实现: 随着向下滚动标签出现并横向滑动到某个tab相应标题选中,点击tab标题滑动到相应内容
// index.tsx文件
// 所涉及代码
import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react'
import { View, Image, Video, Swiper, SwiperItem, Button, ScrollView } from '@tarojs/components'
import { usePageScroll, createSelectorQuery, pageScrollTo, useReady, useRouter } from '@tarojs/taro'
import { useThrottleFn } from 'ahooks'
import c from 'classnames'
import Skeleton from 'taro-skeleton'
import MainLayout from '@/layout/MainLayout'
import { fetchDeatil, IResourceList } from '@/apis/detail'
import { projectArrs, ITaptaneTopArr } from './const'
import './index.scss'
const Detail: React.FC = () => {
const [projectDetail, setProjectDetail] = useState<any>({})
const [project, setProject] = useState({})
const [tabFixed, setTabFixed] = useState(false)
const [top, setTop] = useState(0)
const [tabScrollTop, setScrollTop] = useState(0)
const [taptaneTopArr, setTaptaneTopArr] = useState([])
const [projectArr, setProjectArr] = useState(projectArrs)
const [navScrollLeft, setNavScrollLeft] = useState(0)
const query = createSelectorQuery()
const router = useRouter()
const scrollHanlder = res => {
const { scrollTop } = res
if (scrollTop > tabScrollTop) {
} else {
for (let i = 0; i < projectArr.length; i++) {
let currentTaptaneTop = 0
let nextTaptaneTop = 0
let currentItem = projectArr[i]
if (i != projectArr.length - 1) {
let nextItem = projectArr[i + 1]
for (const list of taptaneTopArr) {
if (currentItem.id === list.id) {
currentTaptaneTop = list.taptaneTop
if (nextItem.id === list.id) {
nextTaptaneTop = list.taptaneTop
if (scrollTop >= currentTaptaneTop - 47 - 15 && scrollTop < nextTaptaneTop - 47 - 15) {
if (i === 0) {
setNavScrollLeft(-16 + Math.random())
currentItem.isSelected = true
} else {
currentItem.isSelected = false
} else {
for (const list of taptaneTopArr) {
if (currentItem.id === list.id) {
currentTaptaneTop = list.taptaneTop
if (scrollTop >= currentTaptaneTop - 47 - 15) {
setNavScrollLeft(state => {
currentItem.isSelected = true
return 400 + Math.random()
} else {
currentItem.isSelected = false
const { run } = useThrottleFn(scrollHanlder, { wait: 1 })
usePageScroll(res => run(res))
useReady(() => {
// id是tabs距离顶部的距离
.boundingClientRect(res => {
const { run: onTab } = useThrottleFn(
e => {
const { id } = e.target.dataset
selector: `#${id}`,
offsetTop: -40,
// duration: 30
{ wait: 300 }
useEffect(() => {
const id = Number(router.params.id)
fetchDeatil(id).then((data: any) => {
setTimeout(() => {
const arr: ITaptaneTopArr[] = []
projectArr.map(item => {
query.select(`#${item.id}`).boundingClientRect(res => {
arr.push({ id: item.id, taptaneTop: res.top })
}, 10)
}, [])
return (
<MainLayout className="detail">
{project?.auditState == 2 && (
className={c('scrollview', tabFixed ? 'tabtop' : '')}
<View className="wrapView" style={{ paddingRight: 1 }}>
{projectArr.map((list, index) => (
className={c('tabtaneCls', list.isSelected ? 'active' : '')}
{projectArr.map(item => (
<Skeleton loading={false} title row={6} key={item.key}>
<View className="content" id={item.id}>
<View className="title">{item.title}</View>
<View className="table">
{item.lists.map(item => (
<View key={item.key} className="tr">
<View className="label">{item.label}</View>
<View className="value">{projectDetail[item.key]}</View>
<View className="paceHolderBom">
<View style={{ height: '150PX', background: '#fff' }} />
export default Detail
type Txt = number | string;
export interface Idesc {
label: string;
key: string;
render?: (text: Txt) => Txt;
const salaryArr: Idesc[] = [
label: '薪资',
key: 'postSalary',
label: '工资计算',
key: 'salaryCalculationMethod',
label: '发薪时间',
key: 'payday',
label: '多久转正',
key: 'howLongCorrection'
label: '发工资银行卡',
key: 'bankCardName',
label: '其他津贴',
key: 'otherAllowances',
label: '多久可以离职',
key: 'howLongLeave',
label: '提前多久打离职报告',
key: 'advancePrintResignationReport',
label: '工作需缴纳费用',
key: 'workDeposit',
// {
// label: '更新日期',
// key: 'updateTime',
// render(text) {
// return moment(text).format('YYYY-MM-DD');
