Break Break Break
Break Break Break
Break, break, break, | 碎裂!啊,大海的波涛 |
On thy cold grey stones, O Sea! | 在灰冷的危岩上崩溃,碎裂! |
And I would that my tongue could utter | 但愿我胸中涌起的思情 |
The thoughts that arise in me. | 能在舌端倾泻。 |
O well for the fisherman's boy, | 嬉戏的渔家儿女 |
That he shouts with his sister at play! | 奔逐喧闹,多么亲切! |
O well for the sailor lad, | 帆樯下的少年水手 |
That he sings in his boat on the bay! | 放声歌唱,多么喜悦! |
And the stately ships go on | 山麓期盼中的港湾 |
To their haven under the hill; | 把庄严的航船迎接。 |
But O for the touch of a vanish'd hand, | 而我渴望触及的手不再回归, |
And the sound of a voice that is still! | 我渴望倾听的嗓音已然寂灭! |
Break, break, break, | 碎裂!啊,大海的波涛 |
At the foot of thy crags, O Sea! | 在峭壁下崩溃,碎裂! |
But the tender grace of a day that is dead | 温柔美好的日子死了, |
Will never come back to me. | 已然永远和我诀别。 |
【说明】这首诗是英国桂冠诗人丁尼生(Alfred Tennyson 1809-1892)为悼念亡友而作,是他著名的悲情诗之一。该诗的中译已有几种,多为直译。本译为意译,即在忠实原诗的思想内容前提下,在形式方面有较多的变动,以适合中国读者的审美习惯。如诗题的三个“break”仅译为一个“碎裂”,以使感情较为含蓄;同样,第1,4节首行则被译为“碎裂,崩溃,碎裂”,并被置于两行中,也避免了第二行直译中为了中文句法的完整而不得不增添的一个“break”;第2节中的“O well”被具体地译为“多么亲切”和“多么喜悦”,而“渔夫的儿子和他的妹妹(或姐姐)”则简译为“渔家儿女”,同时,为了不使字数过少,增加“奔逐”二字;等等。原分节换韵也改为全诗同韵,并增添了原诗没有的行内韵,如“灰冷的危岩”,“庄严的航船”。译者参考了飞白先生的译作。此译诗曾以英汉对照方式刊登于外研社出版的《英语学习》1999年第5期。