

Transaction Controller is an aggregate of sub-controllers and trackers exposed to the MetaMask controller.


  • txStateManager responsible for the state of a transaction and storing the transaction负责交易状态和存储交易
  • pendingTxTracker watching blocks for transactions to be include and emitting confirmed events监视包含交易的块并发出已确认的事件
  • txGasUtil gas calculations and safety buffering  gas计算和安全缓存
  • nonceTracker calculating nonces 计算nonce




const extend = require('xtend')
const EventEmitter = require('events')
const ObservableStore = require('obs-store')
const ethUtil = require('ethereumjs-util')
const log = require('loglevel')
const txStateHistoryHelper = require('./lib/tx-state-history-helper')
const createId = require('../../lib/random-id')
const { getFinalStates } = require('./lib/util')
  TransactionStateManager is responsible for the state of a transaction and
  storing the transaction
  it also has some convenience methods for finding subsets of transactions
  <br>statuses: 交易的状态
  <br>   - `'unapproved'` the user has not responded
  <br>   - `'rejected'` the user has responded no!
  <br>   - `'approved'` the user has approved the tx
  <br>   - `'signed'` the tx is signed
  <br>   - `'submitted'` the tx is sent to a server
  <br>   - `'confirmed'` the tx has been included in a block.
  <br>   - `'failed'` the tx failed for some reason, included on tx data.
  <br>   - `'dropped'` the tx nonce was already used
  @param opts {object}
  @param {object} [opts.initState={ transactions: [] }] initial transactions list with the key transaction {array}
  @param {number} [opts.txHistoryLimit] limit for how many finished
  transactions can hang around in state
  @param {function} opts.getNetwork return network number
class TransactionStateManager extends EventEmitter {
  constructor ({ initState, txHistoryLimit, getNetwork }) {
    super() = new ObservableStore(
        transactions: [],
    }, initState))
    this.txHistoryLimit = txHistoryLimit
    this.getNetwork = getNetwork

    @param opts {object} - the object to use when overwriting defaults
    @returns {txMeta} the default txMeta object
  generateTxMeta (opts) {//一开始生成tx
    return extend({
      id: createId(),
      time: (new Date()).getTime(),
      status: 'unapproved',//user还没有response
      metamaskNetworkId: this.getNetwork(),//此时连接的网络
      loadingDefaults: true,
    }, opts)

    @returns {array} of txMetas that have been filtered for only the current network
  getTxList () {
    const network = this.getNetwork()
    const fullTxList = this.getFullTxList()
    return fullTxList.filter((txMeta) => txMeta.metamaskNetworkId === network) //只得到network为现在连接的这个网络的交易

    @returns {array} of all the txMetas in store
  getFullTxList () {//得到所有的交易

    @returns {array} the tx list whos status is unapproved
  getUnapprovedTxList () {//得到状态为unapproved的交易
    const txList = this.getTxsByMetaData('status', 'unapproved')
    return txList.reduce((result, tx) => {
      result[] = tx//根据id来索引得到交易信息
      return result
    }, {})

    @param [address] {string} - hex prefixed address to sort the txMetas for [optional]
    @returns {array} the tx list whos status is submitted if no address is provide
    returns all txMetas who's status is submitted for the current network
  getPendingTransactions (address) {//得到状态为submitted而且from为address的交易
    const opts = { status: 'submitted' }
    if (address) opts.from = address
    return this.getFilteredTxList(opts)

    @param [address] {string} - hex prefixed address to sort the txMetas for [optional]
    @returns {array} the tx list whos status is confirmed if no address is provide
    returns all txMetas who's status is confirmed for the current network
  getConfirmedTransactions (address) {//得到状态为confirmed而且from为address的交易
    const opts = { status: 'confirmed' }
    if (address) opts.from = address
    return this.getFilteredTxList(opts)

    Adds the txMeta to the list of transactions in the store.
    if the list is over txHistoryLimit it will remove a transaction that
    is in its final state
    it will allso add the key `history` to the txMeta with the snap shot of the original
    @param txMeta {Object}
    @returns {object} the txMeta
  addTx (txMeta) {
    this.once(`${}:signed`, function (txId) {
    this.once(`${}:rejected`, function (txId) {
    // initialize history
    txMeta.history = []
    // capture initial snapshot of txMeta for history
    const snapshot = txStateHistoryHelper.snapshotFromTxMeta(txMeta)

    const transactions = this.getFullTxList()
    const txCount = transactions.length
    const txHistoryLimit = this.txHistoryLimit

