Transaction Controller is an aggregate of sub-controllers and trackers exposed to the MetaMask controller.
- txStateManager responsible for the state of a transaction and storing the transaction负责交易状态和存储交易
- pendingTxTracker watching blocks for transactions to be include and emitting confirmed events监视包含交易的块并发出已确认的事件
- txGasUtil gas calculations and safety buffering gas计算和安全缓存
- nonceTracker calculating nonces 计算nonce
const extend = require('xtend')
const EventEmitter = require('events')
const ObservableStore = require('obs-store')
const ethUtil = require('ethereumjs-util')
const log = require('loglevel')
const txStateHistoryHelper = require('./lib/tx-state-history-helper')
const createId = require('../../lib/random-id')
const { getFinalStates } = require('./lib/util')
TransactionStateManager is responsible for the state of a transaction and
storing the transaction
it also has some convenience methods for finding subsets of transactions
<br>statuses: 交易的状态
<br> - `'unapproved'` the user has not responded
<br> - `'rejected'` the user has responded no!
<br> - `'approved'` the user has approved the tx
<br> - `'signed'` the tx is signed
<br> - `'submitted'` the tx is sent to a server
<br> - `'confirmed'` the tx has been included in a block.
<br> - `'failed'` the tx failed for some reason, included on tx data.
<br> - `'dropped'` the tx nonce was already used
@param opts {object}
@param {object} [opts.initState={ transactions: [] }] initial transactions list with the key transaction {array}
@param {number} [opts.txHistoryLimit] limit for how many finished
transactions can hang around in state
@param {function} opts.getNetwork return network number
class TransactionStateManager extends EventEmitter {
constructor ({ initState, txHistoryLimit, getNetwork }) {
super() = new ObservableStore(
transactions: [],
}, initState))
this.txHistoryLimit = txHistoryLimit
this.getNetwork = getNetwork
@param opts {object} - the object to use when overwriting defaults
@returns {txMeta} the default txMeta object
generateTxMeta (opts) {//一开始生成tx
return extend({
id: createId(),
time: (new Date()).getTime(),
status: 'unapproved',//user还没有response
metamaskNetworkId: this.getNetwork(),//此时连接的网络
loadingDefaults: true,
}, opts)
@returns {array} of txMetas that have been filtered for only the current network
getTxList () {
const network = this.getNetwork()
const fullTxList = this.getFullTxList()
return fullTxList.filter((txMeta) => txMeta.metamaskNetworkId === network) //只得到network为现在连接的这个网络的交易
@returns {array} of all the txMetas in store
getFullTxList () {//得到所有的交易
@returns {array} the tx list whos status is unapproved
getUnapprovedTxList () {//得到状态为unapproved的交易
const txList = this.getTxsByMetaData('status', 'unapproved')
return txList.reduce((result, tx) => {
result[] = tx//根据id来索引得到交易信息
return result
}, {})
@param [address] {string} - hex prefixed address to sort the txMetas for [optional]
@returns {array} the tx list whos status is submitted if no address is provide
returns all txMetas who's status is submitted for the current network
getPendingTransactions (address) {//得到状态为submitted而且from为address的交易
const opts = { status: 'submitted' }
if (address) opts.from = address
return this.getFilteredTxList(opts)
@param [address] {string} - hex prefixed address to sort the txMetas for [optional]
@returns {array} the tx list whos status is confirmed if no address is provide
returns all txMetas who's status is confirmed for the current network
getConfirmedTransactions (address) {//得到状态为confirmed而且from为address的交易
const opts = { status: 'confirmed' }
if (address) opts.from = address
return this.getFilteredTxList(opts)
Adds the txMeta to the list of transactions in the store.
if the list is over txHistoryLimit it will remove a transaction that
is in its final state
it will allso add the key `history` to the txMeta with the snap shot of the original
@param txMeta {Object}
@returns {object} the txMeta
addTx (txMeta) {
this.once(`${}:signed`, function (txId) {
this.once(`${}:rejected`, function (txId) {
// initialize history
txMeta.history = []
// capture initial snapshot of txMeta for history
const snapshot = txStateHistoryHelper.snapshotFromTxMeta(txMeta)
const transactions = this.getFullTxList()
const txCount = transactions.length
const txHistoryLimit = this.txHistoryLimit
// checks if the length of the tx history is
// longer then desired persistence limit
// and then if it is removes only confirmed
// or rejected tx's.
// not tx's that are pending or unapproved
if (txCount > txHistoryLimit - 1) {
const index = transactions.findIndex((metaTx) => {
return getFinalStates().includes(metaTx.status)
if (index !== -1) {
transactions.splice(index, 1)
return txMeta
@param txId {number}
@returns {object} the txMeta who matches the given id if none found
for the network returns undefined
getTx (txId) {
const txMeta = this.getTxsByMetaData('id', txId)[0]
return txMeta
updates the txMeta in the list and adds a history entry
@param txMeta {Object} - the txMeta to update
@param [note] {string} - a note about the update for history
updateTx (txMeta, note) {
// validate txParams
if (txMeta.txParams) {
if (typeof === 'undefined') {
// create txMeta snapshot for history
const currentState = txStateHistoryHelper.snapshotFromTxMeta(txMeta)
// recover previous tx state obj
const previousState = txStateHistoryHelper.replayHistory(txMeta.history)
// generate history entry and add to history
const entry = txStateHistoryHelper.generateHistoryEntry(previousState, currentState, note)
// commit txMeta to state
const txId =
const txList = this.getFullTxList()
const index = txList.findIndex(txData => === txId)
txList[index] = txMeta
merges txParams obj onto txMeta.txParams
use extend to ensure that all fields are filled
@param txId {number} - the id of the txMeta
@param txParams {object} - the updated txParams
updateTxParams (txId, txParams) {
const txMeta = this.getTx(txId)
txMeta.txParams = extend(txMeta.txParams, txParams)
this.updateTx(txMeta, `txStateManager#updateTxParams`)
validates txParams members by type
@param txParams {object} - txParams to validate
validateTxParams (txParams) {
Object.keys(txParams).forEach((key) => {
const value = txParams[key]
// validate types
switch (key) {
case 'chainId':
if (typeof value !== 'number' && typeof value !== 'string') throw new Error(`${key} in txParams is not a Number or hex string. got: (${value})`)
if (typeof value !== 'string') throw new Error(`${key} in txParams is not a string. got: (${value})`)
if (!ethUtil.isHexPrefixed(value)) throw new Error(`${key} in txParams is not hex prefixed. got: (${value})`)
@param opts {object} - an object of fields to search for eg:<br>
let <code>thingsToLookFor = {<br>
to: '0x0..',<br>
from: '0x0..',<br>
status: 'signed',<br>
err: undefined,<br>
@param [initialList=this.getTxList()]
@returns a {array} of txMeta with all
options matching
| `err: undefined` is like looking |
| for a tx with no err |
| so you can also search txs that |
| dont have something as well by |
| setting the value as undefined |
this is for things like filtering a the tx list
for only tx's from 1 account
or for filltering for all txs from one account
and that have been 'confirmed'
getFilteredTxList (opts, initialList) {
let filteredTxList = initialList
Object.keys(opts).forEach((key) => {
filteredTxList = this.getTxsByMetaData(key, opts[key], filteredTxList)
return filteredTxList
@param key {string} - the key to check
@param value - the value your looking for
@param [txList=this.getTxList()] {array} - the list to search. default is the txList
from txStateManager#getTxList
@returns {array} a list of txMetas who matches the search params
getTxsByMetaData (key, value, txList = this.getTxList()) {
return txList.filter((txMeta) => {
if (key in txMeta.txParams) {
return txMeta.txParams[key] === value
} else {
return txMeta[key] === value
// get::set status
@param txId {number} - the txMeta Id
@return {string} the status of the tx.
