随笔分类 - arm
摘要:原文:http://www.cnbeta.com/articles/204970.htm在今年早些时候Raspberry Pi刚刚发布,这个信用卡大小的迷你Linux机器瞬间走红。在它开始发售的那个晚上,Pi计划的官方分发商Premier Farnell/element 14与RS Components的网站被刷得几乎没办法打开。时间来到今天,你终于可以在三周之内拿到一个Raspberry Pi了。它说得上是今年的Linux设备之最,如果你已经准备入手一个,那么下面的文章将会告诉你该如何为它进行设置。Raspberry Pi是什么?最 初,Raspberry Pi只是作为开发样板而推出,目的是
摘要:# Makefile for the Onvif#default: allPWD := $(shell pwd)MODULE_DIR := $(word 2, $(subst /unit_test/private/, ,$(PWD)))PRIVATE_DIR := $(shell echo ./$(MODULE_DIR)|sed 's/\/[0-9a-zA-Z_]*/\/../g' )AMBABUILD_TOPDIR := $(PWD)/$(PRIVATE_DIR)/../..MODULE_NAME := "onvif"LI...
摘要:#### Makefile#### History:## 2009/11/16 - [Qiao Wang]#### Copyright (C) 2004-2009, Ambarella, Inc.#### All rights reserved. No Part of this file may be reproduced, stored## in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means,## electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or o...
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