    // checks if the length of the tx history is
    // longer then desired persistence limit
    // and then if it is removes only confirmed
    // or rejected tx's.
    // not tx's that are pending or unapproved
    if (txCount > txHistoryLimit - 1) {
      const index = transactions.findIndex((metaTx) => {
        return getFinalStates().includes(metaTx.status)
      if (index !== -1) {
        transactions.splice(index, 1)
    return txMeta
    @param txId {number}
    @returns {object} the txMeta who matches the given id if none found
    for the network returns undefined
  getTx (txId) {
    const txMeta = this.getTxsByMetaData('id', txId)[0]
    return txMeta

    updates the txMeta in the list and adds a history entry
    @param txMeta {Object} - the txMeta to update
    @param [note] {string} - a note about the update for history
  updateTx (txMeta, note) {
    // validate txParams
    if (txMeta.txParams) {
      if (typeof === 'undefined') {


    // create txMeta snapshot for history
    const currentState = txStateHistoryHelper.snapshotFromTxMeta(txMeta)
    // recover previous tx state obj
    const previousState = txStateHistoryHelper.replayHistory(txMeta.history)
    // generate history entry and add to history
    const entry = txStateHistoryHelper.generateHistoryEntry(previousState, currentState, note)

    // commit txMeta to state
    const txId =
    const txList = this.getFullTxList()
    const index = txList.findIndex(txData => === txId)
    txList[index] = txMeta

    merges txParams obj onto txMeta.txParams
    use extend to ensure that all fields are filled
    @param txId {number} - the id of the txMeta
    @param txParams {object} - the updated txParams
  updateTxParams (txId, txParams) {
    const txMeta = this.getTx(txId)
    txMeta.txParams = extend(txMeta.txParams, txParams)
    this.updateTx(txMeta, `txStateManager#updateTxParams`)

    validates txParams members by type
    @param txParams {object} - txParams to validate
  validateTxParams (txParams) {
    Object.keys(txParams).forEach((key) => {
      const value = txParams[key]
      // validate types
      switch (key) {
        case 'chainId':
          if (typeof value !== 'number' && typeof value !== 'string') throw new Error(`${key} in txParams is not a Number or hex string. got: (${value})`)
          if (typeof value !== 'string') throw new Error(`${key} in txParams is not a string. got: (${value})`)
          if (!ethUtil.isHexPrefixed(value)) throw new Error(`${key} in txParams is not hex prefixed. got: (${value})`)

  @param opts {object} -  an object of fields to search for eg:<br>
  let <code>thingsToLookFor = {<br>
    to: '0x0..',<br>
    from: '0x0..',<br>
    status: 'signed',<br>
    err: undefined,<br>
  @param [initialList=this.getTxList()]
  @returns a {array} of txMeta with all
  options matching
  | `err: undefined` is like looking |
  | for a tx with no err             |
  | so you can also search txs that  |
  | dont have something as well by   |
  | setting the value as undefined   |
  this is for things like filtering a the tx list
  for only tx's from 1 account
  or for filltering for all txs from one account
  and that have been 'confirmed'
  getFilteredTxList (opts, initialList) {
    let filteredTxList = initialList
    Object.keys(opts).forEach((key) => {
      filteredTxList = this.getTxsByMetaData(key, opts[key], filteredTxList)
    return filteredTxList
    @param key {string} - the key to check
    @param value - the value your looking for
    @param [txList=this.getTxList()] {array} - the list to search. default is the txList
    from txStateManager#getTxList
    @returns {array} a list of txMetas who matches the search params
  getTxsByMetaData (key, value, txList = this.getTxList()) {
    return txList.filter((txMeta) => {
      if (key in txMeta.txParams) {
        return txMeta.txParams[key] === value
      } else {
        return txMeta[key] === value

  // get::set status

    @param txId {number} - the txMeta Id
    @return {string} the status of the tx.
  getTxStatus (txId) {
    const txMeta = this.getTx(txId)
    return txMeta.status

    should update the status of the tx to 'rejected'.
    @param txId {number} - the txMeta Id
  setTxStatusRejected (txId) {
    this._setTxStatus(txId, 'rejected')

    should update the status of the tx to 'unapproved'.
    @param txId {number} - the txMeta Id
  setTxStatusUnapproved (txId) {
    this._setTxStatus(txId, 'unapproved')
    should update the status of the tx to 'approved'.
    @param txId {number} - the txMeta Id
  setTxStatusApproved (txId) {
    this._setTxStatus(txId, 'approved')

    should update the status of the tx to 'signed'.
    @param txId {number} - the txMeta Id
  setTxStatusSigned (txId) {
    this._setTxStatus(txId, 'signed')

    should update the status of the tx to 'submitted'.
    and add a time stamp for when it was called
    @param txId {number} - the txMeta Id
  setTxStatusSubmitted (txId) {
    const txMeta = this.getTx(txId)
    txMeta.submittedTime = (new Date()).getTime()
    this.updateTx(txMeta, 'txStateManager - add submitted time stamp')
    this._setTxStatus(txId, 'submitted')

    should update the status of the tx to 'confirmed'.
    @param txId {number} - the txMeta Id
  setTxStatusConfirmed (txId) {
    this._setTxStatus(txId, 'confirmed')

    should update the status of the tx to 'dropped'.
    @param txId {number} - the txMeta Id
  setTxStatusDropped (txId) {
    this._setTxStatus(txId, 'dropped')

    should update the status of the tx to 'failed'.
    and put the error on the txMeta
    @param txId {number} - the txMeta Id
    @param err {erroObject} - error object
  setTxStatusFailed (txId, err) {
    const txMeta = this.getTx(txId)
    txMeta.err = {
      message: err.toString(),
      rpc: err.value,
      stack: err.stack,
    this._setTxStatus(txId, 'failed')

