cas sso单点登录系列1_cas-client Filter源码解码(转)
/* Copyright (c) 2000-2004 Yale University. All rights reserved. * See full notice at end. */ package; import*; import*; import java.util.*; import javax.servlet.*; import javax.servlet.http.*; import*; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; /* * * @author Shawn Bayern * @author Drew Mazurek * @author */ public class CASFilter implements Filter { private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(CASFilter.class); // Filter initialization parameters //必须参数 /** * loginUrl:指定 CAS 提供登录页面的 URL */ public final static String LOGIN_INIT_PARAM = ""; /** * validateUrl:指定 CAS 提供 service ticket 或 proxy ticket 验证服务的 URL */ public final static String VALIDATE_INIT_PARAM = ""; /** * serviceUrl:本web项目的URL,该参数指定过后将覆盖 serverName 参数,成为登录成功过后重定向的目的地址 */ public final static String SERVICE_INIT_PARAM = ""; /** * serverName:全主机端口号,指定客户端的域名和端口,是指客户端应用所在机器而不是 CAS Server 所在机器,该参数或 serviceUrl 至少有一个必须指定 */ public final static String SERVERNAME_INIT_PARAM = ""; //可选参数 /** * renew:如果指定为 true,那么受保护的资源每次被访问时均要求用户重新进行验证,而不管之前是否已经通过 */ public final static String RENEW_INIT_PARAM = ""; /** * authorizedProxy:用于允许当前应用从代理处获取 proxy tickets,该参数接受以空格分隔开的多个 proxy URLs,但实际使用只需要一个成功即可。当指定该参数过后,需要修改 validateUrl 到 proxyValidate, */ public final static String AUTHORIZED_PROXY_INIT_PARAM = ""; /** * proxyCallbackUrl:用于当前应用需要作为其他服务的代理(proxy)时获取 Proxy Granting Ticket 的地址 */ public final static String PROXY_CALLBACK_INIT_PARAM = ""; /** * wrapRequest:如果指定为 true,那么 CASFilter 将重新包装 HttpRequest,并且使 getRemoteUser() 方法返回当前登录用户的用户名 */ public final static String WRAP_REQUESTS_INIT_PARAM = ""; /** * gateway:这个参数很奇葩,一开始没读懂是干嘛的。。官方解释是一旦发生过CAS重定向,过滤器将不会自动重新设置登录的用户。然后你可以提供一个明确的CAS登录链接(HTTPS:/ / CAS服务器/ CAS /登录?服务= HTTP:/ /应用程序)或建立映射到不同的路径的过滤器的两个实例。一个实例将gateway实现。当你需要登录的用户,直接转到其他过滤器。 * 是的你没有想错,这一句话着实让人不知道是要说明什么,于是万能的百度上有且仅有一个前辈说出来了这个参数其实是和renew互斥的,renew就是说无论如何都得重新验证此用户,不管你session中有没有上下文信息。而gateway则是只要检测到session中有sso上下文,就不再重新认证 */ public final static String GATEWAY_INIT_PARAM = ""; public final static String CAS_FILTER_USER = ""; public final static String CAS_FILTER_RECEIPT = ""; private static final String CAS_FILTER_GATEWAYED = ""; // ********************************************************************* // Configuration state private String casLogin; private String casValidate; private String casServiceUrl; private String casServerName; private String casProxyCallbackUrl; private boolean casRenew; private boolean wrapRequest; private boolean casGateway = false; /** * 对proxyticketreceptor URL授权代理在过滤器的路径的服务列表 */ private List authorizedProxies = new ArrayList(); // ********************************************************************* // Initialization public void init(FilterConfig config) throws ServletException { //拿到参数 casLogin = config.getInitParameter(LOGIN_INIT_PARAM); casValidate = config.getInitParameter(VALIDATE_INIT_PARAM); casServiceUrl = config.getInitParameter(SERVICE_INIT_PARAM); String casAuthorizedProxy = config.getInitParameter(AUTHORIZED_PROXY_INIT_PARAM); casRenew = Boolean.valueOf(config.getInitParameter(RENEW_INIT_PARAM)).booleanValue(); casServerName = config.getInitParameter(SERVERNAME_INIT_PARAM); casProxyCallbackUrl = config.getInitParameter(PROXY_CALLBACK_INIT_PARAM); wrapRequest = Boolean.valueOf(config.getInitParameter(WRAP_REQUESTS_INIT_PARAM)).booleanValue(); casGateway = Boolean.valueOf(config.getInitParameter(GATEWAY_INIT_PARAM)).booleanValue(); if (casGateway && Boolean.valueOf(casRenew).booleanValue()) { //这俩参数不能一起设置为true throw new ServletException("gateway and renew cannot both be true in filter configuration"); } if (casServerName != null && casServiceUrl != null) { //这俩参数也不能一起设置 throw new ServletException("serverName and serviceUrl cannot both be set: choose one."); } if (casServerName == null && casServiceUrl == null) { //这俩参数也不能一起为null throw new ServletException("one of serverName or serviceUrl must be set."); } if (casServiceUrl != null) { //检测uri前缀 if (!