Blocked time includes any pre-processing time (such as cache lookup) and the time spent waiting for a network connection to become available. Internet Explorer will only create a maximum of two concurrent network connections per host name (i.e. and will queue up requests until a network connection is available. Often the Blocked time is the most significant factor in the download time of images embedded in a web page. 
Connect is the time required to create a TCP connection to the web server (or proxy). If a secure HTTPS connection is being used this time includes the SSL handshake process. Keep-Alive connections are often used to avoid the overhead of repeatedly connecting to the web server. 
Send is the time required to send the HTTP request message to the server and will depend on the amount of data that is sent to the server. For example, long Send times will result from uploading files using an HTTP POST 
发送,是发送HTTP请求到服务器的时间,而且这个时间取决与发送请求的数据量的大小,例如,长的发送时间是由于用 PSOT方式上传文件造成的。
Wait is the idle time spent waiting for a response message from the server. This value includes delays introduced due to network latency and the time required to process the request on the web server. 
Receive is the time taken to read the response message from the server. This value will be depend on the size of the content returned, network bandwidth and whether HTTP compression was used. 
Cache Read is the time taken to read the content from the browser cache during (Cache) or 304 responses. 
TTFB (or Time To First Byte) is the duration from the initial network request being initiated by the browser to the first byte being received from the server. It includes TCP connection time, the time to send the request and the time taken to get the first byte of the response message. 


Network is the total duration of all network related operations for an HTTP request. 

posted on 2015-12-15 15:53  踏歌&而行  阅读(253)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报