getTxStatus (txId) {
const txMeta = this.getTx(txId)
return txMeta.status
should update the status of the tx to 'rejected'.
@param txId {number} - the txMeta Id
setTxStatusRejected (txId) {
this._setTxStatus(txId, 'rejected')
should update the status of the tx to 'unapproved'.
@param txId {number} - the txMeta Id
setTxStatusUnapproved (txId) {
this._setTxStatus(txId, 'unapproved')
should update the status of the tx to 'approved'.
@param txId {number} - the txMeta Id
setTxStatusApproved (txId) {
this._setTxStatus(txId, 'approved')
should update the status of the tx to 'signed'.
@param txId {number} - the txMeta Id
setTxStatusSigned (txId) {
this._setTxStatus(txId, 'signed')
should update the status of the tx to 'submitted'.
and add a time stamp for when it was called
@param txId {number} - the txMeta Id
setTxStatusSubmitted (txId) {
const txMeta = this.getTx(txId)
txMeta.submittedTime = (new Date()).getTime()
this.updateTx(txMeta, 'txStateManager - add submitted time stamp')
this._setTxStatus(txId, 'submitted')
should update the status of the tx to 'confirmed'.
@param txId {number} - the txMeta Id
setTxStatusConfirmed (txId) {
this._setTxStatus(txId, 'confirmed')
should update the status of the tx to 'dropped'.
@param txId {number} - the txMeta Id
setTxStatusDropped (txId) {
this._setTxStatus(txId, 'dropped')
should update the status of the tx to 'failed'.
and put the error on the txMeta
@param txId {number} - the txMeta Id
@param err {erroObject} - error object
setTxStatusFailed (txId, err) {
const txMeta = this.getTx(txId)
txMeta.err = {
message: err.toString(),
rpc: err.value,
stack: err.stack,
this._setTxStatus(txId, 'failed')
Removes transaction from the given address for the current network
from the txList
@param address {string} - hex string of the from address on the txParams to remove
wipeTransactions (address) {
// network only tx
const txs = this.getFullTxList()
const network = this.getNetwork()
// Filter out the ones from the current account and network
const otherAccountTxs = txs.filter((txMeta) => !(txMeta.txParams.from === address && txMeta.metamaskNetworkId === network))
// Update state
// statuses:
// - `'unapproved'` the user has not responded
// - `'rejected'` the user has responded no!
// - `'approved'` the user has approved the tx
// - `'signed'` the tx is signed
// - `'submitted'` the tx is sent to a server
// - `'confirmed'` the tx has been included in a block.
// - `'failed'` the tx failed for some reason, included on tx data.
// - `'dropped'` the tx nonce was already used
@param txId {number} - the txMeta Id
@param status {string} - the status to set on the txMeta
@emits tx:status-update - passes txId and status
@emits ${}:finished - if it is a finished state. Passes the txMeta
@emits update:badge
_setTxStatus (txId, status) {
const txMeta = this.getTx(txId)
txMeta.status = status
setTimeout(() => {
try {
this.updateTx(txMeta, `txStateManager: setting status to ${status}`)
this.emit(`${}:${status}`, txId)
this.emit(`tx:status-update`, txId, status)
if (['submitted', 'rejected', 'failed'].includes(status)) {
this.emit(`${}:finished`, txMeta)
} catch (error) {
Saves the new/updated txList.
@param transactions {array} - the list of transactions to save
// Function is intended only for internal use
_saveTxList (transactions) {{ transactions })
_removeTx (txId) {
const transactionList = this.getFullTxList()
this._saveTxList(transactionList.filter((txMeta) => !== txId))
module.exports = TransactionStateManager
new Mutex()
An alias for new Semaphore(1)
. Mutex has the same methods as Semaphore.