(casServiceUrl.startsWith("https://") || (casServiceUrl.startsWith("http://")))) { throw new ServletException("service URL must start with http:// or https://; its current value is [" + casServiceUrl + "]"); } } if (casValidate == null) { //cas验证用户的网址不能为空 throw new ServletException("validateUrl parameter must be set."); } if (!casValidate.startsWith("https://")) { //如果cas认证网址不是以https开头,就报错。。如果你是用http请求,可以屏蔽掉这个判断语句 throw new ServletException("validateUrl must start with https://, its current value is [" + casValidate + "]"); } //代理是否为空 if (casAuthorizedProxy != null) { // parse and remember authorized proxies StringTokenizer casProxies = new StringTokenizer(casAuthorizedProxy); while (casProxies.hasMoreTokens()) { //授权的标记 String anAuthorizedProxy = casProxies.nextToken(); //https前缀检测 if (!anAuthorizedProxy.startsWith("https://")) { throw new ServletException("CASFilter initialization parameter for authorized proxies " + "must be a whitespace delimited list of authorized proxies. " + "Authorized proxies must be secure (https) addresses. This one wasn't: [" + anAuthorizedProxy + "]"); } //将所有授权的代理添加到list中(唉,着实不知道是干什么的,也许几年后回来读读应该能知道答案,2013年4月22日14:56:37) this.authorizedProxies.add(anAuthorizedProxy); } } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug(("CASFilter initialized as: [" + toString() + "]")); } } // ********************************************************************* // Filter processing // 过滤器处理 public void doFilter(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response, FilterChain fc) throws ServletException, IOException { //核心思想:首先检查session中有无凭证receipt,如果有,那么就要去下个过滤器链进行处理,如果无,则获取传参ticket,如果有ticket,就经过getAuthenticatedUser()方法去拿到receipt凭证,如果无(这中间会有一些对renew或者gateway的处理),就立即进入cas服务端进行登录 if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("entering doFilter()"); } // make sure we've got an HTTP request if (!(request instanceof HttpServletRequest) || !(response instanceof HttpServletResponse)) { log.error("doFilter() called on a request or response that was not an HttpServletRequest or response."); throw new ServletException("CASFilter protects only HTTP resources"); } // Is this a request for the proxy callback listener? If so, pass // it through if (casProxyCallbackUrl != null && casProxyCallbackUrl.endsWith(((HttpServletRequest) request).getRequestURI()) && request.getParameter("pgtId") != null && request.getParameter("pgtIou") != null) { log.trace("passing through what we hope is CAS's request for proxy ticket receptor."); fc.doFilter(request, response); return; } // Wrap the request if desired if (wrapRequest) { log.trace("Wrapping request with CASFilterRequestWrapper."); request = new CASFilterRequestWrapper((HttpServletRequest) request); } // 1.从当前web应用中拿到session HttpSession session = ((HttpServletRequest) request).getSession(); // if our attribute's already present and valid, pass through the filter chain // 1.1.如果存在一个票据(令牌,凭证),就要跳到下一个过滤器链(去验证此票据的真实性,因为此票据的真实性是未知的) CASReceipt receipt = (CASReceipt) session.getAttribute(CAS_FILTER_RECEIPT); if (receipt != null && isReceiptAcceptable(receipt)) { log.trace("CAS_FILTER_RECEIPT attribute was present and acceptable - passing request through filter.."); fc.doFilter(request, response); return; } // otherwise, we need to authenticate via CAS // 1.2.