// },
// },
label: '合同签订',
key: 'contractSigningMethod',
label: '企业福利',
key: 'enterpriseWelfare'
label: '是否有试用期',
key: 'isProbationPeriod',
label: '是否缴社保',
key: 'isSocialSecurity',
render(text) {
return text;
label: '是否好离职',
key: 'easyLeave',
label: '是否有培训',
key: 'isTraining',
label: '自离是否有工资',
key: 'selfLeaveSalary',
label: '是否扣商报',
key: 'isDeductBusinessDaily',
const requestArr: Idesc[] = [
label: '年龄',
key: 'postSalary',
label: '性别',
key: 'salaryCalculationMethod',
label: '学历',
key: 'payday',
label: '身高',
key: 'howLongCorrection'
label: '视力',
key: 'bankCardName',
label: '地域',
key: 'otherAllowances',
// {
// label: '民族',
// key: 'howLongLeave',
// },
label: '自离几次是黑名单',
key: 'advancePrintResignationReport',
label: '前几个月不能进厂',
key: 'workDeposit',
label: '超龄是否可以协调',
key: 'contractSigningMethod',
label: '残疾人是否可以',
key: 'enterpriseWelfare'
label: '纹身烟疤是否可以',
key: 'isProbationPeriod',
label: '身份证过期是否可以',
key: 'isSocialSecurity',
render(text) {
return text;
const workArr: Idesc[] = [
label: '工作性质',
key: 'jobNature',
label: '工作内容',
key: 'workContent',
label: '车间环境',
key: 'workshopEnvironment',
label: '岗位',
key: 'whatPositions'
label: '工作服',
key: 'coverall',
label: '生产产品',
key: 'production',
label: '工作方式',
key: 'operationMode',
label: '上班形式',
key: 'workForm',
label: '月休息天数',
key: 'monthlyRestDays',
label: '工作时间',
key: 'workingHours',
label: '是否流水线',
key: 'isAssemblyLine'
label: '是否双休',
key: 'isWeekend',
const envArr: Idesc[] = [
label: '餐食提供',
key: 'mealProvision',
label: '餐食标准',
key: 'mealStandard',
label: '餐食扣款',
key: 'mealDeductMethod',
label: '餐食补助',
key: 'mealAllowance'
label: '住宿',
key: 'accommodation',
label: '外宿补贴',
key: 'accommodationAllowance',
label: '班车费用',
key: 'shuttleBusCost',
label: '水电费',
key: 'waterAndElectricity',
label: '是否可以刷卡吃饭',
key: 'eatCard',
label: '非工作时厂区可否吃饭',
key: 'eatInFactory',
label: '是否有班车',
key: 'isShuttleBus'
const interviewArr: Idesc[] = [
label: '面试地点',
key: 'collectionPlace',
label: '面试时间',
key: 'interviewTime',
label: '面试后体检时间',
key: 'physicalExaminationAfterInterview',
label: '面试后报到时间',
key: 'reportTimeAfterInterview'
label: '报到资料',
key: 'carryData',
label: '工人到达时间',
key: 'requiredArrivalTime',
label: '面试资料',
key: 'interviewInformation',
label: '面试项目',
key: 'interviewItems',
label: '体检费用',
key: 'physicalExaminationCostMethod',
label: '体检医院',
key: 'physicalExaminationHospital',
label: '是否提供接站',
key: 'isPickUpStation'
label: '临时身份证可否',
key: 'isTemporaryIdCard',
label: '身份证消磁可否',
key: 'isDegaussingIdCard'
label: '是否查学信网',
key: 'checkEducationNetwork',
label: '是否查纹身烟疤',
key: 'checkTattooScar'
label: '是否查案底',
key: 'checkCriminalRecord',
label: '是否需要社会工证明',
key: 'socialWorkerCertificate'
label: '是否安排临时住宿',
key: 'temporaryAccommodation',
label: '是否需要体检',
key: 'isPhysicalExamination'
label: '自带体检报告健康证可否',
key: 'selfPhysicalExaminationReport',
label: '是否需要健康证',
key: 'isHealthCertificate'
const firmArr: Idesc[] = [
label: '企业名称',
key: '',
label: '企业性质',
key: 'enterpriseNature',
label: '企业规模',
key: 'enterpriseScale',
label: '生产产品',
key: 'enterpriseProduct'
label: '乘车路线',
key: 'busLine',
label: '企业简介',
key: 'enterpriseIntroduction',
label: '周边是否有商场',
key: 'nearbyMarket',
label: '厂区是否偏僻',
key: 'isFactoryRemote',
label: '附近是否有幼儿园',
key: 'nearbyKindergarten',
export const projectArrs = [
title: '薪资福利',
lists: salaryArr,
key: 'salary',
id: 'salary',
isSelected: false
title: '招聘要求',
lists: requestArr,
key: 'request',
id: 'request',
isSelected: false
title: '工作内容',
lists: workArr,
key: 'work',
id: 'work',
isSelected: false
title: '食宿环境',
lists: envArr,
key: 'environment',
id: 'environment',
isSelected: false
title: '面试体检',
lists: interviewArr,
key: 'interview',
id: 'interview',
isSelected: false
title: '企业信息',
lists: firmArr,
key: 'firm',
id: 'firm',
isSelected: false
enum SalaryUnitType {
MOON = 1,
export const salaryUnit = {
[SalaryUnitType.MOON]: '/月',
[SalaryUnitType.DAY]: '/日',
[SalaryUnitType.HOUR]: '/时'
// 所涉及的样式
.nav {
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