A curated list of awesome applications, software, tools and shiny things for macOS.
Items marked with
are open-source software and link to the source code. Items marked with
are free (as in free beer).
Table of Contents
- Applications
- Command Line Utilities
- macOS Utilities
- Setup
- Security
- Miscellaneous
- Discussion Forums
- Contribute
- Audio Hijack - 从 iTunes、Skype 或 Safari 等任何应用程序,或麦克风和混音器等硬件设备录制音频。
- Audio Profile Manager -
允许您为每个特定的连接设备组合设置输入/输出设备。可能无法选择 HDMI 显示器。 - BackgroundMusic - 录制系统音频,控制单个应用程序的音频电平,并在开始播放其他音频时自动暂停音乐播放器,之后再取消暂停。
- krisp - 由人工智能驱动的应用程序,可消除会议中的背景噪音和回声,只留下人声。
- Plug - 发现并收听来自 Hype Machine 的音乐。
- Recordia - 直接从菜单栏或使用全局键盘快捷键录制音频.
- VOX Player - 可播放多种有损和无损音频格式。
- XLD - 翻录/解码/转换/播放各种 "无损 "音频文件.
- Arq - 加密备份到 Amazon、Dropbox、Google、OneDrive 等。
- Carbon Copy Cloner - 将 Mac 的增量备份和完全可启动备份创建到外部存储。
Chat Clients
- ChitChat - WhatsApp Web 的 Mac 原生应用程序包装器。
- Telegram - 这是一款注重速度和安全的信息应用程序,速度超快、操作简单且免费。
- Textual - 互联网中继聊天(IRC)客户端。
Data Recovery
- Data Rescue - 全面、专业的数据恢复,适用于多种情况。
- DiskWarrior - 当磁盘实用工具无法使用时,恢复损坏的文件系统。
- Anvil - 只需简单的 URL 和零配置,即可提供静态网站和 Rack 应用程序。
- Base 2 - 用于管理 SQLite 数据库的图形用户界面。
- CocoaRestClient - 用于测试 REST 端点的应用程序。
- Cork - 快速、直观的自制图形用户界面
- Dash - 应用程序接口文档浏览器和代码片段管理器.
- Decode - 将 Xcode Interface Builder 文件(Xib 和 Storyboard 文件)转换为 Swift 源代码。
- Fork - Mac 上快速友好的 git 客户端。
- DevUtils - 开发人员的一体化工具箱。42 多款精美实用的开发工具,原生 macOS 应用程序,可离线工作。
- Gas Mask - 一个简单的主机文件管理器,允许编辑主机文件并在它们之间切换。
- gitbar - 菜单栏上的开源 github 贡献统计。
- GitUp - 一款简单但功能强大的 Git macOS 应用程序。
- GitX-dev - GitX 的一个分叉(变种),在维护和增强过程中进行了以提高生产力为导向的改动。
- Hopper Dissassembler - 适用于 MacOS 和 Linux 的反汇编器。提供 30 分钟的演示选项。
- Hosts - 编辑主机文件。
- Iconology - 编辑图标,然后导出到 Xcode、Icns、Ico、Favicon、Mac 图标集或自定义尺寸列表。
- ImageAlpha - 对有透明度或无透明度的 PNG 文件进行有损压缩,以提高文件效率。
- ImageOptim - 使图像占用的磁盘空间更少,加载速度更快。
- Integrity - 轻松查找网站的中断链接。
- Kaleidoscope - 功能强大的差异和合并应用程序,支持文本、图像和文件夹。
- Knuff - 苹果推送通知服务 (APN) 的调试程序。
- Medis - Redis 的现代图形用户界面
- Pasteboard Viewer - 检查系统粘贴板。
- Paw - 终极 REST 客户端
- pgMagic - PostgreSQL 客户端,可让您使用 SQL 或自然语言与数据库对话。
- Pods Updater - A macOS app which helps you manage dependency releases in your Podfile.
- Postico - A modern PostgreSQL client.
- - The easiest way to get started with PostgreSQL.
- Proxyman - High-performance man-in-the-middle proxy to observe and manipulate HTTP/HTTPS requests.
