
一 判断移动终端类型

1. 判断是否是IE浏览系统

 isIE: function() {
   return (/msie/i).test(navigator.userAgent);


2. 判断是否是Android浏览系统

isAndroid: function() {
        var isAndroid = false, androidVersion;

        if(navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Android") >= 0 ) {
          androidVersion = parseFloat(navigator.userAgent.slice(navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Android")+8));
          if (androidVersion <= 2.4) {
              isAndroid = true;

        return isAndroid;


3. 判断是否是Windows Phone 7浏览系统

 fontFaceCheck: function() {
        if (/Windows Phone OS 7/.test(navigator.userAgent)) {
          Modernizr.fontface = false;


二 URL Params

 * URL Params - v1.0 - 8/28/2013
 * http://pastebin.com/yvfeK76y
 * Include this in the document <head> for best results. It will create a global 
 * object "urlParams" that stores all querystring parameters in a URL.
 * Uses/examples:
 * if ("foo" in urlParams) { ... }
 * var foo_value = urlParams["foo"];
var urlParams = {};

(function() {
    var e, a = /\+/g, r = /([^&=]+)=?([^&]*)/g, d = function(s) {
        return decodeURIComponent(s.replace(a, " "));
    }, q = window.location.search.substring(1);
    while (e = r.exec(q)) urlParams[d(e[1])] = d(e[2]);


三 获得当天时间

new Date().getTime()


四 跳转页面

var address = "***" ;
window.location.href="${request.contextPath}"+ address ;


五 重新加载页面



六 JSTL超过一定长度显示省略字符 ...

        <c:when test="${fn:length(product.description) ge 250 }">
                <span class="modelHighlightsDescription">${fn:substring(product.description, 0, 200)}...</span>
                <span class="modelHighlightsDescription"> ${product.description }</span>


七 JSTL格式化货币

1)新建一个price.tag 文件,放在 %/WEB-INF/tags/shared/format 目录下。

<%@ tag body-content="empty" trimDirectiveWhitespaces="true" %>
<%@ attribute name="priceData" required="true" type="de.hybris.platform.commercefacades.product.data.PriceData" %>
<%@ attribute name="displayFreeForZero" required="false" type="java.lang.Boolean" %>
<%@ taglib prefix="c" uri="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core" %>
<%@ taglib prefix="spring" uri="http://www.springframework.org/tags" %>

 Tag to render a currency formatted price.
 Includes the currency symbol for the specific currency.
    <c:when test="${priceData.value > 0}">
        <c:if test="${displayFreeForZero}">
            <spring:theme code="text.free" text="FREE"/>
        <c:if test="${not displayFreeForZero}">


2)新建一个tag文件,cartItems.tag,引入刚才新建的 price.tag文件

<%@ taglib prefix="format" tagdir="/WEB-INF/tags/shared/format"%>

<format:price priceData="${entry.priceWithoutCoupon}" displayFreeForZero="true" />


八 JSTL根据条件显示不同的库存量

<c:if test="${product.stock.stockLevel gt 0}">
        <c:set var="productStockLevel">${product.stock.stockLevel}&nbsp;<spring:theme code="product.variants.in.stock"/></c:set>
<c:if test="${product.stock.stockLevelStatus.code eq 'lowStock'}">
        <c:set var="productStockLevel"><spring:theme code="product.variants.only.left" arguments="${product.stock.stockLevel}"/></c:set>
<c:if test="${product.stock.stockLevelStatus.code eq 'inStock' and empty product.stock.stockLevel}">
         <c:set var="productStockLevel"><spring:theme code="product.variants.available"/></c:set>
<span class="rci-msg"  style="color: #9c3022;font-weight: bold;">${productStockLevel}</span>


九 JSTL 使用动态变量

<c:url value="${facetValue.query.url}" var="facetValueQueryUrl"/>
<input type="radio" onclick="javascript:location.href='${facetValueQueryUrl}&amp;text=${searchPageData.freeTextSearch}';" >


