
Lync cmdlet 找不到管理对象的错误原因

2013-04-02 16:47  雪中风筝  阅读(352)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报

Get-CSUser returns "Management object not found for identity" for some enabled users.

I found and posted on this Tech Center link here - 

The main question I have remains - 
"Get-CsUser returns values for Active Directory attributes specifically related to Lync Server." 

Then why would an incorrect error in Exchange matter? Their AD properties were correct using ADUC and the UserID and SIP in Lync were correct as well. The "only" place I found the errant entry was in their Exchange 2010 Alias setting.

"I contacted to Microsoft Premier support about this and they pointed out that the -Identity parameter is not accepting samAccountName as the search value.

Indicates the Identity of the user account to be retrieved. User Identities can be specified using one of four formats: 
1) the user's SIP address; 
2) the user's user principal name (UPN); 
3) the user's domain name and logon name, in the form domain\logon (for example, litwareinc\kenmyer); and, 
4) the user's Active Directory display name (for example, Ken Myer). 
You can also reference a user account by using the user抯 Active Directory distinguished name. 
You can use the asterisk (*) wildcard character when using the Display Name as the user Identity. For example, the Identity "* Smith" returns all the users who have a display name that ends with the string value " Smith

Here I have to disagree. It DOES work for almost all my enabled users, just not these that I ran across.

So again, why would a command "specifically related to Lync Server" care what was in Exchange when AD was set correctly..?