- Pusher - A free tool to do sandbox push notifications.
- PSequel - A PostgreSQL GUI tool.
- QorumLogs - Swift Logging Utility for Xcode & Google Docs.
- Quiver - A delightful notebook for programmers that allows mixing rich text, code, markdown, LaTeX, and graphs.
- Sequel Ace - A MySQL & MariaDB database manager.
- Sequel Pro - A MySQL database manager.
- SnippetsLab - Manage and organise snippets of code.
- SourceTree - A free Git & Mercurial client.
- Swiftify - Objective-C to Swift code converter and Xcode & Finder extensions.
- TablePlus - A modern, native GUI for multiple databases.
- Touch Bar Simulator - The macOS Touch Bar Simulator as a standalone app.
- Tower - The most powerful Git client.
- Trailer - Configurable menubar Git notifications with accompanying native iOS app.
- Unused - An app for checking Xcode projects for unused resources.
- Vagrant Manager - Manage your vagrant machines in one place with Vagrant Manager for macOS.
- Versions - SVN GUI client for Mac.
- WWDC - The WWDC app.
- Xcodes - Install and switch between multiple versions of Xcode.
E-Book Utilities
- Kindle App - 适用于 macOS 的亚马逊 Kindle 应用程序.
- CotEditor - 适用于 macOS 的轻量级纯文本编辑器.
- Emacs - 将 Emacs 移植为 macOS 应用程序.
- MacVim - 文本编辑器 Vim.
- Nova - Panic 美观、快速、灵活的 Mac 原生代码编辑器.
- Sublime Text 3 - 复杂的文本编辑器.
- TextMate - 图形文本编辑器.
- VimR - 精致的 Vim.
Email Utilities
- Airmail - 专为 El Capitan 设计的超快电子邮件客户端.
- MailMate - 先进的 IMAP 电子邮件客户端,提供广泛的键盘控制和 Markdown 支持.
- Mailplane - 与 Google Mail、收件箱、日历和通讯录紧密集成的客户端.
- ForkLift - 文件管理器和 FTP/SFTP/WebDAV/Amazon S3 客户端.
- Path Finder - 功能强大的双窗格浏览器,可替代 Finder.
- Quicklook-Plugins - 可在 Finder 中预览更多文件类型的额外 quicklook 插件列表.
- TotalFinder - 功能强大的 Finder 替代工具.
- XtraFinder - 为 Finder 添加实用功能.
- Battle for Wesnoth - 回合制战术战略游戏,具有单人和在线多人战斗功能.
- Boxer - 适合 Mac 的 DOS 游戏模拟器.
- Dolphin - 功能强大的任天堂 GameCube 和 Wii 游戏开源模拟器.
- OpenEmu - 多种视频游戏系统.
- Screentendo - 将屏幕变成可玩的马里奥关卡.
- Stockfish - 精美、强大的国际象棋应用程序.
- Acorn - 非常类似 Mac 的图像编辑器,功能全面.
- Affinity Designer - 矢量图像设计工具,可替代 Adobe Illustrator.
- Affinity Photo - 光栅图像设计工具,可替代 Adobe Photoshop.
- GifCapture - 录制 GIF 截屏.
- GIPHY Capture - 在桌面上捕捉和共享 GIF.
- Image2icon - 用图片创建个性化图标.
- macSVG - 为网页、手机和动画设计和编辑 SVG 内容.
- OmniGraffle - 一款用于创建精确、精美图形的应用程序.
- Pixea - 一款适用于 macOS 的图像查看器,拥有简约现代的用户界面.
- Pixelmator - 功能强大的图像编辑器,可替代 Photoshop.
- Sketch - 矢量/位图混合布局应用程序,尤其适用于用户界面、网页和移动设备设计.
- Sketch Toolbox -超级简单的 Sketch 插件管理器.
- xScope - 用于测量、检查和测试屏幕图形和布局的工具.
News Readers
- hacker-menu - Hacker News Delivered to Desktop.
- NetNewsWire - A classic RSS reader reacquired by its original author and rewritten for modern macOS.
- ReadKit - Have all your Instapaper, Pocket, etc. feeds in one place even when you're offline.