    Removes transaction from the given address for the current network
    from the txList
    @param address {string} - hex string of the from address on the txParams to remove
  wipeTransactions (address) {
    // network only tx
    const txs = this.getFullTxList()
    const network = this.getNetwork()

    // Filter out the ones from the current account and network
    const otherAccountTxs = txs.filter((txMeta) => !(txMeta.txParams.from === address && txMeta.metamaskNetworkId === network))

    // Update state
//           PRIVATE METHODS

  // statuses:
  //    - `'unapproved'` the user has not responded
  //    - `'rejected'` the user has responded no!
  //    - `'approved'` the user has approved the tx
  //    - `'signed'` the tx is signed
  //    - `'submitted'` the tx is sent to a server
  //    - `'confirmed'` the tx has been included in a block.
  //    - `'failed'` the tx failed for some reason, included on tx data.
  //    - `'dropped'` the tx nonce was already used

    @param txId {number} - the txMeta Id
    @param status {string} - the status to set on the txMeta
    @emits tx:status-update - passes txId and status
    @emits ${}:finished - if it is a finished state. Passes the txMeta
    @emits update:badge
  _setTxStatus (txId, status) {
    const txMeta = this.getTx(txId)
    txMeta.status = status
    setTimeout(() => {
      try {
        this.updateTx(txMeta, `txStateManager: setting status to ${status}`)
        this.emit(`${}:${status}`, txId)
        this.emit(`tx:status-update`, txId, status)
        if (['submitted', 'rejected', 'failed'].includes(status)) {
          this.emit(`${}:finished`, txMeta)
      } catch (error) {

    Saves the new/updated txList.
    @param transactions {array} - the list of transactions to save
  // Function is intended only for internal use
  _saveTxList (transactions) {{ transactions })

  _removeTx (txId) {
    const transactionList = this.getFullTxList()
    this._saveTxList(transactionList.filter((txMeta) => !== txId))

module.exports = TransactionStateManager





const TRANSACTION_TYPE_CANCEL = 'cancel' //交易被拒绝
const TRANSACTION_TYPE_RETRY = 'retry'  //重试交易
const TRANSACTION_TYPE_STANDARD = 'standard'  

const TRANSACTION_STATUS_APPROVED = 'approved' //交易被批准

module.exports = {





new Mutex()

An alias for new Semaphore(1). Mutex has the same methods as Semaphore.

new Semaphore(1)的别名,有着相同的方法

import {Mutex} from 'await-semaphore';
var mutex = new Mutex();

new Semaphore(count: number)

Create a new semaphore with the given count.

import {Semaphore} from 'await-semaphore';
var semaphore = new Semaphore(10);

semaphore.acquire(): Promise<() => void>

Acquire the semaphore and returns a promise for the release function. Be sure to handle release for exception case.

.then(release => {
    //critical section...
    .then(res => {
    .catch(err => {
promise style (javascript)
var semaphore = new Semaphore(10);
function niceFetch(url) {
    return semaphore.acquire()//获得信号,阻止别的线程调用该共享资源
    .then(release => {
        return fetch(url)//运行语句
        .then(result => {
            return result;

async/await style (typescript)

var semaphore = new Semaphore(10);
async function niceFetch(url) {
    var release = await semaphore.acquire();
    var result = await fetch(url);
    return result;




const EthQuery = require('ethjs-query')
const assert = require('assert')
const Mutex = require('await-semaphore').Mutex
  @param opts {Object}
    @param {Object} opts.provider a ethereum provider
    @param {Function} opts.getPendingTransactions a function that returns an array of txMeta
    whosee status is `submitted`
    @param {Function} opts.getConfirmedTransactions a function that returns an array of txMeta
    whose status is `confirmed`
class NonceTracker {

  constructor ({ provider, blockTracker, getPendingTransactions, getConfirmedTransactions }) {
    this.provider = provider
    this.blockTracker = blockTracker
    this.ethQuery = new EthQuery(provider)
    this.getPendingTransactions = getPendingTransactions
    this.getConfirmedTransactions = getConfirmedTransactions
    this.lockMap = {}

