XML Schema 数据类型

 1. XML数据类型

简单类型 实例和解释
string "this is a string"
boolean true, false
float single-precision floating point
double double precision 64-bit floating point
decimal 123.45
integer -12345; 0; 12345
non-positive-integer -12345; 0
negative-integer -12345
long 1234567890123
int 123456789
short 12345
byte 123
non-negative-integer 0; 123456
unsigned-long 123456789012345
unsigned-int 1234567801
unsigned-short 12345
unsigned-byte 123
positive-integer 123456
date 2000-02-16
time 15:55:00.000
timeInstant 2000-12-31T05:55:00.000  (5:55 am, Coordinated Universal Time)
timeDuration P5Y1M4D10H20M1.2S (5 years; 1 month;
4 days; 20 minutes; 1.2 seconds)
recurringInstant --02-16T5:55:00 (February 16th every year at 5:55 am. Coordinated Universal Time)
binary bit pattern
uri-reference standard URL
ID* XML 1.0 Compatibility
IDREF* XML 1.0 Compatibility
ENTITY* XML 1.0 Compatibility
NOTATION* XML 1.0 Compatibility
language en-US (see xml:lang in XML 1.0)
IDREFS* XML 1.0 Compatibility
ENTITIES* XML 1.0 Compatibility
NMTOKEN* XML 1.0 Compatibility
NMTOKENS* XML 1.0 Compatibility
Name see XML 1.0
QName (Prefix ':')? NCName = LocalPart (e.g.; po:Address)
NCName (letter | '_') (NCNameChar)*

*Use only in attributes to ensure compatibility with XML 1.0 DTD.




1. Schema标识

Item Function
element 元素标识
name 元素名称
type 元素类型
  • xs:string
  • xs:decimal
  • xs:integer
  • xs:boolean
  • xs:date
  • xs:time
default 元素默认值, 可有可无
fixed 元素不能覆盖好修改的固定值,可有可无


2. XSD有三种定义元素的方式:

  1. 全定义方式
    <xs:element name="元素名称">
  2. 结构类型/数据类型引用方式
    <xs:element name="元素名称" type="元素的结构类型名称|数据类型名称" />
  3. 元素引用方式
    <xs:element ref="引用元素定义的ID" />

posted on 2013-03-24 12:17  Jane_study  阅读(591)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
