Ambarella SDK build 步骤解析

Make Target Options


make <Tab> <Tab>  /*列出所有支持的目标(命令行输入make, 再按两下Tab键)*/
make <Target>     /*编译特定的目标*/
make -jN          /*使用多核CPU构建*/



make defconfig_public_linux  /*使用默认的kernel配置*/
make menuconfig_public_linux /*显示kernel配置界面*/
make menuconfig              /*显示amboot配置界面*/
make show_configs            /*显示所有配置文件*/
make sync_build_mkcfg        /*准备 make 文件和 AmbaConfig 文件*/
make amboot                  /*Build Amboot*/
make linux                   /*Build Linux Kernel*/
make prepare_private_drivers /*Prepare private drivers*/
make build_private_drivers   /*Build private drivers*/
make clean_private_drivers   /*Clean private drivers*/
make clean                   /*Delete out directory*/
make distclean               /*Delete all temporary objects in compilation*/
make rtsp_server             /*Compile the program rtsp_server*/



进入到 h2_linux_sdk/ambarella/boards/h2_everest 目录下,依次执行以下步骤,即可编译出所需image。

# make sync_build_mkcfg            /* prepare the make file and AmbaConfig file*/
# make h2everest_broadcast_config  /*生成amboot的 .config 文件*/
# make defconfig_public_linux      /*使用默认的kernel配置(ambarella_h2_defconfig)*/
# make -j8



在执行完'make h2everest_broadcast_config'后,amboot的配置文件.config生成,需要对amboot的配置进行修改的话,执行:

# make menuconfig

执行完以后 'make -j8'编译即可。



make h2everest_XXX_config



进入到 h2_linux_sdk/ambarella/boards/h2_everest目录下,

1.clean up the old target template
# make clean    


2.apply the default kernel configuration
# make defconfig_public_linux


3.display and modify the kernel configuration according to the requirement
# make menuconfig_public_linux  


4.create the specific kernel configuration
# mkdir config/kernel
# cp     -dpRf      ../../out/h2_everest/kernel/linux-4.4_everest/.config        config/kernel/ambarella_XXX_defconfig
# make menuconfig
  [*] Ambarella Linux Configuration  ---> 
     (ambarella_XXX_defconfig) Linux Default Configuration


5.rebuild the firmware
# make -j8



[*] Ambarella Linux Configuration  ---> 
     (ambarella_XXX_defconfig) Linux Default Configuration
  • 执行'make menuconfig'可以选择默认的kernel配置文件,上述选的就是ambarella_XXX_defconfig文件;
  • 'make defconfig_public_linux'执行的操作是拷贝ambarella_XXX_defconfig到ambarella/out/h2_everest/kernel/linux-4.4_everest/下,拷贝后的文件为.config;
  • 'make menuconfig_public_linux'命令对kernel配置进行修改,此时修改的配置文件是ambarella/out/h2_everest/kernel/linux-4.4_everest/.config
posted @ 2018-09-21 17:06  闹闹爸爸  阅读(2779)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报