    @returns {Promise<Object>} with the key releaseLock (the gloabl mutex)
  async getGlobalLock () {
    const globalMutex = this._lookupMutex('global')//查看是否存在lockId = 'global'的互斥锁globalMutex
    // await global mutex free
    const releaseLock = await globalMutex.acquire()//等待互斥锁被释放并得到互斥锁,阻止别的线程运行
    return { releaseLock }

   * @typedef NonceDetails
   * @property {number} highestLocallyConfirmed - A hex string of the highest nonce on a confirmed transaction.
   * @property {number} nextNetworkNonce - The next nonce suggested by the eth_getTransactionCount method.
   * @property {number} highestSuggested - The maximum between the other two, the number returned.

  this will return an object with the `nextNonce` `nonceDetails` of type NonceDetails, and the releaseLock
  Note: releaseLock must be called after adding a signed tx to pending transactions (or discarding).
  @param address {string} the hex string for the address whose nonce we are calculating
  @returns {Promise<NonceDetails>}
  async getNonceLock (address) {
    // await global mutex free,查看全局互斥是否free,并获得该互斥再释放,使全局互斥锁状态为free
    await this._globalMutexFree()
    // await lock free, then take lock,只有全局互斥锁free了,其他的互斥锁才能用,这里得到某个address的互斥锁,将资源上锁
    const releaseLock = await this._takeMutex(address)
    try {
      // evaluate multiple nextNonce strategies
      const nonceDetails = {}
      const networkNonceResult = await this._getNetworkNextNonce(address)//得到最新的blockNumber信息和address从创世区块到blockNumber所进行的所有交易数
      const highestLocallyConfirmed = this._getHighestLocallyConfirmed(address)//得到下一个要被confirm的交易的nonce值
      const nextNetworkNonce = networkNonceResult.nonce //networkNonceResult.nonce 为address的所有交易数量,因为nonce从0开始,所以这个值也就是下一个交易的nonce值
      const highestSuggested = Math.max(nextNetworkNonce, highestLocallyConfirmed)//从上面两个数字中取得最大值来作为下一个交易的nonce值

      const pendingTxs = this.getPendingTransactions(address)//得到address账户状态为pending的交易,为list
      const localNonceResult = this._getHighestContinuousFrom(pendingTxs, highestSuggested) || 0 //查看pending状态的交易中有没有之前得到的最高nonce的交易,有则更改nonce,加1,得到最终的nonce

      nonceDetails.params = {
        highestSuggested, //上下两个值中去最大值得到的下个交易的nonce值
        nextNetworkNonce, //address从创世区块到blockNumber所进行的所有交易数,即下一个交易的nonce值
      nonceDetails.local = localNonceResult //再查看pending交易后得到的nonce值 = networkNonceResult //得到最新的blockNumber信息和address从创世区块到blockNumber所进行的所有交易数

      const nextNonce = Math.max(networkNonceResult.nonce, localNonceResult.nonce) //从localNonceResult.nonc(再查看pending交易后得到的nonce值)networkNonceResult.nonce (为address的所有交易数量)中得到最大值,即最后的nonce值
      assert(Number.isInteger(nextNonce), `nonce-tracker - nextNonce is not an integer - got: (${typeof nextNonce}) "${nextNonce}"`)//判断为整数

      // return nonce and release cb
      return { nextNonce, nonceDetails, releaseLock }
    } catch (err) {
      // release lock if we encounter an error
      throw err

  async _globalMutexFree () {//获得global互斥锁并将其释放,保证其free状态
    const globalMutex = this._lookupMutex('global')
    const releaseLock = await globalMutex.acquire()

  async _takeMutex (lockId) {
    const mutex = this._lookupMutex(lockId)//得到某个id的互斥锁
    const releaseLock = await mutex.acquire()//并获得互斥,将其上锁,将共享资源控制住
    return releaseLock

  _lookupMutex (lockId) {//查看某个id的lock是否存在,如果不存在则创建一个互斥锁,并返回
    let mutex = this.lockMap[lockId]
    if (!mutex) {
      mutex = new Mutex()
      this.lockMap[lockId] = mutex
    return mutex

  async _getNetworkNextNonce (address) {
    // calculate next nonce
    // we need to make sure our base count
    // and pending count are from the same block
    const blockNumber = await this.blockTracker.getLatestBlock()//得到最新的block number
    const baseCountBN = await this.ethQuery.getTransactionCount(address, blockNumber) //得到address从第一个区块到blockNumber区块上的所有交易数量
    const baseCount = baseCountBN.toNumber()
    assert(Number.isInteger(baseCount), `nonce-tracker - baseCount is not an integer - got: (${typeof baseCount}) "${baseCount}"`)//判断baseCount是否为数字类型
    const nonceDetails = { blockNumber, baseCount } 
    return { name: 'network', nonce: baseCount, details: nonceDetails }

