android 12 修改Launcher3 app hotseat 图标形状为圆角图标


在对11.0产品开发中,对于Launcher3做各种定制化开发,也是常见的,最近有功能需求要求,对于修改图标的形状为圆角图标,而在Launcher3中,所有的app和hotseat 都是由BubbleTextView负责构建的,所以对于图标的修改也是要从BubbleTextView.java修改的


2.修改Launcher3 app hotseat 图标形状为圆角图标的相关类


3.修改Launcher3 app hotseat 图标形状为圆角图标的相关功能分析和实现

3.1看 源码关于图标的绑定

public class BubbleTextView extends TextView implements ItemInfoUpdateReceiver, OnResumeCallback,
         IconLabelDotView, DraggableView, Reorderable {
     private static final int DISPLAY_WORKSPACE = 0;
     private static final int DISPLAY_ALL_APPS = 1;
     private static final int DISPLAY_FOLDER = 2;
     private static final int[] STATE_PRESSED = new int[] {android.R.attr.state_pressed};

public void applyFromWorkspaceItem(WorkspaceItemInfo info) {
        applyFromWorkspaceItem(info, false);

    public void applyFromWorkspaceItem(WorkspaceItemInfo info, boolean promiseStateChanged) {
        if (promiseStateChanged || (info.hasPromiseIconUi())) {

        applyDotState(info, false /* animate */);

    public void applyFromApplicationInfo(AppInfo info) {

        // We don't need to check the info since it's not a WorkspaceItemInfo

        // Verify high res immediately

        if (info instanceof PromiseAppInfo) {
            PromiseAppInfo promiseAppInfo = (PromiseAppInfo) info;
        applyDotState(info, false /* animate */);

protected void applyIconAndLabel(ItemInfoWithIcon info) {
boolean useTheme = mDisplay == DISPLAY_WORKSPACE || mDisplay == DISPLAY_FOLDER
|| mDisplay == DISPLAY_TASKBAR;
FastBitmapDrawable iconDrawable = info.newIcon(getContext(), useTheme);
mDotParams.color = IconPalette.getMutedColor(iconDrawable.getIconColor(), 0.54f);



* The bitmap for the application icon
public BitmapInfo bitmap = BitmapInfo.LOW_RES_INFO;

/** * Returns a FastBitmapDrawable with the icon and context theme applied */ public FastBitmapDrawable newIcon(Context context, boolean applyTheme) { FastBitmapDrawable drawable = applyTheme ? bitmap.newThemedIcon(context) : bitmap.newIcon(context); drawable.setIsDisabled(isDisabled()); return drawable; }


     * Creates a drawable for the provided BitmapInfo
    public FastBitmapDrawable newIcon(Context context) {
        FastBitmapDrawable drawable = isLowRes()
                ? new PlaceHolderIconDrawable(this, context)
                : new FastBitmapDrawable(this);
        drawable.mDisabledAlpha = GraphicsUtils.getFloat(context, R.attr.disabledIconAlpha, 1f);
        return drawable;


在上述代码中发现调用applyFromApplicationInfo((AppInfo) info)进行图标数据的绑定加载,而在applyFromApplicationInfo((AppInfo) info)中applyIconAndLabel(info)是绑定图标和文字的
applyIconAndLabel 是对图标做处理显示的


进入FastBitmapDrawable .newIcon();

public class FastBitmapDrawable extends Drawable {
      private static final float PRESSED_SCALE = 1.1f;
      private static final float DISABLED_DESATURATION = 1f;
      private static final float DISABLED_BRIGHTNESS = 0.5f;
      public static final int CLICK_FEEDBACK_DURATION = 200;
      private static ColorFilter sDisabledFColorFilter;
      protected final Paint mPaint = new Paint(Paint.FILTER_BITMAP_FLAG | Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG);
      protected Bitmap mBitmap;
      protected final int mIconColor;
      private boolean mIsPressed;
      private boolean mIsDisabled;
      private float mDisabledAlpha = 1f;
      // Animator and properties for the fast bitmap drawable's scale
      private static final Property<FastBitmapDrawable, Float> SCALE
              = new Property<FastBitmapDrawable, Float>(Float.TYPE, "scale") {
          public Float get(FastBitmapDrawable fastBitmapDrawable) {
              return fastBitmapDrawable.mScale;
          public void set(FastBitmapDrawable fastBitmapDrawable, Float value) {
              fastBitmapDrawable.mScale = value;
       * Returns a FastBitmapDrawable with the icon.
      public static FastBitmapDrawable newIcon(Context context, ItemInfoWithIcon info) {
          FastBitmapDrawable drawable = newIcon(context, info.bitmap);
          return drawable;
       * Creates a drawable for the provided BitmapInfo
      public static FastBitmapDrawable newIcon(Context context, BitmapInfo info) {
          final FastBitmapDrawable drawable;
          if (info instanceof Factory) {
              drawable = ((Factory) info).newDrawable();
          } else if (info.isLowRes()) {
              drawable = new PlaceHolderIconDrawable(info, context);
          } else {
              drawable = new FastBitmapDrawable(info);
          drawable.mDisabledAlpha = Themes.getFloat(context, R.attr.disabledIconAlpha, 1f);
          return drawable;


通过调用FastBitmapDrawable .newIcon()等相关方法,发现最后
发现实际上是有FastBitmapDrawable来处理图标而在FastBitmapDrawable实际上也是Drawable 的资子类,最后得用draw(Canvas canvas)来绘制图标

public FastBitmapDrawable(ItemInfoWithIcon info) {
        this(info.iconBitmap, info.iconColor);

    protected FastBitmapDrawable(Bitmap b, int iconColor) {
        this(b, iconColor, false);

    protected FastBitmapDrawable(Bitmap b, int iconColor, boolean isDisabled) {
        mBitmap = b;
        mIconColor = iconColor;

    public final void draw(Canvas canvas) {
        if (mScale != 1f) {
            int count =;
            Rect bounds = getBounds();
            canvas.scale(mScale, mScale, bounds.exactCenterX(), bounds.exactCenterY());
            drawInternal(canvas, bounds);
        } else {
            drawInternal(canvas, getBounds());

    protected void drawInternal(Canvas canvas, Rect bounds) {
        canvas.drawBitmap(mBitmap, null, bounds, mPaint);

在draw(Canvas canvas)绘制图标后,最终调用drawInternal(Canvas canvas, Rect bounds)负责绘制图标,从以上代码可以看出 具体处理图标的地方是在drawInternal来实现对图标的绘制
所以就在这里对图标做圆角处理 具体如下:

     protected void drawInternal(Canvas canvas, Rect bounds) {
-        canvas.drawBitmap(mBitmap, null, bounds, mPaint);
+        // 初始化绘制纹理图
+        BitmapShader bitmapShader = new BitmapShader(mBitmap, Shader.TileMode.CLAMP, Shader.TileMode.CLAMP);
+               Paint paint = new Paint();
+               paint.setAntiAlias(true);
+               paint.setDither(true);
+        paint.setShader(bitmapShader);
+               paint.setStrokeWidth(16);
+        // 利用画笔将纹理图绘制到画布上面
+               int mWidth = Math.min(mBitmap.getWidth(), mBitmap.getHeight());
+        canvas.drawRoundRect(new RectF(8, 8, mWidth-8, mWidth-8), 40, 40, paint);
+               //canvas.drawCircle(mWidth / 2, mWidth / 2, mWidth / 2, paint);
+        //canvas.drawBitmap(mBitmap, null, bounds, mPaint);
posted @ 2023-11-08 11:48  xiaowang_lj  阅读(374)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报