如果receipt(令牌)不存在就先拿到ticket,我们要去cas验证用户进行登录 String ticket = request.getParameter("ticket"); // no ticket? abort request processing and redirect //如果ticket为空 if (ticket == null || ticket.equals("")) { log.trace("CAS ticket was not present on request."); // 4.1判断是否经过网关参数(didGateway这个参数否已经经过网关的一个标记参数,表示不再进行认证) // did we go through the gateway already? boolean didGateway = Boolean.valueOf((String) session.getAttribute(CAS_FILTER_GATEWAYED)).booleanValue(); // 4.1.1没有casLogin的配置信息下的异常处理 if (casLogin == null) { // TODO: casLogin should probably be ensured to not be null at filter initialization. -awp9 log.fatal("casLogin was not set, so filter cannot redirect request for authentication."); throw new ServletException("When CASFilter protects pages that do not receive a 'ticket' " + "parameter, it needs a " + "filter parameter"); } // 4.2如果网关标记为false,设置CAS_FILTER_GATEWAYED属性为true,并跳转到cas服务端进行验证 if (!didGateway) { log.trace("Did not previously gateway. Setting session attribute to true."); session.setAttribute(CAS_FILTER_GATEWAYED, "true"); redirectToCAS((HttpServletRequest) request, (HttpServletResponse) response); // abort chain return; } else { log.trace("Previously gatewayed."); // 4.3 如果有网关参数(之前已经通过了网关),就不再进行验证,从而进入下一个过滤器处理即可。 // if we should be logged in, make sure validation succeeded if (casGateway || session.getAttribute(CAS_FILTER_USER) != null) { //已经通过了验证和授权。。 log.trace("casGateway was true and CAS_FILTER_USER set: passing request along filter chain."); // continue processing the request 交给下一个过滤器 fc.doFilter(request, response); return; } else { // 其他情况下,跳往cas服务端 // unknown state... redirect to CAS //将经过网关的参数didGateway设置为true session.setAttribute(CAS_FILTER_GATEWAYED, "true"); redirectToCAS((HttpServletRequest) request, (HttpServletResponse) response); // abort chain return; } } } try { // ticket存在,就经过getAuthenticatedUser()方法去拿到receipt,初步判断此方法是为根据request中的ticket参数组装了一个数据发送给了cas服务端进行判断此ticket是否是正确的合法的(它可能是使用代理类进行的实现) receipt = getAuthenticatedUser((HttpServletRequest) request); } catch (CASAuthenticationException e) { log.error(e); throw new ServletException(e); } if (!isReceiptAcceptable(receipt)) { //检测授权不被认可,就是非法的。 throw new ServletException("Authentication was technically successful but rejected as a matter of policy. [" + receipt + "]"); } //既然拿到了凭证,就去拿到session中是否有相关信息,并写入CASFilter.CAS_FILTER_RECEIPT // Store the authenticated user in the session if (session != null) { // probably unnecessary //将username(用户名)信息放入session中 session.setAttribute(CAS_FILTER_USER, receipt.getUserName()); //放入票据 session.setAttribute(CASFilter.CAS_FILTER_RECEIPT, receipt); // don't store extra unnecessary session state //不要储存额外的不必要的会话状态 session.removeAttribute(CAS_FILTER_GATEWAYED); } if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("validated ticket to get authenticated receipt [" + receipt + "], now passing request along filter chain."); } // continue processing the request //进入下一个过滤器进行处理 fc.doFilter(request, response); log.trace("returning from doFilter()"); } /** * Is this receipt acceptable as evidence of authentication by credentials that would have been acceptable to this path? Current implementation checks whether from renew and whether proxy was authorized. * * @param receipt 票据 * @return true if acceptable, false otherwise */ private boolean isReceiptAcceptable(CASReceipt receipt) { if (receipt == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot evaluate a null receipt."); if (this.casRenew && !receipt.isPrimaryAuthentication()) { return false; } if (receipt.isProxied()) { if (!this.authorizedProxies.contains(receipt.getProxyingService())) { return false; } } return true; } // ********************************************************************* // Utility methods /** * Converts a ticket parameter to a CASReceipt, taking into account an optionally configured trusted proxy in the tier immediately in front of us. * * @throws ServletException - * when unable to get service for request * @throws CASAuthenticationException - * on authentication failure */ private CASReceipt getAuthenticatedUser(HttpServletRequest request) throws ServletException, CASAuthenticationException { log.trace("entering getAuthenticatedUser()"); ProxyTicketValidator pv = null; pv = new ProxyTicketValidator(); pv.setCasValidateUrl(casValidate); pv.setServiceTicket(request.getParameter("ticket")); pv.setService(getService(request)); pv.setRenew(Boolean.valueOf(casRenew).booleanValue()); if (casProxyCallbackUrl != null) { pv.setProxyCallbackUrl(casProxyCallbackUrl); } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("about to validate ProxyTicketValidator: [" + pv + "]"); } return CASReceipt.getReceipt(pv); } /** * Returns either the configured service or figures it out for the current request. The returned service is URL-encoded. */ private String getService(HttpServletRequest request) throws ServletException { log.trace("entering getService()"); String serviceString; // ensure we have a server name or service name if (casServerName == null && casServiceUrl == null) throw new ServletException("need one of the following configuration " + "parameters: or " + ""); // use the given string if it's provided if (casServiceUrl != null) serviceString = URLEncoder.encode(casServiceUrl); else // otherwise, return our best guess at the service serviceString = Util.getService(request, casServerName); if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("returning from getService() with service [" + serviceString + "]"); } return serviceString; } /** * Redirects the user to CAS, determining the service from the request. */ private void redirectToCAS(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException, ServletException { if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("entering redirectToCAS()"); } String casLoginString = casLogin + "?service=" + getService((HttpServletRequest) request) + ((casRenew) ? "&renew=true" : "") + (casGateway ? "&gateway=true" : ""); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Redirecting browser to [" + casLoginString + ")"); } ((HttpServletResponse) response).sendRedirect(casLoginString); if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("returning from redirectToCAS()"); } } public String toString() { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append("[CASFilter:"); sb.append(" casGateway="); sb.append(this.casGateway); sb.append(" wrapRequest="); sb.append(this.wrapRequest); sb.append(" casAuthorizedProxies=["); sb.append(this.authorizedProxies); sb.append("]"); if (this.casLogin != null) { sb.append(" casLogin=["); sb.append(this.casLogin); sb.append("]"); } else { sb.append(" casLogin=NULL!!!!!"); } if (this.casProxyCallbackUrl != null) { sb.append(" casProxyCallbackUrl=["); sb.append(casProxyCallbackUrl); sb.append("]"); } if (this.casRenew) { sb.append(" casRenew=true"); } if (this.casServerName != null) { sb.append(" casServerName=["); sb.append(casServerName); sb.append("]"); } if (this.casServiceUrl != null) { sb.append(" casServiceUrl=["); sb.append(casServiceUrl); sb.append("]"); } if (this.casValidate != null) { sb.append(" casValidate=["); sb.append(casValidate); sb.append("]"); } else { sb.append(" casValidate=NULL!!!"); } return sb.toString(); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see javax.servlet.Filter#destroy() */ public void destroy() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } }