How to implement login in the system using gin and html template?


  • How to implement login in the system using gin and html template?


  • To implement a login system using the Gin web framework and HTML templates, you can follow these steps:
  1. Define a route for the login page in the Gin router:
router.GET("/login", func(c *gin.Context) {
    c.HTML(http.StatusOK, "login.tmpl", gin.H{})
  1. Create an HTML template for the login page (login.tmpl in this example), with a form that collects the user's email and password:
<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <form action="/login" method="POST">
        <label for="email">Email:</label>
        <input type="email" name="email" required>
        <label for="password">Password:</label>
        <input type="password" name="password" required>
        <input type="submit" value="Login">
  1. Handle the form submission in the Gin router by defining a route for the POST request to /login. In this route, you can validate the user's credentials and either redirect them to the main page or show an error message:
router.POST("/login", func(c *gin.Context) {
    email := c.PostForm("email")
    password := c.PostForm("password")

    // TODO: validate user's credentials
    if email == "" && password == "password" {
        // Successful login
        c.Redirect(http.StatusFound, "/")
    } else {
        // Invalid credentials
        c.HTML(http.StatusBadRequest, "login.tmpl", gin.H{
            "errorMessage": "Invalid email or password",
  1. Finally, add middleware to protect the main pages that require authentication. You can use Gin's built-in gin.BasicAuth middleware or create your own custom middleware to validate the user's session or token:
// Middleware to protect the main pages
func authMiddleware() gin.HandlerFunc {
    return func(c *gin.Context) {
        user, password, _ := c.Request.BasicAuth()

        // TODO: validate user's session or token
        if user == "user" && password == "password" {
        } else {

// Protected main page
router.GET("/", authMiddleware(), func(c *gin.Context) {
    c.HTML(http.StatusOK, "index.tmpl", gin.H{})

With these steps, you can implement a basic login system using Gin and HTML templates. However, you should also consider other security concerns such as hashing and salting the user's password, rate limiting login attempts, and implementing two-factor authentication.


  • In a system using gin and html templates, how to implement login and make subsequent requests know whether to log in?


  • To implement login and make subsequent requests know whether to log in or not in a system using Gin and HTML templates, you can follow these steps:
  1. Implement a login page and route as described in the previous answer. Once the user is authenticated, set a session cookie to store their login status. You can use Gin's built-in sessions middleware to handle this:
// Set up session middleware
store := cookie.NewStore([]byte("secret"))
router.Use(sessions.Sessions("mysession", store))

// Route to handle login form submission
router.POST("/login", func(c *gin.Context) {
    // Validate user's credentials and set session cookie
    if validUser {
        session := sessions.Default(c)
        session.Set("isLoggedIn", true)

        // Redirect user to main page
        c.Redirect(http.StatusFound, "/")
    } else {
        // Show error message on login page
        c.HTML(http.StatusBadRequest, "login.tmpl", gin.H{
            "errorMessage": "Invalid email or password",
  1. Create a middleware function to check the user's login status on subsequent requests. This middleware function should check for the isLoggedIn session cookie and redirect the user to the login page if they are not logged in:
func authMiddleware() gin.HandlerFunc {
    return func(c *gin.Context) {
        session := sessions.Default(c)
        isLoggedIn := session.Get("isLoggedIn")

        if isLoggedIn != true {
            c.Redirect(http.StatusFound, "/login")
        } else {
  1. Apply the middleware function to all routes that require authentication. You can use Gin's Group method to apply the middleware to a group of routes:

// Protected route
router.GET("/protected", func(c *gin.Context) {
    c.HTML(http.StatusOK, "protected.tmpl", gin.H{})

With these steps, subsequent requests will know whether the user is logged in or not based on the isLoggedIn session cookie. If the user is not logged in, they will be redirected to the login page. If they are logged in, they will be able to access the protected routes.


  • Where do the cookies and sessions in your code come from?


  • In the code examples I provided, the cookies and sessions are used to implement user authentication and maintain user login state between requests.

Cookies are small pieces of data that are stored on the client-side (i.e., the user's browser) and sent to the server with every subsequent request. In the context of user authentication, a cookie can be used to store an encrypted token or identifier that represents the user's login status.

Sessions, on the other hand, are a way to store data on the server-side between requests. When a user logs in, a session is created on the server-side and a session ID is stored in a cookie on the client-side. The session ID allows the server to retrieve the session data and maintain the user's login state between requests.