  _getHighestLocallyConfirmed (address) {
    const confirmedTransactions = this.getConfirmedTransactions(address)//得到address账户的所有状态为Confirmed的交易
    const highest = this._getHighestNonce(confirmedTransactions)//得到这些状态为Confirmed的交易中最大的nonce值
    return Number.isInteger(highest) ? highest + 1 : 0 //如果该值为整数,则加一,得到下一个nonce值,否则则为0

  _getHighestNonce (txList) {
    const nonces = => {//递归读取所有交易的nonce以list形式存放,即nonces
      const nonce = txMeta.txParams.nonce
      assert(typeof nonce, 'string', 'nonces should be hex strings')//nonce必须为hex strings格式
      return parseInt(nonce, 16)//将nonce由hex strings转为hex int
    const highestNonce = Math.max.apply(null, nonces),然后从中取出最大的nonce
    return highestNonce

    @typedef {object} highestContinuousFrom
    @property {string} - name the name for how the nonce was calculated based on the data used
    @property {number} - nonce the next suggested nonce
    @property {object} - details the provided starting nonce that was used (for debugging)
    @param txList {array} - list of txMeta's
    @param startPoint {number} - the highest known locally confirmed nonce
    @returns {highestContinuousFrom}
  _getHighestContinuousFrom (txList, startPoint) {
    const nonces = => {//得到所有交易的nonce值并以list形式存放
      const nonce = txMeta.txParams.nonce
      assert(typeof nonce, 'string', 'nonces should be hex strings')
      return parseInt(nonce, 16)

    let highest = startPoint
    while (nonces.includes(highest)) {//如果这些交易中已经有我们以为的最高的nonce值,那我们需要将nonce++,更改最高nonce值,因为pending状态的交易是下一步就要记在区块上的交易

    return { name: 'local', nonce: highest, details: { startPoint, highest } }


module.exports = NonceTracker



const EventEmitter = require('events')
const log = require('loglevel')
const EthQuery = require('ethjs-query')

  Event emitter utility class for tracking the transactions as they<br>
  go from a pending state to a confirmed (mined in a block) state<br>
  As well as continues broadcast while in the pending state
@param config {object} - non optional configuration object consists of:
    @param {Object} config.provider - A network provider.
    @param {Object} config.nonceTracker see nonce tracker
    @param {function} config.getPendingTransactions a function for getting an array of transactions,
    @param {function} config.publishTransaction a async function for publishing raw transactions,
class PendingTransactionTracker extends EventEmitter {
  constructor (config) {
    this.query = new EthQuery(config.provider)
    this.nonceTracker = config.nonceTracker
    this.getPendingTransactions = config.getPendingTransactions
    this.getCompletedTransactions = config.getCompletedTransactions
    this.publishTransaction = config.publishTransaction
    this.confirmTransaction = config.confirmTransaction

    checks the network for signed txs and releases the nonce global lock if it is
//更新pending 交易的状态
async updatePendingTxs () { // in order to keep the nonceTracker accurate we block it while updating pending transactions const nonceGlobalLock = await this.nonceTracker.getGlobalLock()//得到全局的互斥锁,即该操作此时只能它在进行 try { const pendingTxs = this.getPendingTransactions() await Promise.all( => this._checkPendingTx(txMeta)))//通过其信息的查看来得到交易txMeta此时的状态,是failed、confirmed、warning } catch (err) { log.error('PendingTransactionTracker - Error updating pending transactions') log.error(err) } nonceGlobalLock.releaseLock() } /** Will resubmit any transactions who have not been confirmed in a block @param block {object} - a block object @emits tx:warning */
resubmitPendingTxs (blockNumber) { const pending = this.getPendingTransactions() // only try resubmitting if their are transactions to resubmit if (!pending.length) return pending.forEach((txMeta) => this._resubmitTx(txMeta, blockNumber).catch((err) => { /* Dont marked as failed if the error is a "known" transaction warning "there is already a transaction with the same sender-nonce but higher/same gas price" Also don't mark as failed if it has ever been broadcast successfully. A successful broadcast means it may still be mined. */ const errorMessage = err.message.toLowerCase() const isKnownTx = ( // geth errorMessage.includes('replacement transaction underpriced') || errorMessage.includes('known transaction') || // parity errorMessage.includes('gas price too low to replace') || errorMessage.includes('transaction with the same hash was already imported') || // other errorMessage.includes('gateway timeout') || errorMessage.includes('nonce too low') ) // ignore resubmit warnings, return early if (isKnownTx) return // encountered real error - transition to error state txMeta.warning = { error: errorMessage, message: 'There was an error when resubmitting this transaction.', } this.emit('tx:warning', txMeta, err) })) } /** resubmits the individual txMeta used in resubmitPendingTxs @param txMeta {Object} - txMeta object @param latestBlockNumber {string} - hex string for the latest block number @emits tx:retry @returns txHash {string} */ async _resubmitTx (txMeta, latestBlockNumber) { if (!txMeta.firstRetryBlockNumber) {//其firstRetryBlockNumber若为0,说明其之前还没有进行submit过 this.emit('tx:block-update', txMeta, latestBlockNumber)//就是呈递一下这样的event } const firstRetryBlockNumber = txMeta.firstRetryBlockNumber || latestBlockNumber //就是txMeta.firstRetryBlockNumber为0,则第一次重试的blocknumber就是最新的blocknumber的值 const txBlockDistance = Number.parseInt(latestBlockNumber, 16) - Number.parseInt(firstRetryBlockNumber, 16) //两个区块间的差 const retryCount = txMeta.retryCount || 0 //得到该交易至今retry的次数 // Exponential backoff to limit retries at publishing if (txBlockDistance <= Math.pow(2, retryCount) - 1) return //如果区块间的差值小于2^retryCount -1的话,就先不重试,以免重试频率过高 // Only auto-submit already-signed txs: if (!('rawTx' in txMeta)) return //有'rawTx'的交易才retry的 const rawTx = txMeta.rawTx const txHash = await this.publishTransaction(rawTx)//通过publish签名后的rawTx来进行重试,得到一个新的txhash // Increment successful tries: this.emit('tx:retry', txMeta) return txHash } /** Ask the network for the transaction to see if it has been include in a block @param txMeta {Object} - the txMeta object @emits tx:failed @emits tx:confirmed @emits tx:warning */

