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农学 袁隆平的英语修为


人民网曾发文: 袁隆平有个座右铭:“学到老”。 他的外语功底相当厚实,除了儿时深受通晓英文的母亲的熏陶外,自己对外语的痴迷、勤奋及对语言的敏锐感知和驾驭的天赋,更是他成功的秘诀。 现在,他依然挤出时间看外文书、查词典、听收音机、背英语单词进行强化训练。


所谓的英文K12,就是从幼儿园(kindergarten)到高三(12 grade)的英语国家全科学习课程。

  • If 50% of the conventional rice is replaced by hybrid rice, and estimating on a 2 t/ha yield advantage of hybrid rice, it is estimated that the total rice production in the world will be increased by another 150 million tons, which can feed 400 million more people each year. 如果全球有一半的常规水稻面积改种杂交水稻,按每公顷增产2吨稻谷估算,则全球可增产1.5亿吨粮食,这相当于每年可多养活4亿人。


Foreign media reporter:May I ask you a few questions? The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations once ask you six times to be their chief consultant.

Yuan longping:I don’t want to hide the fact. I have many titles both in China and abroad, but this win I value it very much.

Foreign media reporter: Why?

Yuan longping: To trade the talent for all countries, especially, for developing countries, is one of my life long wishes.

Foreign media reporter: Your hybrid rice is famous all over the world, and spread in dozens of countries as a large skill. How do you feel about that?

Yuan longping: Of course, I’m very happy and exciting, because, hybrid rice technology not only belongs to China, but also to the whole world.

Foreign media reporter: Are you still exploring the new areas of super hybrid rice?

Yuan longping: As long as my life is going on, I never stop pursuing and dreaming for super hybrid rice


Foreign media reporter: I heard you have a beautiful dream.

Yuan longping: That’s true. Several years ago, I had a dream. I saw my super hybrid rice plant as high as the sorghum, and the panicle as large as the besom, and the grain as big as the peanuts. I was very happy. And I with my assistant to rest under the panicles.


“我英语不好”:并不是 My English is poor. 可以说:

I'm not good at English. 我不太擅长英语。

I'm not very fluent in English yet. 我的英语还不太流利。

p.s. 外国人的眼中,用poor来形容自己的水平,是一种自卑不自信的表现。如果真的英语不太好,或者想要谦虚一下,可以使用后两句。

rubbish English

Broken English

day day up

I speak poor English



严复对翻译曾经提出信(faithfulness)、达(expressiveness)、雅(elegance) 的标准,即“译事三难:信、达、雅。求其信已大难矣,顾信矣不达,虽译犹不译也, 则达尚焉。”“信”指意义不悖原文,即是译文要准确,不偏离,不遗漏,也不要随意增减意思;“达”指不拘泥于原文形式,译文通顺明白;“雅”则指译文时选用的词语要得体,追求文章本身的古雅,简明优雅。


If you do not leave me, we will die together.









I love you, but I'm not in love with you.这句话区别了love和be in love with,一种是通常的状态,一种是此刻的状态,所以笔者译为“我爱你,但这会儿爱的感觉不见了。”很多网友翻译的是:“我喜欢你,但不代表我爱你”,笔者觉得有些问题,因为两个人确曾爱过,这是分手词,不是对单相思的拒绝。Live in such terror of loving and be loved则是谈到了爱与被爱的纠结,因为上文在谈失恋的人总是不肯承认爱已失去,总是想追回既往的爱情。Blind yourself to opportunities比较好译,就是蒙蔽了自己的眼睛,错失了寻找真正幸福的机会。


I love you more than yesterday and less than tomorrow 我比昨天多爱一点,又比明天少一点 今天我爱你,比昨天多,但不如明天

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