CREATE VIEW [dbo].[view_Returndate]
SELECT p.htid + ',' + p.inspectingitemAssignment AS htidassign, p.htid AS htid, c.classificationname AS classificationname, item.projectnumber AS result,
p.phone AS sampleid, p.times AS statu, p.client AS conversion, p.sampledate AS finishtime, item.projectnumber AS projectnumber,c.classification as classification
FROM inspectingitem AS item, childinspecting AS c, inspectionpact AS p
WHERE item.projectnumber IN
FROM dbo.f_splitstr(cast(p.inspectingitem AS varchar(1024)), ',')) AND item.projectnumber = c.projectnumber AND
(p.htid + '' + item.projectnumber+''+c.classification NOT IN
(SELECT r.htid + '' + r.inspectingitem +''+r.classification AS a
FROM returndate AS r))
SELECT r.htid + ',' + item.projectnumber AS htidassign, r.htid, c.classificationname AS classificationname, r.result AS result, r.sampleid AS sampleid,
r.statu AS statu, r.conversion AS conversion, r.finishtime AS finishtime, r.inspectingitem AS projectnumber,c.classification as classification
FROM returndate r LEFT JOIN
inspectingitem item ON r.inspectingitem = item.projectnumber LEFT JOIN
childinspecting c ON r.inspectingitem = c.projectnumber and r.classification=c.classification
// dbo.f_splitstr这个是自己写的处理字符串的函数