async _checkPendingTx (txMeta) { const txHash = txMeta.hash const txId = // extra check in case there was an uncaught error during the // signature and submission process if (!txHash) {//txhash都没有,说明submit时出错了 const noTxHashErr = new Error('We had an error while submitting this transaction, please try again.') = 'NoTxHashError' this.emit('tx:failed', txId, noTxHashErr) return } // If another tx with the same nonce is mined, set as failed. const taken = await this._checkIfNonceIsTaken(txMeta)//查看是否已又相同nonce的交易已经成功 if (taken) {//true则说明有相同的,交易失败 const nonceTakenErr = new Error('Another transaction with this nonce has been mined.') = 'NonceTakenErr' return this.emit('tx:failed', txId, nonceTakenErr) } // get latest transaction status try {//上面的判断都通过了,就查看该交易的信息 const txParams = await this.query.getTransactionByHash(txHash) if (!txParams) return //如果什么信息都没有,就返回空 if (txParams.blockNumber) {//如果txParams.blockNumber不为空,那就说明已经记录到了区块链上,已经confirmed this.emit('tx:confirmed', txId) } } catch (err) {//获取交易信息时出错 txMeta.warning = { error: err.message, message: 'There was a problem loading this transaction.', } this.emit('tx:warning', txMeta, err) } } /** checks to see if a confirmed txMeta has the same nonce @param txMeta {Object} - txMeta object @returns {boolean} */ async _checkIfNonceIsTaken (txMeta) {//查看这个交易txMeta的nonce是否与已经完成的交易的nonce相同 const address = txMeta.txParams.from const completed = this.getCompletedTransactions(address) const sameNonce = completed.filter((otherMeta) => {//得到满足nonce相等的交易的list,即sameNonce return otherMeta.txParams.nonce === txMeta.txParams.nonce }) return sameNonce.length > 0 //如果为true,则说明txMeta交易的nonce已有,该交易将失败 } } module.exports = PendingTransactionTracker



const EthQuery = require('ethjs-query')
const {
} = require('../../lib/util')
const { addHexPrefix } = require('ethereumjs-util')
const SIMPLE_GAS_COST = '0x5208' // Hex for 21000, cost of a simple send.这是一般交易固定传递的gas值

tx-gas-utils are gas utility methods for Transaction manager
its passed ethquery
and used to do things like calculate gas of a tx.
@param {Object} provider - A network provider.

class TxGasUtil {

  constructor (provider) {
    this.query = new EthQuery(provider)

    @param txMeta {Object} - the txMeta object
    @returns {object} the txMeta object with the gas written to the txParams
  async analyzeGasUsage (txMeta) {
    const block = await this.query.getBlockByNumber('latest', false)//得到最新的区块的number
    let estimatedGasHex
    try {
      estimatedGasHex = await this.estimateTxGas(txMeta, block.gasLimit) //估计交易使用的gas
    } catch (err) {
      txMeta.simulationFails = {
        reason: err.message,
      return txMeta
    this.setTxGas(txMeta, block.gasLimit, estimatedGasHex)
    return txMeta

    Estimates the tx's gas usage
    @param txMeta {Object} - the txMeta object
    @param blockGasLimitHex {string} - hex string of the block's gas limit
    @returns {string} the estimated gas limit as a hex string
  async estimateTxGas (txMeta, blockGasLimitHex) {
    const txParams = txMeta.txParams