In the code examples I provided, Gin provides two middleware functions gin-contrib/sessions and gin-contrib/cookies which are used to handle sessions and cookies respectively. These middleware functions make it easy to store and retrieve data in sessions and cookies.

The cookie.NewStore([]byte("secret")) function creates a new store for storing cookies with a secret key. The sessions.Sessions("mysession", store) function initializes a new session middleware instance using the specified session name ("mysession") and the store created with cookie.NewStore().

Overall, cookies and sessions are used in web development to handle user authentication and state management between requests.


  • How did the variable validUser in your code come from?


  • In my code example, the variable validUser is used as a placeholder to represent the logic that would be used to validate a user's login credentials.

In a real application, validUser would be replaced with code that validates the user's input, such as checking a database for a user with a matching email and password. The specifics of how user authentication is implemented will depend on the particular requirements of the application.

Here's an example of how validUser could be implemented using a mock database query:

router.POST("/login", func(c *gin.Context) {
    // Get user's email and password from the form submission
    email := c.PostForm("email")
    password := c.PostForm("password")

    // Query database for user with matching email and password
    var user User
    if err := db.Where("email = ? AND password = ?", email, password).First(&user).Error; err != nil {
        // User not found, redirect to login page with error message
        c.HTML(http.StatusBadRequest, "login.tmpl", gin.H{
            "errorMessage": "Invalid email or password",

    // User found, set session cookie and redirect to main page
    session := sessions.Default(c)
    session.Set("isLoggedIn", true)
    c.Redirect(http.StatusFound, "/")

In this example, the db variable represents a database connection and the User struct represents the data model for a user. The db.Where method is used to query the database for a user with the given email and password. If no user is found, an error is returned and the user is redirected to the login page with an error message. If a user is found, the session cookie is set and the user is redirected to the main page.


  • Need to pass the session to the web page?


  • Yes, you can pass session data to a web page in a variety of ways. Here are a few common methods:
  1. Using the gin.H type to pass session data as a map to the template rendering function.
router.GET("/", func(c *gin.Context) {
    session := sessions.Default(c)
    isLoggedIn := session.Get("isLoggedIn")
    user := session.Get("user")

    c.HTML(http.StatusOK, "index.tmpl", gin.H{
        "isLoggedIn": isLoggedIn,
        "user": user,

In this example, the session.Get method is used to retrieve the isLoggedIn and user values from the session. The values are then passed as a map to the template rendering function using the gin.H type.

  1. Creating a custom type that implements the TemplateFuncMap interface to access session data in templates.
type SessionFuncMap struct {
    Session sessions.Session

func (s SessionFuncMap) Get(key interface{}) interface{} {
    return s.Session.Get(key)

    "session": func(c *gin.Context) SessionFuncMap {
        return SessionFuncMap{Session: sessions.Default(c)}

router.GET("/", func(c *gin.Context) {
    c.HTML(http.StatusOK, "index.tmpl", nil)

In this example, a custom SessionFuncMap type is created to access session data in templates. The SessionFuncMap type implements the TemplateFuncMap interface, which allows it to be used as a template function. The SetFuncMap method is used to set the custom session function in the template function map, and the SessionFuncMap is initialized with the default session in the context. The session function can then be used in templates to access session data.

  1. Creating a custom middleware function to add session data to the context.
func AddSessionData() gin.HandlerFunc {
    return func(c *gin.Context) {
        session := sessions.Default(c)
        isLoggedIn := session.Get("isLoggedIn")
        user := session.Get("user")

        c.Set("isLoggedIn", isLoggedIn)
        c.Set("user", user)



router.GET("/", func(c *gin.Context) {
    isLoggedIn, _ := c.Get("isLoggedIn")
    user, _ := c.Get("user")

    c.HTML(http.StatusOK, "index.tmpl", gin.H{
        "isLoggedIn": isLoggedIn,
        "user": user,

In this example, a custom middleware function AddSessionData is created to add session data to the context. The middleware function retrieves the isLoggedIn and user values from the session and adds them to the context using the c.Set method. The middleware function is then registered using the Use method. In the request handler function, the c.Get method is used to retrieve the isLoggedIn and user values from the context, which can then be passed to the template rendering function.

These are just a few examples of how you can pass session data to a web page using Gin and HTML templates. The specific method you choose will depend on the requirements of your application and your personal preference.


  • 2 / 2


  • Yes, you can use a session ID to determine if a user is logged in instead of a boolean isLoggedIn value. In fact, using a session ID is a common method for managing user sessions.

When a user logs in, you can store a unique session ID in the session data, along with any other user-specific data that you need to store. Then, for each subsequent request, you can check if the session ID is present in the session data to determine if the user is logged in.

Here's an example of how to use a session ID to manage user sessions in Gin:

// Log in route handler
router.POST("/login", func(c *gin.Context) {
    // Check user credentials
    if validUser {
        // Generate a unique session ID
        sessionID := uuid.New().String()

        // Store session ID in session data
        session := sessions.Default(c)
        session.Set("sessionID", sessionID)

        // Redirect to main page
        c.Redirect(http.StatusFound, "/")
    } else {
        // Return error message
        c.HTML(http.StatusBadRequest, "login.tmpl", gin.H{
            "errorMessage": "Invalid username or password",

// Main page route handler
router.GET("/", func(c *gin.Context) {
    // Check if session ID is present in session data
    session := sessions.Default(c)
    sessionID := session.Get("sessionID")
    if sessionID == nil {
        // User is not logged in, redirect to login page
        c.Redirect(http.StatusFound, "/login")

    // User is logged in, render main page
    c.HTML(http.StatusOK, "index.tmpl", gin.H{})

In this example, a unique session ID is generated using the uuid.New().String() method and stored in the session data using the key "sessionID". On subsequent requests, the session ID is retrieved from the session data using the session.Get("sessionID") method. If the session ID is not present in the session data, the user is not logged in and is redirected to the login page. If the session ID is present, the user is logged in and the main page is rendered.

Note that you will also need to remove the session ID from the session data when the user logs out or the session expires.


  • Will the sessionid become invalid when the server restarts?


  • Yes, by default, the session ID stored in a session cookie will become invalid when the server restarts, because the session data is stored in memory by default. When the server restarts, the session data is lost and any session IDs stored in the session cookies will no longer be valid.

To persist session data across server restarts, you can store the session data in a database or other persistent storage system. There are several session stores available for Gin that support persistent storage, such as Redis, Memcached, and MySQL.

Here's an example of how to use Redis as a session store in Gin:

// Set up Redis store for sessions
store, err := redis.NewStore(10, "tcp", "localhost:6379", "", []byte("secret"))
if err != nil {
    log.Fatal("Failed to create Redis store:", err)
router.Use(sessions.Sessions("my-session", store))

// Log in route handler
router.POST("/login", func(c *gin.Context) {
    // Check user credentials
    if validUser {
        // Generate a unique session ID
        sessionID := uuid.New().String()

        // Store session ID in session data
        session := sessions.Default(c)
        session.Set("sessionID", sessionID)

        // Redirect to main page
        c.Redirect(http.StatusFound, "/")
    } else {
        // Return error message
        c.HTML(http.StatusBadRequest, "login.tmpl", gin.H{
            "errorMessage": "Invalid username or password",

// Main page route handler
router.GET("/", func(c *gin.Context) {
    // Check if session ID is present in session data
    session := sessions.Default(c)
    sessionID := session.Get("sessionID")
    if sessionID == nil {
        // User is not logged in, redirect to login page
        c.Redirect(http.StatusFound, "/login")

    // User is logged in, render main page
    c.HTML(http.StatusOK, "index.tmpl", gin.H{})

In this example, a Redis session store is created using the redis.NewStore() method, and the store is passed to the sessions.Sessions() middleware to be used for storing session data. The session ID is stored in the session data as before, but now the session data is stored in Redis instead of memory.

With this setup, session IDs will remain valid even after the server restarts, because the session data is stored in a persistent storage system (Redis).


  • Do I need to pass the sessionid to the front end through a cookie?


  • Yes, typically the session ID is stored in a cookie and sent to the client as part of the HTTP response. The client (i.e., the web browser) then sends the session ID back to the server with each subsequent request, typically as part of the HTTP headers.

To store the session ID in a cookie in Gin, you can use the sessions middleware provided by the Gin framework. Here's an example:

// Set up session middleware
router.Use(sessions.Sessions("my-session", sessions.NewCookieStore([]byte("secret"))))

// Log in route handler
router.POST("/login", func(c *gin.Context) {
    // Check user credentials
    if validUser {
        // Generate a unique session ID
        sessionID := uuid.New().String()

        // Store session ID in session data
        session := sessions.Default(c)
        session.Set("sessionID", sessionID)

        // Set session ID as a cookie
        c.SetCookie("sessionID", sessionID, 3600, "/", "", false, true)

        // Redirect to main page
        c.Redirect(http.StatusFound, "/")
    } else {
        // Return error message
        c.HTML(http.StatusBadRequest, "login.tmpl", gin.H{
            "errorMessage": "Invalid username or password",

// Main page route handler
router.GET("/", func(c *gin.Context) {
    // Check if session ID is present in session data
    session := sessions.Default(c)
    sessionID := session.Get("sessionID")
    if sessionID == nil {
        // User is not logged in, redirect to login page
        c.Redirect(http.StatusFound, "/login")

    // User is logged in, render main page
    c.HTML(http.StatusOK, "index.tmpl", gin.H{})

In this example, the sessions middleware is set up with a cookie store using the sessions.NewCookieStore() method. When a user logs in, the session ID is stored in the session data as before, but now it is also set as a cookie using the c.SetCookie() method. The SetCookie() method sets the sessionID cookie with an expiration time of 3600 seconds (1 hour), and sets the cookie to be valid for all paths and subdomains.

With this setup, the session ID is sent to the client as a cookie in the HTTP response, and is sent back to the server with each subsequent request in the Cookie header. The sessions middleware automatically retrieves the session ID from the Cookie header and loads the session data for the current request.


  • You can save sessionid with redis and cookie at the same time


  • Yes, it is possible to use both Redis and cookies to manage sessions in a web application. In fact, this approach is often used to provide a more reliable and scalable session management system.

Here's how you can implement this approach using Gin and the package:

  1. Set up a Redis store for sessions:
import (

func main() {
    // Initialize the Gin router
    router := gin.Default()

    // Set up the Redis store for sessions
    store, err := redis.NewStore(10, "tcp", "localhost:6379", "", []byte("secret"))
    if err != nil {
    defer store.Close()

    // Use the Redis store for session middleware
    router.Use(sessions.Sessions("my-session", store))
    // ...

In this example, the Redis store is created using the redis.NewStore() method from the package. This store will be used by the sessions middleware to store session data.

  1. When a user logs in, set the session ID in both the Redis store and a cookie:
router.POST("/login", func(c *gin.Context) {
    // Check user credentials
    if validUser {
        // Generate a unique session ID
        sessionID := uuid.New().String()

        // Store session ID in Redis store
        session := sessions.Default(c)
        session.Set("sessionID", sessionID)

        // Set session ID as a cookie
        c.SetCookie("sessionID", sessionID, 3600, "/", "", false, true)

        // Redirect to main page
        c.Redirect(http.StatusFound, "/")
    } else {
        // Return error message
        c.HTML(http.StatusBadRequest, "login.tmpl", gin.H{
            "errorMessage": "Invalid username or password",

In this example, the session ID is set in the Redis store using the session.Set() method as before. However, the session ID is also set as a cookie using the c.SetCookie() method.

  1. When a user makes subsequent requests, retrieve the session ID from the cookie and load the session data from the Redis store:
router.GET("/", func(c *gin.Context) {
    // Retrieve session ID from cookie
    sessionID, err := c.Cookie("sessionID")
    if err != nil {
        // User is not logged in, redirect to login page
        c.Redirect(http.StatusFound, "/login")

    // Load session data from Redis store
    session := sessions.Default(c)
    sessionIDFromStore := session.Get("sessionID")
    if sessionIDFromStore == nil || sessionIDFromStore.(string) != sessionID {
        // Session ID in cookie does not match session ID in Redis store
        c.Redirect(http.StatusFound, "/login")

    // User is logged in, render main page
    c.HTML(http.StatusOK, "index.tmpl", gin.H{})

In this example, the session ID is retrieved from the sessionID cookie using the c.Cookie() method. The session data is then loaded from the Redis store using the sessions.Default() method, and the session ID is retrieved using the session.Get() method. If the session ID in the cookie matches the session ID in the Redis store, the user is considered logged in and the main page is rendered. Otherwise, the user is redirected to

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