

  • There are many form pages in the system (which can be viewed or edited). Different pages have different fields, and the fields interact with each other. For example, the value of field a will affect whether field b is available, and the value of field c will affect whether field d is displayed. The value of the e field affects the value of the f field, and the g field and the h field will calculate each other through a certain formula. Is there any known design solution?


  • Yes, there are several design solutions for building complex forms with interactive fields. Here are some ideas:
  1. Use a dynamic form builder: A dynamic form builder allows you to create forms with interactive fields easily. It can generate the necessary code for each field and its interaction with others. This approach is suitable for developers who want to build custom forms and require more control over the form's behavior.
  2. Use a form library: Several form libraries, such as React Forms, Formik, and Vue Forms, provide ready-made solutions for building interactive forms. These libraries have built-in logic for handling field interactions, validation, and form submission.
  3. Use conditional logic: Most form builders and libraries offer conditional logic as a feature, where you can set rules to show or hide certain fields based on other fields' values. This approach is useful when you need to customize the form's behavior based on specific conditions.
  4. Use a state management tool: For complex forms with many interactions, it may be useful to use a state management tool, such as Redux or MobX, to manage the form's state. This approach enables you to handle complex interactions and calculations across multiple fields easily.
  5. Prototype and test: Designers can prototype and test form interactions using tools such as Figma, Sketch, or Invision. Prototyping allows designers to simulate interactions and test the usability of the form before development begins.

Overall, the best approach will depend on the specific requirements of your form and the available resources, skills, and tools.


  • Can you give me some javascript code samples? It has to be implemented, just some objects and function signatures.


  • Sure, here are some sample objects and function signatures for a JavaScript form builder that supports interactive fields:
// Field object
class Field {
  constructor(name, type, value) {
    this.name = name;
    this.type = type;
    this.value = value;
    this.dependencies = [];
    this.dependents = [];

  // Add a dependency
  addDependency(field) {

  // Update field value
  updateValue(newValue) {
    this.value = newValue;

  // Update all dependent fields
  updateDependents() {
    this.dependents.forEach(field => {

  // Calculate field value
  calculateValue() {
    // Implement calculation logic here

// Form object
class Form {
  constructor() {
    this.fields = [];

  // Add a new field to the form
  addField(field) {

  // Get a field by name
  getFieldByName(name) {
    return this.fields.find(field => field.name === name);

// Example usage
const form = new Form();

const fieldA = new Field('a', 'text', '');
const fieldB = new Field('b', 'text', '');

const fieldC = new Field('c', 'checkbox', false);
const fieldD = new Field('d', 'text', '');


This code defines a Field object that represents a form field with a name, type, and value. It also includes methods for adding dependencies between fields, updating field values, and calculating values. The Form object represents a collection of fields and includes methods for adding fields and getting fields by name.

In this example, fieldB depends on fieldA, and fieldD depends on fieldC. When fieldA or fieldC values change, the dependent fields' values are updated automatically.


  • If a form has 10 fields, and a business involves 5 of them, how should the code be organized?


  • If a form has 10 fields, but only 5 of them are relevant to a specific business, the code should be organized in a way that separates the relevant fields and logic from the rest of the form.

One approach is to create a separate module or class that handles the relevant fields' interactions and calculations. The module/class should take the form data as input, extract the relevant fields, and perform any necessary calculations or validations.

Here's an example implementation:

// Business module
class BusinessModule {
  constructor(formData) {
    this.fieldA = formData.fieldA;
    this.fieldB = formData.fieldB;
    this.fieldC = formData.fieldC;
    this.fieldD = formData.fieldD;
    this.fieldE = formData.fieldE;

  // Calculate fieldF based on fieldE and fieldC
  calculateFieldF() {
    // Implementation logic here

  // Validate fieldB value
  validateFieldB() {
    // Implementation logic here

  // Get business data as an object
  getBusinessData() {
    return {
      fieldA: this.fieldA,
      fieldB: this.fieldB,
      fieldC: this.fieldC,
      fieldD: this.fieldD,
      fieldE: this.fieldE,
      fieldF: this.calculateFieldF()

// Form object
class Form {
  constructor(formData) {
    this.formData = formData;

  // Get business data from form
  getBusinessData() {
    const businessModule = new BusinessModule(this.formData);
    return businessModule.getBusinessData();

// Example usage
const formData = {
  fieldA: '',
  fieldB: '',
  fieldC: '',
  fieldD: '',
  fieldE: '',
  fieldF: ''

const form = new Form(formData);
const businessData = form.getBusinessData();

In this example, the BusinessModule class handles the relevant fields' interactions and calculations. The Form class takes the form data as input and uses the BusinessModule class to extract the relevant fields and get the business data.

This approach keeps the code organized and modular, making it easier to maintain and extend as the form and business requirements change over time.


  • 系统中有多个表单页面(可以查看或编辑)。 不同的页面有不同的字段,字段之间是相互影响的。 比如字段a的值会影响字段b是否可用,字段c的值会影响字段d是否显示。 e字段的值影响f字段的值,g字段和h字段会通过一定的公式相互计算。 有没有已知的设计解决方案?


  • 是的,有多种设计解决方案可用于构建具有交互字段的复杂表单。 这里有一些想法:
  1. 使用动态表单生成器:动态表单生成器允许您轻松创建带有交互字段的表单。 它可以为每个字段及其与其他字段的交互生成必要的代码。 这种方法适用于想要构建自定义表单并需要对表单行为进行更多控制的开发人员。
  2. 使用表单库:React Forms、Formik、Vue Forms 等多个表单库为构建交互式表单提供了现成的解决方案。 这些库具有用于处理字段交互、验证和表单提交的内置逻辑。
  3. 使用条件逻辑:大多数表单构建器和库都提供条件逻辑作为一项功能,您可以在其中设置规则以根据其他字段的值显示或隐藏某些字段。 当您需要根据特定条件自定义表单的行为时,此方法很有用。
  4. 使用状态管理工具:对于具有许多交互的复杂表单,使用状态管理工具(例如 Redux 或 MobX)来管理表单的状态可能会很有用。 这种方法使您能够轻松处理跨多个领域的复杂交互和计算。
  5. 原型制作和测试:设计师可以使用 Figma、Sketch 或 Invision 等工具制作原型并测试表单交互。 原型制作允许设计人员在开发开始之前模拟交互并测试表单的可用性。



  • 你能给我一些 javascript 代码示例吗? 它必须被实现,只是一些对象和函数签名。


  • 当然,这里有一些支持交互字段的 JavaScript 表单生成器的示例对象和函数签名:

此代码定义了一个“Field”对象,该对象表示具有名称、类型和值的表单字段。 它还包括用于添加字段之间的依赖关系、更新字段值和计算值的方法。 Form 对象表示字段的集合,包括用于添加字段和按名称获取字段的方法。

在此示例中,“fieldB”依赖于“fieldA”,而“fieldD”依赖于“fieldC”。 当 fieldAfieldC 的值发生变化时,相关字段的值会自动更新。

posted @ 2023-03-28 17:08  让速不让路  阅读(61)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报