即new Semaphore(1)的别名,有着相同的方法
import {Mutex} from 'await-semaphore'; var mutex = new Mutex();
new Semaphore(count: number)
Create a new semaphore with the given count.
import {Semaphore} from 'await-semaphore'; var semaphore = new Semaphore(10);
semaphore.acquire(): Promise<() => void>
Acquire the semaphore and returns a promise for the release function. Be sure to handle release for exception case.
semaphore.acquire() .then(release => { //critical section... doSomething() .then(res => { //... release(); }) .catch(err => { //... release(); }); });
promise style (javascript)
var semaphore = new Semaphore(10); function niceFetch(url) { return semaphore.acquire()//获得信号,阻止别的线程调用该共享资源 .then(release => { return fetch(url)//运行语句 .then(result => { release();//释放信号,让别的线程使用 return result; }); }); }
async/await style (typescript)
var semaphore = new Semaphore(10); async function niceFetch(url) { var release = await semaphore.acquire(); var result = await fetch(url); release(); return result; }
const EthQuery = require('ethjs-query') const assert = require('assert') const Mutex = require('await-semaphore').Mutex /** @param opts {Object} @param {Object} opts.provider a ethereum provider @param {Function} opts.getPendingTransactions a function that returns an array of txMeta whosee status is `submitted` @param {Function} opts.getConfirmedTransactions a function that returns an array of txMeta whose status is `confirmed` @class */ class NonceTracker { constructor ({ provider, blockTracker, getPendingTransactions, getConfirmedTransactions }) { this.provider = provider this.blockTracker = blockTracker this.ethQuery = new EthQuery(provider) this.getPendingTransactions = getPendingTransactions this.getConfirmedTransactions = getConfirmedTransactions this.lockMap = {} } /** @returns {Promise<Object>} with the key releaseLock (the gloabl mutex) */ async getGlobalLock () { const globalMutex = this._lookupMutex('global')//查看是否存在lockId = 'global'的互斥锁globalMutex // await global mutex free const releaseLock = await globalMutex.acquire()//等待互斥锁被释放并得到互斥锁,阻止别的线程运行 return { releaseLock } } /** * @typedef NonceDetails * @property {number} highestLocallyConfirmed - A hex string of the highest nonce on a confirmed transaction. * @property {number} nextNetworkNonce - The next nonce suggested by the eth_getTransactionCount method. * @property {number} highestSuggested - The maximum between the other two, the number returned. */ /** this will return an object with the `nextNonce` `nonceDetails` of type NonceDetails, and the releaseLock Note: releaseLock must be called after adding a signed tx to pending transactions (or discarding). @param address {string} the hex string for the address whose nonce we are calculating @returns {Promise<NonceDetails>} */ async getNonceLock (address) { // await global mutex free,查看全局互斥是否free,并获得该互斥再释放,使全局互斥锁状态为free await this._globalMutexFree() // await lock free, then take lock,只有全局互斥锁free了,其他的互斥锁才能用,这里得到某个address的互斥锁,将资源上锁 const releaseLock = await this._takeMutex(address) try { // evaluate multiple nextNonce strategies const nonceDetails = {} const networkNonceResult = await this._getNetworkNextNonce(address)//得到最新的blockNumber信息和address从创世区块到blockNumber所进行的所有交易数 const highestLocallyConfirmed = this._getHighestLocallyConfirmed(address)//得到下一个要被confirm的交易的nonce值 const nextNetworkNonce = networkNonceResult.nonce //networkNonceResult.nonce 为address的所有交易数量,因为nonce从0开始,所以这个值也就是下一个交易的nonce值 const highestSuggested = Math.max(nextNetworkNonce, highestLocallyConfirmed)//从上面两个数字中取得最大值来作为下一个交易的nonce值 const pendingTxs = this.getPendingTransactions(address)//得到address账户状态为pending的交易,为list const localNonceResult = this._getHighestContinuousFrom(pendingTxs, highestSuggested) || 0 //查看pending状态的交易中有没有之前得到的最高nonce的交易,有则更改nonce,加1,得到最终的nonce nonceDetails.params = { highestLocallyConfirmed,//得到下一个要被confirm的交易的nonce值 highestSuggested, //上下两个值中去最大值得到的下个交易的nonce值 nextNetworkNonce, //address从创世区块到blockNumber所进行的所有交易数,即下一个交易的nonce值 } nonceDetails.local = localNonceResult //再查看pending交易后得到的nonce值 = networkNonceResult //得到最新的blockNumber信息和address从创世区块到blockNumber所进行的所有交易数 const nextNonce = Math.max(networkNonceResult.nonce, localNonceResult.nonce) //从localNonceResult.nonc(再查看pending交易后得到的nonce值)与networkNonceResult.nonce (为address的所有交易数量)中得到最大值,即最后的nonce值 assert(Number.isInteger(nextNonce), `nonce-tracker - nextNonce is not an integer - got: (${typeof nextNonce}) "${nextNonce}"`)//判断为整数 // return nonce and release cb return { nextNonce, nonceDetails, releaseLock } } catch (err) { // release lock if we encounter an error releaseLock() throw err } } async _globalMutexFree () {//获得global互斥锁并将其释放,保证其free状态 const globalMutex = this._lookupMutex('global') const releaseLock = await globalMutex.acquire() releaseLock() } async _takeMutex (lockId) { const mutex = this._lookupMutex(lockId)//得到某个id的互斥锁 const releaseLock = await mutex.acquire()//并获得互斥,将其上锁,将共享资源控制住 return releaseLock } _lookupMutex (lockId) {//查看某个id的lock是否存在,如果不存在则创建一个互斥锁,并返回 let mutex = this.lockMap[lockId] if (!mutex) { mutex = new Mutex() this.lockMap[lockId] = mutex } return mutex } async _getNetworkNextNonce (address) { // calculate next nonce // we need to make sure our base count // and pending count are from the same block const blockNumber = await this.blockTracker.getLatestBlock()//得到最新的block number const baseCountBN = await this.ethQuery.getTransactionCount(address, blockNumber) //得到address从第一个区块到blockNumber区块上的所有交易数量 const baseCount = baseCountBN.toNumber() assert(Number.isInteger(baseCount), `nonce-tracker - baseCount is not an integer - got: (${typeof baseCount}) "${baseCount}"`)//判断baseCount是否为数字类型 const nonceDetails = { blockNumber, baseCount } return { name: 'network', nonce: baseCount, details: nonceDetails } } _getHighestLocallyConfirmed (address) { const confirmedTransactions = this.getConfirmedTransactions(address)//得到address账户的所有状态为Confirmed的交易 const