    // check if gasLimit is already specified
    txMeta.gasLimitSpecified = Boolean(txParams.gas) //看该交易是否已经设置了其的gaslimit值

    // if it is, use that value
    if (txMeta.gasLimitSpecified) { //如果已经有了,那就直接讲该值作为交易的估计值
      return txParams.gas

    // if recipient has no code, gas is 21k max:
    const recipient =
    const hasRecipient = Boolean(recipient)
    let code
    if (recipient) code = await this.query.getCode(recipient)

    if (hasRecipient && (!code || code === '0x')) {有to且code为空或者只有0x0时,说明只是一个简单的value的send,只需要21000gas
      txParams.gas = SIMPLE_GAS_COST
      txMeta.simpleSend = true // Prevents buffer addition
      return SIMPLE_GAS_COST
//如果都不是上面的两种情况的活,就使用block gasLimit来估计交易gas
    // if not, fall back to block gasLimit
    const blockGasLimitBN = hexToBn(blockGasLimitHex)
    const saferGasLimitBN = BnMultiplyByFraction(blockGasLimitBN, 19, 20)//??????
    txParams.gas = bnToHex(saferGasLimitBN)

    // run tx
    return await this.query.estimateGas(txParams)

    Writes the gas on the txParams in the txMeta
    @param txMeta {Object} - the txMeta object to write to
    @param blockGasLimitHex {string} - the block gas limit hex
    @param estimatedGasHex {string} - the estimated gas hex
  setTxGas (txMeta, blockGasLimitHex, estimatedGasHex) {
    txMeta.estimatedGas = addHexPrefix(estimatedGasHex)
    const txParams = txMeta.txParams

    // if gasLimit was specified and doesnt OOG,
    // use original specified amount
    if (txMeta.gasLimitSpecified || txMeta.simpleSend) {
      txMeta.estimatedGas = txParams.gas //如果gas值已经声明好了,为用户自己设置的gaslimit,或者为simpleSend,那就将其设置为estimatedGas
    // if gasLimit not originally specified,
    // try adding an additional gas buffer to our estimation for safety
    const recommendedGasHex = this.addGasBuffer(txMeta.estimatedGas, blockGasLimitHex)//对之前得到的估计gas再进行一次判断,如果认为gas值过小,会相应扩大
    txParams.gas = recommendedGasHex

    Adds a gas buffer with out exceeding the block gas limit
    @param initialGasLimitHex {string} - the initial gas limit to add the buffer too
    @param blockGasLimitHex {string} - the block gas limit
    @returns {string} the buffered gas limit as a hex string
  addGasBuffer (initialGasLimitHex, blockGasLimitHex) {
    const initialGasLimitBn = hexToBn(initialGasLimitHex)
    const blockGasLimitBn = hexToBn(blockGasLimitHex)
    const upperGasLimitBn = blockGasLimitBn.muln(0.9)
    const bufferedGasLimitBn = initialGasLimitBn.muln(1.5)

    // if initialGasLimit is above blockGasLimit, dont modify it ,就是如果估计出来的gas-initialGasLimitBn已经大于blockGasLimit*0.9,我们就认为这个估计值是比较保险的,不会太小,就不修改了
    if ( return bnToHex(initialGasLimitBn)
    // if bufferedGasLimit is below blockGasLimit, use bufferedGasLimit,如果initialGasLimitBn小于blockGasLimit*0.9 && initialGasLimitBn*1.5也小于blockGasLimit*0.9,那么就修改为initialGasLimitBn*1.5,这样会更保险
    if ( return bnToHex(bufferedGasLimitBn)
    // otherwise use blockGasLimit
    return bnToHex(upperGasLimitBn)

module.exports = TxGasUtil




const EventEmitter = require('events')
const ObservableStore = require('obs-store')
const ethUtil = require('ethereumjs-util')
const Transaction = require('ethereumjs-tx')
const EthQuery = require('ethjs-query')
const TransactionStateManager = require('./tx-state-manager')
const TxGasUtil = require('./tx-gas-utils')
const PendingTransactionTracker = require('./pending-tx-tracker')
const NonceTracker = require('./nonce-tracker')
const txUtils = require('./lib/util')
const cleanErrorStack = require('../../lib/cleanErrorStack')
const log = require('loglevel')
const recipientBlacklistChecker = require('./lib/recipient-blacklist-checker')
const {
} = require('./enums')

const { hexToBn, bnToHex } = require('../../lib/util')

