
  1. 多段区间,求重合次数最多的区间或是给一个查询点判断该点在这些区间中存在的次数。
  2. 多条线段,求线段覆盖长度,重合记为一次。



 1 #include <iostream>
 2 #include <vector>
 3 #include <algorithm>
 4 using namespace std;
 5 #define NUM 5
 7 typedef struct _guest
 8 {
 9     int arrival;
10     int leave;
11 }guest;
13 bool cmp(const int& i, const int& j)
14 {
15     return abs(i) < abs(j);
16 }
18 void GuestNumMax(guest* gs, int len)
19 {
20     vector<int> times;
21     for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i)
22     {
23         times.push_back(+gs[i].arrival);
24         times.push_back(-gs[i].leave);
25     }
26     sort(times.begin(), times.end(), cmp);
27     int n = 0, m = 0;
28     for (int i = 0; i < times.size(); ++i)
29     {
30         if (times[i] >= 0)
31             n++;
32         else
33             n--;
34         m = max(n, m);
35     }
36     cout << "The most num of guest is " << m << "!" << endl;
37 }
39 int main()
40 {
41     guest gs[NUM];
42     gs[0].arrival = 1;
43     gs[0].leave = 2;
44     gs[1].arrival = 2;
45     gs[1].leave = 5;
46     gs[2].arrival = 3;
47     gs[2].leave = 7;
48     gs[3].arrival = 4;
49     gs[3].leave = 6;
50     gs[4].arrival = 7;
51     gs[4].leave = 8;
52     GuestNumMax(gs, NUM);
53 }


 1 #include <iostream>
 2 using namespace std;
 4 struct segmentree
 5 {
 6     int left, right;
 7     int num;
 8 }st[100];
 9 int segments[5][2] = {{1, 2},{2, 5},{3, 7},{4, 6},{7,8}};
11 void Build(int idx, int left, int right)
12 {
13     st[idx].left = left;
14     st[idx].right = right;
15     if (right == left)
16     {
17         st[idx].num = 0;
18         return;
19     }
20     int mid = (left + right) / 2;
21     Build(idx*2+1, left, mid);
22     Build(idx*2+2, mid + 1, right);
23     st[idx].num = 0;
24 }
26 void Insert(int idx, int start, int end)
27 {
28     if (st[idx].left == start && st[idx].right == end)
29     {
30         st[idx].num++;
31         return;
32     }
33     if (st[idx].right == st[idx].left) return;
34     int mid = (st[idx].left + st[idx].right) / 2;
35     if (end <= mid)
36         Insert(idx * 2 + 1, start, end);
37     else if (start > mid)
38         Insert(idx * 2 + 2, start, end);
39     else
40     {
41         Insert(idx * 2 + 1, start, mid);
42         Insert(idx * 2 + 1, mid + 1, end);
43     }
44 }




 1 #include <iostream>
 2 #include <algorithm>
 3 using namespace std;
 4 #define NUM 3
 6 typedef struct _line
 7 {
 8     int start;
 9     int end;
10 }line;
12 bool cmp(const line& i, const line& j)
13 {
14     if (i.start < j.start)
15         return true;
16     else if (i.start > j.start)
17         return false;
18     else
19         return i.end < j.end;
20 }
22 void LengthSum(line* ls, int len)
23 {
24     sort(ls, ls + len, cmp);
25     int start, end, sum = 0;
26     for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i)
27     {
28         if (i == 0 || ls[i].start > end)
29         {
30             start = ls[i].start;
31             end = ls[i].end;
32             sum += end - start;
33         }
34         else if (ls[i].end > end)
35         {
36             sum += ls[i].end - end;
37             end = ls[i].end;
38         }
39     }
40     cout << "the length of lines is " << sum << " !" << endl;
41 }
43 int main()
44 {
45     line ls[NUM];
46     ls[0].start = 1;
47     ls[0].end = 3;
48     ls[1].start = 2;
49     ls[1].end = 4;
50     ls[2].start = 5;
51     ls[2].end = 6;
52     LengthSum(ls, NUM);
53 }


 1 #include <iostream>
 2 using namespace std;
 3 #define LL(x) ((x) << 1 + 1)
 4 #define RR(x) ((x) << 1 + 2)
 6 struct seg_tree
 7 {
 8     int left, right;
 9     bool isCover;
10 }st[10];
11 int segment[3][2] = {{1, 3},{2, 4},{5, 6}};
13 void Build(int idx, int left, int right)
14 {
15     st[idx].left = left;
16     st[idx].right = right;
17     if (right - left == 1)
18     {
19         st[idx].isCover = false;
20         return;
21     }
22     int mid = (left + right) / 2;
23     Build(idx*2+1, left, mid);
24     Build(idx*2+2, mid, right);
25     st[idx].isCover = false;
26 }
28 void Insert(int idx, int start, int end)
29 {
30     if (st[idx].isCover) return;
31     if (st[idx].left == start && st[idx].right == end)
32     {
33         st[idx].isCover = true;
34         return;
35     }
36     int mid = (st[idx].left + st[idx].right) / 2;
37     if (end <= mid)
38         Insert(idx*2+1, start, end);
39     else if (start >= mid)
40         Insert(idx*2+2, start, end);
41     else
42     {
43         Insert(idx*2+1, start, mid);
44         Insert(idx*2+2, mid, end);
45     }
46 }
48 int Count(int idx)
49 {
50     if (st[idx].isCover)
51         return st[idx].right - st[idx].left;
52     else if (st[idx].right - st[idx].left == 1)
53         return 0;
54     return Count(idx*2+1) + Count(idx*2+2);
55 }
57 void main()
58 {
59     Build(0, 0, 10);
60     for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
61         Insert(0, segment[i][0], segment[i][1]);
62     printf("The cover length is %d\n", Count(0));
63 }


posted on 2013-05-19 21:05  月moon鸟  阅读(186)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