highest = this._getHighestNonce(confirmedTransactions)//得到这些状态为Confirmed的交易中最大的nonce值 return Number.isInteger(highest) ? highest + 1 : 0 //如果该值为整数,则加一,得到下一个nonce值,否则则为0 } _getHighestNonce (txList) { const nonces = => {//递归读取所有交易的nonce以list形式存放,即nonces const nonce = txMeta.txParams.nonce assert(typeof nonce, 'string', 'nonces should be hex strings')//nonce必须为hex strings格式 return parseInt(nonce, 16)//将nonce由hex strings转为hex int }) const highestNonce = Math.max.apply(null, nonces),然后从中取出最大的nonce return highestNonce } /** @typedef {object} highestContinuousFrom @property {string} - name the name for how the nonce was calculated based on the data used @property {number} - nonce the next suggested nonce @property {object} - details the provided starting nonce that was used (for debugging) */ /** @param txList {array} - list of txMeta's @param startPoint {number} - the highest known locally confirmed nonce @returns {highestContinuousFrom} */ _getHighestContinuousFrom (txList, startPoint) { const nonces = => {//得到所有交易的nonce值并以list形式存放 const nonce = txMeta.txParams.nonce assert(typeof nonce, 'string', 'nonces should be hex strings') return parseInt(nonce, 16) }) let highest = startPoint while (nonces.includes(highest)) {//如果这些交易中已经有我们以为的最高的nonce值,那我们需要将nonce++,更改最高nonce值,因为pending状态的交易是下一步就要记在区块上的交易 highest++ } return { name: 'local', nonce: highest, details: { startPoint, highest } } } } module.exports = NonceTracker
const EventEmitter = require('events') const log = require('loglevel') const EthQuery = require('ethjs-query') /** Event emitter utility class for tracking the transactions as they<br> go from a pending state to a confirmed (mined in a block) state<br> <br> As well as continues broadcast while in the pending state <br> @param config {object} - non optional configuration object consists of: @param {Object} config.provider - A network provider. @param {Object} config.nonceTracker see nonce tracker @param {function} config.getPendingTransactions a function for getting an array of transactions, @param {function} config.publishTransaction a async function for publishing raw transactions, @class */ //通过对pending状态的交易进行nonce,信息,blocknumber等信息进行判断来得到其目前结果 class PendingTransactionTracker extends EventEmitter { constructor (config) { super() this.query = new EthQuery(config.provider) this.nonceTracker = config.nonceTracker this.getPendingTransactions = config.getPendingTransactions this.getCompletedTransactions = config.getCompletedTransactions this.publishTransaction = config.publishTransaction this.confirmTransaction = config.confirmTransaction } /** checks the network for signed txs and releases the nonce global lock if it is */
//更新pending 交易的状态 async updatePendingTxs () { // in order to keep the nonceTracker accurate we block it while updating pending transactions const nonceGlobalLock = await this.nonceTracker.getGlobalLock()//得到全局的互斥锁,即该操作此时只能它在进行 try { const pendingTxs = this.getPendingTransactions() await Promise.all( => this._checkPendingTx(txMeta)))//通过其信息的查看来得到交易txMeta此时的状态,是failed、confirmed、warning } catch (err) { log.error('PendingTransactionTracker - Error updating pending transactions') log.error(err) } nonceGlobalLock.releaseLock() } /** Will resubmit any transactions who have not been confirmed in a block @param block {object} - a block object @emits tx:warning */
//重新再呈递一次之前没有被confirmed的交易,如果再失败,就得到其错误的原因 resubmitPendingTxs (blockNumber) { const pending = this.getPendingTransactions() // only try resubmitting if their are transactions to resubmit if (!pending.length) return pending.forEach((txMeta) => this._resubmitTx(txMeta, blockNumber).catch((err) => { /* Dont marked as failed if the error is a "known" transaction warning "there is already a transaction with the same sender-nonce but higher/same gas price" Also don't mark as failed if it has ever been broadcast successfully. A successful broadcast means it may still be mined. */ const errorMessage = err.message.toLowerCase() const isKnownTx = ( // geth errorMessage.includes('replacement transaction underpriced') || errorMessage.includes('known transaction') || // parity errorMessage.includes('gas price too low to replace') || errorMessage.includes('transaction with the same hash was already imported') || // other errorMessage.includes('gateway timeout') || errorMessage.includes('nonce too low') ) // ignore resubmit warnings, return early if (isKnownTx) return // encountered real error - transition to error state txMeta.warning = { error: errorMessage, message: 'There was an error when resubmitting this transaction.', } this.emit('tx:warning', txMeta, err) })) } /** resubmits the individual txMeta used in resubmitPendingTxs @param txMeta {Object} - txMeta object @param latestBlockNumber {string} - hex string for the latest block number @emits tx:retry @returns txHash {string} */ async _resubmitTx (txMeta, latestBlockNumber) { if (!txMeta.firstRetryBlockNumber) {//其firstRetryBlockNumber若为0,说明其之前还没有进行submit过 this.emit('tx:block-update', txMeta, latestBlockNumber)//就是呈递一下这样的event } const firstRetryBlockNumber = txMeta.firstRetryBlockNumber || latestBlockNumber //就是txMeta.firstRetryBlockNumber为0,则第一次重试的blocknumber就是最新的blocknumber的值 const txBlockDistance = Number.parseInt(latestBlockNumber, 16) - Number.parseInt(firstRetryBlockNumber, 16) //两个区块间的差 const retryCount = txMeta.retryCount || 0 //得到该交易至今retry的次数 // Exponential backoff to limit retries at publishing if (txBlockDistance <= Math.pow(2, retryCount) - 1) return //如果区块间的差值小于2^retryCount -1的话,就先不重试,以免重试频率过高 // Only auto-submit already-signed txs: if (!('rawTx' in txMeta)) return //有'rawTx'的交易才retry的 const rawTx = txMeta.rawTx const txHash = await this.publishTransaction(rawTx)//通过publish签名后的rawTx来进行重试,得到一个新的txhash // Increment successful tries: this.emit('tx:retry', txMeta) return txHash } /** Ask the network for the transaction to see if it has been include in a block @param txMeta {Object} - the txMeta object @emits tx:failed @emits tx:confirmed @emits tx:warning */