- Reeder - News reader that integrates with with Feedbin, Feedly, and other popular services.
- Vienna - RSS/Atom newsreader.
- Alfred - Boosts your efficiency and productivity.
- BetterTouchTool - Configure gestures for mouse and actions for keyboard shortcuts.
- ClipMenu - ClipBoard History Manager.
- CloudClip - Sync your clipboard between your Mac and your iOS devices.
- Dropzone - Create a popup grid of customizable actions that enhance productivity on your Mac.
- f.lux - Automatically adjust your computer screen to match lighting.
- Fantastical - Complete Calendar app replacement which uses natural language for creating events.
- Hazel - Create rules to automatically keep your files organized.
- HazeOver - Turn distractions down and focus on your current task.
- HyperDock - Select individual application window.
- iCMD - Fuzzy menubar search and vim emulation.
- Instant Translate - Translate speech and text between 100+ languages from the menu bar.
- ItsyCal - A tiny menubar calendar to display your Mac Calendar app events.
- Karabiner - A powerful keyboard customizer.
- Keyboard Maestro - Automate routine actions based on triggers from keyboard, menu, location, added devices, and more.
- Keytty - Enables you to control your mouse with a few key strokes. Mouse Keys Alternative.
- LaunchBar - Start applications, navigate folders, manipulate files, control your Mac and much more just by using the keyboard.
- MeetingBar - Your meetings in MacOS status bar
- MenubarX - A powerful menu bar browser.
- OmniFocus - An incredible task management platform for Mac, iPad, and iPhone.
- OmniOutliner - Perfect for collecting information, outlining ideas, adding structure to any sort of writing, and much more.
- Pandan - Time awareness in your menu bar.
- Paste - The new way to copy & paste for Mac.
- PDF Archiver - A nice tool for tagging and archiving tasks.
- PopClip - Instantly copy & paste, access actions like search, spelling, dictionary and more.
- Presentify - Annotate anything on screen, be it, images, pdfs, videos, code, etc.
- Qbserve - Automatic time and project tracking, timesheets, invoicing, and real-time productivity feedback.
- Quicksilver - Control your Mac quickly and elegantly.
- Rocket - Makes typing emoji faster and easier using Slack-style shortcuts.
- SelfControl - Block access to distracting websites.
- Simplenote - Simple cross-platform note taking app with cloud-based syncing.
- Taskade - Real-time organization and task management tool.
- TaskPaper - Plain text to-do lists.
- Telephone - A SIP softphone. Make phone calls over the Internet or your company’s network.
- TextExpander - Create custom keyboard shortcuts for frequently-used text and pictures.
- Timing - Automatic time and productivity tracking for Mac. Helps you stay on track with your work and ensures no billable hours get lost if you are billing hourly.
Sharing Files
- CloudApp - Capture and share files and screenshots instantly.
- Jumpshare - Real-time file sharing app with support for instantly sharing code / Markdown, annotating screenshots, screen recording, and voice recording.
- mac2imgur - Upload images and screenshots to Imgur.
- Monosnap - Annotate and upload images and screenshots, supports many backends like S3, SFTP, WebDAV, Dropbox, etc.
- Transmission - Simple, lightweight, multi-platform torrent client.
- iTerm 2 - 终端仿真器.
- 1Password - Password Manager and Secure Wallet.
- AnyBar - A menubar status indicator.
- APNGb - .apng image assembler/disassembler app.
- AppCleaner - Uninstall your apps easily.
- Artify - A macOS X application for bringing dedicatedly 18th century Arts to everyone.
- Bartender - Organize your menu bar apps.
- Batch Image Resizer - Resize a large number of images quickly on your computer.
- BeardedSpice - Control web based media players with the media keys found on Mac keyboards.
- BetterZip - A very capable and full-featured archive manager.
- BitBar - Display output of any script to the menu bar.
- Burn - No-nonsense burning of Data/Audio/Video CDs and DVDs, including copying.
- CheatSheet - Know your short cuts.
- ClipboardCleaner - Automatically removes text formatting from the clipboard.
- CommandQ - Never accidentally quit an app again.
- ControlPlane - Automate running tasks based on where you are or what you do.
