
// 	width <int>	# width of image
// 	height <int>	# height of image
// 	segments <int>	# number of segments
// 	gray {*0|1}	# image presented in grayscale?
// 	invert {*0|1}	# image presented with pixel values inverted?
// 	flipflop {*0|1}	# image presented upside-down and backwards?
// 	The {width,height,segments} lines are required.  All others lines are
// 	optional.  Default values are marked with a '*'.
// 	The format line describes the format of the data section of the file.
// 	The default and recommended format is 'ascii cr' (cr = compressed
// 	row).  This document does not describe the other formats, as they are
// 	probably superfluous.
// 	The 'ascii cr' format is designed to be very easy to parse; it is not
// 	optimized for space.  Use gzip if you want smaller files!  Each line
// 	in the data section contains 4 integers:
// <s> <r> <c1> <c2>
// 	All values start counting at 0.  <s> is the segment number; <r> is the
// 	row; <c1> and <c2> are column numbers.  The line means that columns
// 	[<c1>..<c2>] of row <r> belong to segment <s>.  Lines of this sort can
// 	appear in any order, and can be reordered without harm.  The only
// 	restriction is that each pixel must be named exactly once.
// 	END

#ifndef SEG_HUMAN
#define SEG_HUMAN

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "stdio.h"
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include <queue>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <list>

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

struct SEG
	int segment_number;
	int row;
	int column_number1;
	int column_number2;

class SegHuman
	SegHuman(const char* path);
	bool LoadSEG(const char* path);

	string name;
	int image_index;
	int segments_index;
	int height;
	int width;
	int gray;
	vector<SEG> MySeg;

#endif // SEGHMAN


#include "stdafx.h"
#include "SegHuman.h"

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

SegHuman::SegHuman(const char* path)

bool SegHuman::LoadSEG(const char* path)
int st = 0;
FILE* pfile = fopen(path, "r");
if (pfile)
	int dwsize = ftell(pfile);

	char* filebuffer = new char[dwsize];
	fread(filebuffer, 1, dwsize, pfile);

	char* pBegin = filebuffer;
	char* pEnd = strchr(filebuffer, '\n');
	int uiIndex = 1;

	int st = 0;

	while (pEnd != NULL)

		std::string strbuff;
		strbuff.insert(0, pBegin, pEnd-pBegin);
		if (strbuff.empty())
			return false;

		if (st==0) 
		if (1 == sscanf(strbuff.c_str(),"image %d",&image_index)) st=1;
		else if (st==1)
			if (1 == sscanf(strbuff.c_str(),"width %d",&width)) st=2;
		else if (st==2)
			if (1 == sscanf(strbuff.c_str(),"height %d",&height)) st=3;
		else if (st==3)
			if (1 == sscanf(strbuff.c_str(),"segments %d",&segments_index)) st=4;
		else if (st==4)
			if (1 == sscanf(strbuff.c_str(),"gray %d",&gray)) st=5;
		else if (st==5)
			if (0==strcmp(strbuff.c_str(),"data")) st=6;
		else if (st==6)
			SEG temp = { -1, -1, -1, -1};
if (4 == sscanf(strbuff.c_str(),"%d %d %d %d",&temp.segment_number, &temp.row, &temp.column_number1 , &temp.column_number2)) 

			pBegin = pEnd + 1;
			pEnd = strchr(pEnd + 1, '\n');
		delete[] filebuffer;

		vector<SEG>::iterator iter = MySeg.begin();
		for (;iter !=MySeg.end(); ++iter)
			cout<<iter->segment_number<<' ';
			cout<<iter->row<<' ';
			cout<<iter->column_number1 <<' ';
			cout<<iter->column_number2<<' ';


		return true;

	return false;


posted @ 2014-08-30 17:05  wangyaning  阅读(629)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报