//通过其信息的查看来得到交易txMeta此时的状态,是failed、confirmed、warning async _checkPendingTx (txMeta) { const txHash = txMeta.hash const txId = // extra check in case there was an uncaught error during the // signature and submission process if (!txHash) {//txhash都没有,说明submit时出错了 const noTxHashErr = new Error('We had an error while submitting this transaction, please try again.') = 'NoTxHashError' this.emit('tx:failed', txId, noTxHashErr) return } // If another tx with the same nonce is mined, set as failed. const taken = await this._checkIfNonceIsTaken(txMeta)//查看是否已又相同nonce的交易已经成功 if (taken) {//true则说明有相同的,交易失败 const nonceTakenErr = new Error('Another transaction with this nonce has been mined.') = 'NonceTakenErr' return this.emit('tx:failed', txId, nonceTakenErr) } // get latest transaction status try {//上面的判断都通过了,就查看该交易的信息 const txParams = await this.query.getTransactionByHash(txHash) if (!txParams) return //如果什么信息都没有,就返回空 if (txParams.blockNumber) {//如果txParams.blockNumber不为空,那就说明已经记录到了区块链上,已经confirmed this.emit('tx:confirmed', txId) } } catch (err) {//获取交易信息时出错 txMeta.warning = { error: err.message, message: 'There was a problem loading this transaction.', } this.emit('tx:warning', txMeta, err) } } /** checks to see if a confirmed txMeta has the same nonce @param txMeta {Object} - txMeta object @returns {boolean} */ async _checkIfNonceIsTaken (txMeta) {//查看这个交易txMeta的nonce是否与已经完成的交易的nonce相同 const address = txMeta.txParams.from const completed = this.getCompletedTransactions(address) const sameNonce = completed.filter((otherMeta) => {//得到满足nonce相等的交易的list,即sameNonce return otherMeta.txParams.nonce === txMeta.txParams.nonce }) return sameNonce.length > 0 //如果为true,则说明txMeta交易的nonce已有,该交易将失败 } } module.exports = PendingTransactionTracker
const EthQuery = require('ethjs-query') const { hexToBn, BnMultiplyByFraction, bnToHex, } = require('../../lib/util') const { addHexPrefix } = require('ethereumjs-util') const SIMPLE_GAS_COST = '0x5208' // Hex for 21000, cost of a simple send.这是一般交易固定传递的gas值 /** tx-gas-utils are gas utility methods for Transaction manager its passed ethquery and used to do things like calculate gas of a tx. @param {Object} provider - A network provider. */ class TxGasUtil { constructor (provider) { this.query = new EthQuery(provider) } /** @param txMeta {Object} - the txMeta object @returns {object} the txMeta object with the gas written to the txParams */ async analyzeGasUsage (txMeta) { const block = await this.query.getBlockByNumber('latest', false)//得到最新的区块的number let estimatedGasHex try { estimatedGasHex = await this.estimateTxGas(txMeta, block.gasLimit) //估计交易使用的gas } catch (err) { txMeta.simulationFails = { reason: err.message, } return txMeta } this.setTxGas(txMeta, block.gasLimit, estimatedGasHex) return txMeta } /** Estimates the tx's gas usage @param txMeta {Object} - the txMeta object @param blockGasLimitHex {string} - hex string of the block's gas limit @returns {string} the estimated gas limit as a hex string */ async estimateTxGas (txMeta, blockGasLimitHex) { const txParams = txMeta.txParams // check if gasLimit is already specified txMeta.gasLimitSpecified = Boolean(txParams.gas) //看该交易是否已经设置了其的gaslimit值 // if it is, use that value if (txMeta.gasLimitSpecified) { //如果已经有了,那就直接讲该值作为交易的估计值 return txParams.gas } // if recipient has no code, gas is 21k max: const recipient = const hasRecipient = Boolean(recipient) let code if (recipient) code = await this.query.getCode(recipient) if (hasRecipient && (!code || code === '0x')) {有to且code为空或者只有0x0时,说明只是一个简单的value的send,只需要21000gas txParams.gas = SIMPLE_GAS_COST txMeta.simpleSend = true // Prevents buffer addition return SIMPLE_GAS_COST } //如果都不是上面的两种情况的活,就使用block gasLimit来估计交易gas // if not, fall back to block gasLimit const blockGasLimitBN = hexToBn(blockGasLimitHex) const saferGasLimitBN = BnMultiplyByFraction(blockGasLimitBN, 19, 20)//?????? txParams.gas = bnToHex(saferGasLimitBN) // run tx return await this.query.estimateGas(txParams) } /** Writes the gas on the txParams in the txMeta @param txMeta {Object} - the txMeta object to write to @param blockGasLimitHex {string} - the block gas limit hex @param estimatedGasHex {string} - the estimated gas hex */ setTxGas (txMeta, blockGasLimitHex, estimatedGasHex) { txMeta.estimatedGas = addHexPrefix(estimatedGasHex) const txParams = txMeta.txParams // if gasLimit was specified and doesnt OOG, // use original specified amount if (txMeta.gasLimitSpecified || txMeta.simpleSend) { txMeta.estimatedGas = txParams.gas //如果gas值已经声明好了,为用户自己设置的gaslimit,或者为simpleSend,那就将其设置为estimatedGas return } // if gasLimit not originally specified, // try adding an additional gas buffer to our estimation for safety const recommendedGasHex = this.addGasBuffer(txMeta.estimatedGas, blockGasLimitHex)//对之前得到的估计gas再进行一次判断,如果认为gas值过小,会相应扩大 txParams.gas = recommendedGasHex return } /** Adds a gas buffer with out exceeding the block gas limit @param initialGasLimitHex {string} - the initial gas limit to add the buffer too @param blockGasLimitHex {string} - the block gas limit @returns {string} the buffered gas limit as a hex string */ addGasBuffer (initialGasLimitHex, blockGasLimitHex) { const initialGasLimitBn = hexToBn(initialGasLimitHex) const blockGasLimitBn = hexToBn(blockGasLimitHex) const upperGasLimitBn = blockGasLimitBn.muln(0.9) const bufferedGasLimitBn = initialGasLimitBn.muln(1.5) // if initialGasLimit is above blockGasLimit, dont modify it ,就是如果估计出来的gas-initialGasLimitBn已经大于blockGasLimit*0.9,我们就认为这个估计值是比较保险的,不会太小,就不修改了 if ( return bnToHex(initialGasLimitBn) // if bufferedGasLimit is below blockGasLimit, use bufferedGasLimit,如果initialGasLimitBn小于blockGasLimit*0.9 && initialGasLimitBn*1.5也小于blockGasLimit*0.9,那么就修改为initialGasLimitBn*1.5,这样会更保险 if ( return bnToHex(bufferedGasLimitBn) // otherwise use blockGasLimit return bnToHex(upperGasLimitBn) } } module.exports = TxGasUtil