- DaisyDisk - Analyze disk usage and free up disk space.
- Deliveries - Beautiful and simple package tracking.
- DisableMonitor - Easily disable or enable a monitor on your Mac.
- Dozer - Hide MacOS menubar items.
- EtreCheck - Output system information and configuration to get more informed help from Apple support professionals.
- Equinox - Create macOS dynamic wallpapers.
- Fanny - Notification Center widget and menu bar application to monitor your Mac's fans and CPU temperature.
- Finicky - App that allows you to set rules that decide which browser is opened for every link.
- Flotato - Use any web site as a beautiful Mac app.
- Fluid - Turn web applications into Mac applications.
- gfxCardStatus - Menu bar app to monitor and switch between integrated and discrete GPUs on MacBook Pro.
- Gray - Pick between the light appearance and the dark appearance on a per-app basis with the click of a button.
- Helium - A floating browser window that allows you to watch media while you work.
- Irvue - Thousands of stunning photos and wallpapers from Unsplash on your Mac.
- iStat Menus - An advanced system monitor for your menubar.
- Jiffy - Discover and share the best GIFs on GIPHY.
- Kawa - A better input source switcher with shortcuts.
- KeepingYouAwake - Menu bar utility that prevents Mac from going to sleep.
- Keka - Compress to and extract from many archive file formats.
- Knock - Unlock your Mac quickly and securely.
- LaunchControl - Create, manage and debug launchd services.
- Loading - See when apps are using your network in your Mac menubar.
- Little Snitch - Protect your privacy.
- MacDown - Markdown editor.
- Mackup - Keep your application settings in sync.
- MacPass - Password Manager.
- Media Converter - Simple (drag and drop) but advanced media conversion.
- Menubar Colors - Convenient access to the system color panel.
- MenuMeters - A set of CPU, memory, disk, and network monitoring tools for macOS.
- MonitorControl - Control your display's brightness and volume on your Mac as if it was a native Apple Display. Use Apple Keyboard keys or custom shortcuts. Shows the native macOS OSDs.
- Monodraw - A powerful ASCII art editor.
- Mounty - A tiny tool to re-mount write-protected NTFS volumes under macOS 10.9+ in read-write mode.
- Noizio - Ambient sound equalizer for relaxation or productivity.
- Notational Velocity - Store, retrieve and sync notes within a minimal GUI.
- Noti - Receive Android notifications on your mac (with PushBullet).
- Numi - Beautiful calculator app.
- OnyX - Multifunction utility to verify disks and files, run cleaning and system maintenance tasks, configure hidden options and more.
- Paparazzi - A small utility that makes screenshots of webpages.
- Paragon NTFS - World fastest NTFS driver.
- Radio Silence - Simple to use firewall and network monitor.
- Microsoft Remote Desktop Connection Client - Remote Desktop Connection Client lets you connect from your Macintosh computer to a Windows-based computer.
- RDM - Easily set Mac Retina display to higher unsupported resolutions.
- Site Sucker - Automatically download websites from the Internet.
- ShiftIt - Managing windows size and position.
- SlowQuitApps - Prevent accidental Cmd-Q.
- SmartCapsLock - Makes the Caps Lock key smarter, so that when the key accidentally gets activated and you START YELLING even though you don't want to, you can just select the yelling-text and press the key again to instantly fix its case instead of typing everything all over again.
- Soulver - Beautiful expressive calculator.
- SSH Tunnel - Manage your SSH tunnels, tightly integrated with macOS Keychain, secure and intuitive.
- Strongbox - Secure Password Management for iOS and MacOS. Open Source. Compatible with KeePass and Password Safe.
- TeamViewer - Remotely control another computer.
- TextBar - TextBar is a tiny but powerful app that lets you add any text to your MenuBar.
- Typeeto - Lets you use your Mac's keyboard as a bluetooth keyboard to type on another devices.
- Typora - Another minimal Markdown editor.
- Ukelele - Unicode Keyboard Layout Editor.
- Übersicht - Run system commands and display their output on your desktop as widgets.
- The Unarchiver - Unarchive many different kinds of archive files.
- Wineskin - Run Windows applications and games on your Mac.