十 window 加载 javascript代码

<script type="text/javascript">

function downloadJSAtOnload() {
    var loadScript = document.createElement("script");
    loadScript.src="${fn:substring(url, 0, fn:length(url) - fn:length(uri))}${webroot}resources/vendor/requirejs/require.js";
    loadScript.setAttribute("data-main","${fn:substring(url, 0, fn:length(url) - fn:length(uri))}${webroot}resources/singlePage");

if (window.addEventListener)
    window.addEventListener("load", downloadJSAtOnload, false);
else if (window.attachEvent)
    window.attachEvent("onload", downloadJSAtOnload);
else window.onload = downloadJSAtOnload;



 十一  字符串转数组

// 字符串转数组
function convertToArray(original) {
    var arr = original.trim().split(/\s*,\s*/);
    if(arr[arr.length-1] == "") {
    return arr;


十二 计算百分比率

function calcPercent(n1, n2) {
    var num1 = parseInt(n1);
    var num2 = parseInt(n2);
    if(num1 && num2) {
        return Math.round((num1 / num2) * 100);
    }else {
        return 0;


十三 字符串比较

    function compare(n1, n2) {
        var t1 = parseInt(n1);
        var t2 = parseInt(n2);
        if(t1 > t2) {
            return 1;
        }else if(t1 == t2) {
            return 0;
        }else {
            return -1;


十四 生成32位随机数



十五 左标题栏闪烁

 var newMessageRemind={
      _step: 0,
      _title: document.title,
      _timer: null,
        var temps = newMessageRemind._title.replace("【   】", "").replace("【新订单】", "");
        newMessageRemind._timer = setTimeout(function() {
          // newMessageRemind.show();
          if (newMessageRemind._step == 3) { newMessageRemind._step = 1 };
          if (newMessageRemind._step == 1) { document.title = "【   】" + temps };
          if (newMessageRemind._step == 2) { document.title = "【新订单】" + temps };
        }, 100);
        return [newMessageRemind._timer, newMessageRemind._title];
      clear: function(){
        clearTimeout(newMessageRemind._timer );
        document.title = newMessageRemind._title;


      setInterval(function () {
      }, 500)


十六 截取字符串 包含中文处理 * 串,长度,hasDot表示是否增加 "..."

 //  alert(newSubString("字符串截取测试1423456是一个收藏精品学习资料的网站",20,true));  
        function newSubString(str, len, hasDot){ 
            var newLength = 0; 
            var newStr = ""; 
            var chineseRegex = /[^\x00-\xff]/g; 
            var singleChar = ""; 
            var strLength = str.replace(chineseRegex,"**").length; 
            for(var i = 0;i < strLength;i++){ 
                singleChar = str.charAt(i).toString(); 
                if(singleChar.match(chineseRegex) != null){ 
                    newLength += 2; 
                if(newLength > len){ 
                newStr += singleChar; 
            if(hasDot && strLength > len){ 
                    newStr += "..."; 
            return newStr; 


十七 收集对象属性

function getKeys(object) {
        var keys = [];
        for (var property in object)
        return keys;


十八 判断对象是否为空

        function isEmptyObject(obj){
            for(var n in obj){return false} 
                return true; 


十九 常用时间方法

function getCurrentTime(){
    return formatData(new Date(),'MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm');

function getPreviousTime( previousHour) {
     var currTimeStamp = Date.parse( getCurrentTime() );
     var calTimestamp = currTimeStamp - previousHour * 3600 * 1000;
     var previousDate = new Date(calTimestamp);
     //return formatData( previousDate,'MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm');
     return formatData( previousDate,'yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm');


二十 格式化时间

   function formatData(dataStr,fmt)
        if(dataStr == undefined)
            return '';
        if(fmt != undefined)
            return new Date(dataStr).format(fmt);
            return new Date(dataStr).format("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss");


二十一 遍历数据

var days = ["a" , "b" , "c" , "d" , "e" , "f"];

for(var idx in days){
    console.log( idx + "--> " + days[idx] );


posted @ 2015-03-16 13:02  陈晓楠  阅读(283)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报