const EventEmitter = require('events') const ObservableStore = require('obs-store') const ethUtil = require('ethereumjs-util') const Transaction = require('ethereumjs-tx') const EthQuery = require('ethjs-query') const TransactionStateManager = require('./tx-state-manager') const TxGasUtil = require('./tx-gas-utils') const PendingTransactionTracker = require('./pending-tx-tracker') const NonceTracker = require('./nonce-tracker') const txUtils = require('./lib/util') const cleanErrorStack = require('../../lib/cleanErrorStack') const log = require('loglevel') const recipientBlacklistChecker = require('./lib/recipient-blacklist-checker') const { TRANSACTION_TYPE_CANCEL, TRANSACTION_TYPE_RETRY, TRANSACTION_TYPE_STANDARD, TRANSACTION_STATUS_APPROVED, } = require('./enums') const { hexToBn, bnToHex } = require('../../lib/util') /** Transaction Controller is an aggregate of sub-controllers and trackers composing them in a way to be exposed to the metamask controller <br>- txStateManager responsible for the state of a transaction and storing the transaction <br>- pendingTxTracker watching blocks for transactions to be include and emitting confirmed events <br>- txGasUtil gas calculations and safety buffering <br>- nonceTracker calculating nonces @class @param {object} - opts @param {object} opts.initState - initial transaction list default is an empty array @param {Object} opts.networkStore - an observable store for network number @param {Object} opts.blockTracker - An instance of eth-blocktracker @param {Object} opts.provider - A network provider. @param {Function} opts.signTransaction - function the signs an ethereumjs-tx @param {Function} [opts.getGasPrice] - optional gas price calculator @param {Function} opts.signTransaction - ethTx signer that returns a rawTx @param {Number} [opts.txHistoryLimit] - number *optional* for limiting how many transactions are in state @param {Object} opts.preferencesStore */ class TransactionController extends EventEmitter { constructor (opts) { super() this.networkStore = opts.networkStore || new ObservableStore({}) this.preferencesStore = opts.preferencesStore || new ObservableStore({}) this.provider = opts.provider this.blockTracker = opts.blockTracker this.signEthTx = opts.signTransaction this.getGasPrice = opts.getGasPrice this.memStore = new ObservableStore({}) this.query = new EthQuery(this.provider) this.txGasUtil = new TxGasUtil(this.provider) this._mapMethods() this.txStateManager = new TransactionStateManager({ initState: opts.initState, txHistoryLimit: opts.txHistoryLimit, getNetwork: this.getNetwork.bind(this), }) this._onBootCleanUp() = this.nonceTracker = new NonceTracker({ provider: this.provider, blockTracker: this.blockTracker, getPendingTransactions: this.txStateManager.getPendingTransactions.bind(this.txStateManager), getConfirmedTransactions: this.txStateManager.getConfirmedTransactions.bind(this.txStateManager), }) this.pendingTxTracker = new PendingTransactionTracker({ provider: this.provider, nonceTracker: this.nonceTracker, publishTransaction: (rawTx) => this.query.sendRawTransaction(rawTx), getPendingTransactions: this.txStateManager.getPendingTransactions.bind(this.txStateManager), getCompletedTransactions: this.txStateManager.getConfirmedTransactions.bind(this.txStateManager), }) => this.emit('update:badge')) this._setupListeners() // memstore is computed from a few different stores this._updateMemstore() => this._updateMemstore()) this.networkStore.subscribe(() => this._updateMemstore()) this.preferencesStore.subscribe(() => this._updateMemstore()) // request state update to finalize initialization this._updatePendingTxsAfterFirstBlock() } /** @returns {number} the chainId*/ getChainId () { const networkState = this.networkStore.getState() const getChainId = parseInt(networkState) if (Number.isNaN(getChainId)) { return 0 } else { return getChainId } } /** Adds a tx to the txlist @emits ${}:unapproved */ addTx (txMeta) { this.txStateManager.addTx(txMeta) this.emit(`${}:unapproved`, txMeta) } /** Wipes the transactions for a given account @param {string} address - hex string of the from address for txs being removed */ wipeTransactions (address) { this.txStateManager.wipeTransactions(address) } /** add a new unapproved transaction to the pipeline 添加一个新的未经用户同意的交易 @returns {Promise<string>} the hash of the transaction after being submitted to the network @param txParams {object} - txParams for the transaction @param opts {object} - with the key origin to put the origin on the txMeta */ async newUnapprovedTransaction (txParams, opts = {}) { log.debug(`MetaMaskController newUnapprovedTransaction ${JSON.stringify(txParams)}`) const initialTxMeta = await this.addUnapprovedTransaction(txParams) initialTxMeta.origin = opts.origin this.txStateManager.updateTx(initialTxMeta, '#newUnapprovedTransaction - adding the origin') // listen for tx completion (success, fail) return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.txStateManager.once(`${}:finished`, (finishedTxMeta) => { switch (finishedTxMeta.status) { case 'submitted': return resolve(finishedTxMeta.hash) case 'rejected': return reject(cleanErrorStack(new Error('MetaMask Tx Signature: User denied transaction signature.'))) case 'failed': return reject(cleanErrorStack(new Error(finishedTxMeta.err.message))) default: return reject(cleanErrorStack(new Error(`MetaMask Tx Signature: Unknown problem: ${JSON.stringify(finishedTxMeta.txParams)}`))) } }) }) } /** Validates and generates a txMeta with defaults and puts it in txStateManager store @returns {txMeta} */ async addUnapprovedTransaction (txParams) { // validate const normalizedTxParams = txUtils.normalizeTxParams(txParams) txUtils.validateTxParams(normalizedTxParams) // construct txMeta let txMeta = this.txStateManager.generateTxMeta({ txParams: normalizedTxParams, type: TRANSACTION_TYPE_STANDARD, }) this.addTx(txMeta) this.emit('newUnapprovedTx', txMeta) try { // check whether recipient account is blacklisted recipientBlacklistChecker.checkAccount(txMeta.metamaskNetworkId, // add default tx params txMeta = await this.addTxGasDefaults(txMeta) } catch (error) { log.warn(error) this.txStateManager.setTxStatusFailed(, error) throw error } txMeta.loadingDefaults = false // save txMeta this.txStateManager.updateTx(txMeta) return txMeta } /** adds the tx gas defaults: gas && gasPrice @param txMeta {Object} - the txMeta object @returns {Promise<object>} resolves with txMeta */ async addTxGasDefaults (txMeta) { const txParams = txMeta.txParams // ensure value txParams.value = txParams.value ? ethUtil.addHexPrefix(txParams.value) : '0x0' txMeta.gasPriceSpecified = Boolean(txParams.gasPrice) let gasPrice = txParams.gasPrice if (!gasPrice) { gasPrice = this.getGasPrice ? this.getGasPrice() : await this.query.gasPrice() } txParams.gasPrice = ethUtil.addHexPrefix(gasPrice.toString(16)) // set gasLimit return await this.txGasUtil.analyzeGasUsage(txMeta) } /** Creates a new txMeta with the same txParams as the original to allow the user to resign the transaction with a higher gas values @param originalTxId {number} - the id of the txMeta that you want to attempt to retry @return {txMeta} */ async retryTransaction (originalTxId) {//重试一次交易 const originalTxMeta = this.txStateManager.getTx(originalTxId) const lastGasPrice = originalTxMeta.txParams.gasPrice const txMeta = this.txStateManager.generateTxMeta({ txParams: originalTxMeta.txParams, lastGasPrice, loadingDefaults: false, type: TRANSACTION_TYPE_RETRY, }) this.addTx(txMeta) this.emit('newUnapprovedTx', txMeta) return txMeta } /** * Creates a new approved transaction to attempt to cancel a previously submitted transaction. The * new transaction contains the same nonce as the previous, is a basic ETH transfer of 0x value to * the sender's address, and has a higher gasPrice than that of the previous transaction. * @param {number} originalTxId - the id of the txMeta that you want to attempt to cancel * @param {string=} customGasPrice - the hex value to use for the cancel transaction * @returns {txMeta} */ async createCancelTransaction (originalTxId, customGasPrice) {//创建一个nonce与以前的交易相同的新的交易一次来取消之前的那个交易,gasPrice要更高 const originalTxMeta = this.txStateManager.getTx(originalTxId) const { txParams } = originalTxMeta const { gasPrice: lastGasPrice, from, nonce } = txParams const newGasPrice = customGasPrice || bnToHex(hexToBn(lastGasPrice).mul(1.1)) const newTxMeta = this.txStateManager.generateTxMeta({ txParams: { from, to: from, nonce, gas: '0x5208', value: '0x0', gasPrice: newGasPrice, }, lastGasPrice, loadingDefaults: false, status: TRANSACTION_STATUS_APPROVED, type: TRANSACTION_TYPE_CANCEL, }) this.addTx(newTxMeta) await this.approveTransaction( return newTxMeta } /** updates the txMeta in the txStateManager @param txMeta {Object} - the updated txMeta */ async updateTransaction (txMeta) { this.txStateManager.updateTx(txMeta, 'confTx: user updated transaction') } /** updates and approves the transaction @param txMeta {Object} */ async updateAndApproveTransaction (txMeta) { this.txStateManager.updateTx(txMeta, 'confTx: user approved transaction') await this.approveTransaction( } /** sets the tx status to approved auto fills the nonce signs the transaction publishes the transaction if any of these steps fails the tx status will be set to failed @param txId {number} - the tx's Id */ async approveTransaction (txId) { let nonceLock try { // approve this.txStateManager.setTxStatusApproved(txId) // get next nonce const txMeta = this.txStateManager.getTx(txId) const fromAddress = txMeta.txParams.from // wait for a nonce nonceLock = await this.nonceTracker.getNonceLock(fromAddress) // add nonce to txParams // if txMeta has lastGasPrice then it is a retry at same nonce with higher // gas price transaction and their for the nonce should not be calculated const nonce = txMeta.lastGasPrice ? txMeta.txParams.nonce : nonceLock.nextNonce txMeta.txParams.nonce = ethUtil.addHexPrefix(nonce.toString(16)) // add nonce debugging information to txMeta txMeta.nonceDetails = nonceLock.nonceDetails this.txStateManager.updateTx(txMeta, 'transactions#approveTransaction') // sign transaction const rawTx = await this.signTransaction(txId) await this.publishTransaction(txId, rawTx) // must set transaction to submitted/failed before releasing lock nonceLock.releaseLock() } catch (err) { // this is try-catch wrapped so that we can guarantee that the nonceLock is released try { this.txStateManager.setTxStatusFailed(txId, err) } catch (err) { log.error(err) } // must set transaction to submitted/failed before releasing lock if (nonceLock) nonceLock.releaseLock() // continue with error chain throw err } } /** adds the chain id and signs the transaction and set the status to signed @param txId {number} - the tx's Id @returns - rawTx {string} */ async signTransaction (txId) { const txMeta = this.txStateManager.getTx(txId) // add network/chain id const chainId = this.getChainId() const txParams = Object.assign({}, txMeta.txParams, { chainId }) // sign tx const fromAddress = txParams.from const ethTx = new Transaction(txParams) await this.signEthTx(ethTx, fromAddress) // set state to signed this.txStateManager.setTxStatusSigned( const rawTx = ethUtil.bufferToHex(ethTx.serialize()) return rawTx } /** publishes the raw tx and sets the txMeta to submitted @param txId {number} - the tx's Id @param rawTx {string} - the hex string of the serialized signed transaction @returns {Promise<void>} */ async publishTransaction (txId, rawTx) { const txMeta = this.txStateManager.getTx(txId) txMeta.rawTx = rawTx this.txStateManager.updateTx(txMeta, 'transactions#publishTransaction') const txHash = await this.query.sendRawTransaction(rawTx) this.setTxHash(txId, txHash) this.txStateManager.setTxStatusSubmitted(txId) } confirmTransaction (txId) { this.txStateManager.setTxStatusConfirmed(txId) this._markNonceDuplicatesDropped(txId) } /** Convenience method for the ui thats sets the transaction to rejected @param txId {number} - the tx's Id @returns {Promise<void>} */ async cancelTransaction (txId) { this.txStateManager.setTxStatusRejected(txId) } /** Sets the txHas on the txMeta @param txId {number} - the tx's Id @param txHash {string} - the hash for the txMeta */ setTxHash (txId, txHash) { // Add the tx hash to the persisted meta-tx object const txMeta = this.txStateManager.getTx(txId) txMeta.hash = txHash this.txStateManager.updateTx(txMeta, 'transactions#setTxHash') } // // PRIVATE METHODS // /** maps methods for convenience*/ _mapMethods () { /** @returns the state in transaction controller */ this.getState = () => this.memStore.getState() /** @returns the network number stored in networkStore */ this.getNetwork = () => this.networkStore.getState() /** @returns the user selected address */ this.getSelectedAddress = () => this.preferencesStore.getState().selectedAddress /** Returns an array of transactions whos status is unapproved */ this.getUnapprovedTxCount = () => Object.keys(this.txStateManager.getUnapprovedTxList()).length /** @returns a number that represents how many transactions have the status submitted @param account {String} - hex prefixed account */ this.getPendingTxCount = (account) => this.txStateManager.getPendingTransactions(account).length /** see txStateManager */ this.getFilteredTxList = (opts) => this.txStateManager.getFilteredTxList(opts) } // called once on startup async _updatePendingTxsAfterFirstBlock () { // wait for first block so we know we're ready await this.blockTracker.getLatestBlock() // get status update for all pending transactions (for the current network) await this.pendingTxTracker.updatePendingTxs() } /** If transaction controller was rebooted with transactions that are uncompleted in steps of the transaction signing or user confirmation process it will either transition txMetas to a failed state or try to redo those tasks. */ _onBootCleanUp () { this.txStateManager.getFilteredTxList({ status: 'unapproved', loadingDefaults: true, }).forEach((tx) => { this.addTxGasDefaults(tx) .then((txMeta) => { txMeta.loadingDefaults = false this.txStateManager.updateTx(txMeta, 'transactions: gas estimation for tx on boot') }).catch((error) => { this.txStateManager.setTxStatusFailed(, error) }) }) this.txStateManager.getFilteredTxList({ status: TRANSACTION_STATUS_APPROVED, }).forEach((txMeta) => { const txSignError = new Error('Transaction found as "approved" during boot - possibly stuck during signing') this.txStateManager.setTxStatusFailed(, txSignError) }) } /** is called in constructor applies the listeners for pendingTxTracker txStateManager and blockTracker */ _setupListeners () { this.txStateManager.on('tx:status-update', this.emit.bind(this, 'tx:status-update')) this._setupBlockTrackerListener() this.pendingTxTracker.on('tx:warning', (txMeta) => { this.txStateManager.updateTx(txMeta, 'transactions/pending-tx-tracker#event: tx:warning') }) this.pendingTxTracker.on('tx:failed', this.txStateManager.setTxStatusFailed.bind(this.txStateManager)) this.pendingTxTracker.on('tx:confirmed', (txId) => this.confirmTransaction(txId)) this.pendingTxTracker.on('tx:block-update', (txMeta, latestBlockNumber) => { if (!txMeta.firstRetryBlockNumber) { txMeta.firstRetryBlockNumber = latestBlockNumber this.txStateManager.updateTx(txMeta, 'transactions/pending-tx-tracker#event: tx:block-update') } }) this.pendingTxTracker.on('tx:retry', (txMeta) => { if (!('retryCount' in txMeta)) txMeta.retryCount = 0 txMeta.retryCount++ this.txStateManager.updateTx(txMeta, 'transactions/pending-tx-tracker#event: tx:retry') }) } /** Sets other txMeta statuses to dropped if the txMeta that has been confirmed has other transactions in the list have the same nonce @param txId {Number} - the txId of the transaction that has been confirmed in a block */ _markNonceDuplicatesDropped (txId) { // get the confirmed transactions nonce and from address const txMeta = this.txStateManager.getTx(txId) const { nonce, from } = txMeta.txParams const sameNonceTxs = this.txStateManager.getFilteredTxList({nonce, from}) if (!sameNonceTxs.length) return // mark all same nonce transactions as dropped and give i a replacedBy hash sameNonceTxs.forEach((otherTxMeta) => { if ( === txId) return otherTxMeta.replacedBy = txMeta.hash this.txStateManager.updateTx(txMeta, 'transactions/pending-tx-tracker#event: tx:confirmed reference to confirmed txHash with same nonce') this.txStateManager.setTxStatusDropped( }) } _setupBlockTrackerListener () { let listenersAreActive = false const latestBlockHandler = this._onLatestBlock.bind(this) const blockTracker = this.blockTracker const txStateManager = this.txStateManager txStateManager.on('tx:status-update', updateSubscription) updateSubscription() function updateSubscription () { const pendingTxs = txStateManager.getPendingTransactions() if (!listenersAreActive && pendingTxs.length > 0) { blockTracker.on('latest', latestBlockHandler) listenersAreActive = true } else if (listenersAreActive && !pendingTxs.length) { blockTracker.removeListener('latest', latestBlockHandler) listenersAreActive = false } } } async _onLatestBlock (blockNumber) { try { await this.pendingTxTracker.updatePendingTxs() } catch (err) { log.error(err) } try { await this.pendingTxTracker.resubmitPendingTxs(blockNumber) } catch (err) { log.error(err) } } /** Updates the memStore in transaction controller */ _updateMemstore () { const unapprovedTxs = this.txStateManager.getUnapprovedTxList() const selectedAddressTxList = this.txStateManager.getFilteredTxList({ from: this.getSelectedAddress(), metamaskNetworkId: this.getNetwork(), }) this.memStore.updateState({ unapprovedTxs, selectedAddressTxList }) } } module.exports = TransactionController