- HandBrake - 高性能视频编码和转换工具,图形用户界面美观大方.
- IINA - 设计简约的媒体播放器.
- mpv - 媒体播放器.
- ScreenFlow - 屏幕广播和视频编辑软件.
- Subler - 多路复用和标记 MP4 文件.
- Subtitlr - 拖放字幕下载工具.
Window Management
- Amethyst - 窗口管理器(自动保持网格中窗口的大小).
- Divvy Window Manager - 用于平铺窗户的窗户管理.
- Hammerspoon - EMacOS 上极其强大的脚本引擎.
- Hummingbird - 无需点击鼠标,即可在窗口内任意位置轻松移动和调整窗口大小.
- Moom - 移动和缩放窗口,重量超轻且可定制.
- Phoenix - 可使用 JavaScript 编写脚本的轻量级窗口和应用程序管理器.
- Rectangle - 无需使用鼠标即可轻松整理窗口.
- Stay - 在显示屏发生变化时调整窗口大小/位置.
- Swish - 用触控板手势控制窗口和应用程序.
- yabai - 平铺式窗口管理器,焦点随鼠标移动.
- Aerial - 适用于 Mac 的 Apple TV 空中屏幕保护程序.
- Catch - 使用 ShowRSS 的最简单方法.
- Clocker - 从 Mac 菜单查看多个时区的时间.
- Juice - 让电池信息更有趣.
- Sonora - 设计简约精美的音乐播放器.
- Spillo - 功能强大、美观快捷的 Pinboard 客户端.
- Transmit - FTP 客户端.
Command Line Utilities
- Awesome macOS Command Line - 使用 macOS 终端外壳做超棒的事.
- m-cli - 适用于 macOS 的瑞士军刀.
- Mac-CLI - 面向开发人员的 macOS 命令行工具.
- mas - Mac App Store 的 CLI.
macOS Utilities
- Bluetooth Debug Menu - 出厂重置设备等.
- Command Line Utilities Part 1
- Command Line Utilities Part 2
- EnvPane - 环境变量首选项窗格.
- Glances - 在终端运行的系统监控工具.
- Thread on StackExchange
Ansible playbook to configure a development and desktop environment from a clean macOS install.
macOS 10.9 Mavericks Setup
macOS 10.10 Yosemite Setup
macOS 10.11 El Capitan Setup
macOS 10.12 Sierra Setup
macOS 10.13 High Sierra Setup
macOS 10.14 Mojave Setup
macOS 10.15 Catalina Setup
- GPG Suite - 完整的 GPG 工具包,带有易于理解的图形用户界面应用程序和 插件.
- LinkLiar - 用 Swift 编写的菜单应用程序,可帮助您欺骗 Wi-Fi 和以太网接口的 MAC 地址.
- macchanger by acrogenesis - 轻松更改您的 MAC 地址
- macchanger by shilch - 更改/欺骗 MAC 地址(随机、自定义和还原).
- MIDAS - 入侵检测分析系统.
- OS-X-Security-and-Privacy-Guide
- OSXCollector - 法医证据收集和分析工具包.
- Pareto Security - 一款菜单栏应用程序,可自动审核 Mac 的基本安全卫生情况.
- santa - 二进制白名单/黑名单系统.
- Shimo - 功能齐全的 Mac VPN 客户端.
- SimpleumSafe - 用 macOS 或 iOS 加密、整理和同步文件.
- tinc - 安全网状 VPN 软件.
- Tunnelblick - 易于使用的 OpenVPN 客户端和图形用户界面.
- VeraCrypt - 免费开源磁盘加密软件.
- Viscosity - 功能齐全的 OpenVPN 客户端,可用于企业部署.
Discussion Forums
IRC channels
Contributions are most welcome, please adhere to the Contribution Guidelines and our Code of Conduct.
Please consider checking out the pull requests that need more votes to be included.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
【推荐】凌霞软件回馈社区,博客园 & 1Panel & Halo 联合会员上线
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· 推荐几款开源且免费的 .NET MAUI 组件库
· 实操Deepseek接入个人知识库
· 易语言 —— 开山篇
· 一个费力不讨好的项目,让我损失了近一半的绩效!