  Transaction Controller is an aggregate of sub-controllers and trackers
  composing them in a way to be exposed to the metamask controller
    <br>- txStateManager
      responsible for the state of a transaction and
      storing the transaction
    <br>- pendingTxTracker
      watching blocks for transactions to be include
      and emitting confirmed events
    <br>- txGasUtil
      gas calculations and safety buffering
    <br>- nonceTracker
      calculating nonces
  @param {object} - opts
  @param {object}  opts.initState - initial transaction list default is an empty array
  @param {Object}  opts.networkStore - an observable store for network number
  @param {Object}  opts.blockTracker - An instance of eth-blocktracker
  @param {Object}  opts.provider - A network provider.
  @param {Function}  opts.signTransaction - function the signs an ethereumjs-tx
  @param {Function}  [opts.getGasPrice] - optional gas price calculator
  @param {Function}  opts.signTransaction - ethTx signer that returns a rawTx
  @param {Number}  [opts.txHistoryLimit] - number *optional* for limiting how many transactions are in state
  @param {Object}  opts.preferencesStore

class TransactionController extends EventEmitter {
  constructor (opts) {
    this.networkStore = opts.networkStore || new ObservableStore({})
    this.preferencesStore = opts.preferencesStore || new ObservableStore({})
    this.provider = opts.provider
    this.blockTracker = opts.blockTracker
    this.signEthTx = opts.signTransaction
    this.getGasPrice = opts.getGasPrice

    this.memStore = new ObservableStore({})
    this.query = new EthQuery(this.provider)
    this.txGasUtil = new TxGasUtil(this.provider)

    this.txStateManager = new TransactionStateManager({
      initState: opts.initState,
      txHistoryLimit: opts.txHistoryLimit,
      getNetwork: this.getNetwork.bind(this),
    this._onBootCleanUp() =
    this.nonceTracker = new NonceTracker({
      provider: this.provider,
      blockTracker: this.blockTracker,
      getPendingTransactions: this.txStateManager.getPendingTransactions.bind(this.txStateManager),
      getConfirmedTransactions: this.txStateManager.getConfirmedTransactions.bind(this.txStateManager),

    this.pendingTxTracker = new PendingTransactionTracker({
      provider: this.provider,
      nonceTracker: this.nonceTracker,
      publishTransaction: (rawTx) => this.query.sendRawTransaction(rawTx),
      getPendingTransactions: this.txStateManager.getPendingTransactions.bind(this.txStateManager),
      getCompletedTransactions: this.txStateManager.getConfirmedTransactions.bind(this.txStateManager),
    }) => this.emit('update:badge'))
    // memstore is computed from a few different stores
    this._updateMemstore() => this._updateMemstore())
    this.networkStore.subscribe(() => this._updateMemstore())
    this.preferencesStore.subscribe(() => this._updateMemstore())

    // request state update to finalize initialization

  /** @returns {number} the chainId*/
  getChainId () { 
    const networkState = this.networkStore.getState()
    const getChainId = parseInt(networkState)
    if (Number.isNaN(getChainId)) {
      return 0
    } else {
      return getChainId

  Adds a tx to the txlist
  @emits ${}:unapproved
  addTx (txMeta) {
    this.emit(`${}:unapproved`, txMeta)

  Wipes the transactions for a given account
  @param {string} address - hex string of the from address for txs being removed
  wipeTransactions (address) {

  add a new unapproved transaction to the pipeline 添加一个新的未经用户同意的交易
  @returns {Promise<string>} the hash of the transaction after being submitted to the network
  @param txParams {object} - txParams for the transaction
  @param opts {object} - with the key origin to put the origin on the txMeta

  async newUnapprovedTransaction (txParams, opts = {}) {
    log.debug(`MetaMaskController newUnapprovedTransaction ${JSON.stringify(txParams)}`)
    const initialTxMeta = await this.addUnapprovedTransaction(txParams)
    initialTxMeta.origin = opts.origin
    this.txStateManager.updateTx(initialTxMeta, '#newUnapprovedTransaction - adding the origin')
    // listen for tx completion (success, fail)
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      this.txStateManager.once(`${}:finished`, (finishedTxMeta) => {
        switch (finishedTxMeta.status) {
          case 'submitted':
            return resolve(finishedTxMeta.hash)
          case 'rejected':
            return reject(cleanErrorStack(new Error('MetaMask Tx Signature: User denied transaction signature.')))
          case 'failed':
            return reject(cleanErrorStack(new Error(finishedTxMeta.err.message)))
            return reject(cleanErrorStack(new Error(`MetaMask Tx Signature: Unknown problem: ${JSON.stringify(finishedTxMeta.txParams)}`)))

  Validates and generates a txMeta with defaults and puts it in txStateManager
  @returns {txMeta}

  async addUnapprovedTransaction (txParams) {
    // validate
    const normalizedTxParams = txUtils.normalizeTxParams(txParams)
    // construct txMeta
    let txMeta = this.txStateManager.generateTxMeta({
      txParams: normalizedTxParams,
    this.emit('newUnapprovedTx', txMeta)

    try {
      // check whether recipient account is blacklisted
      // add default tx params
      txMeta = await this.addTxGasDefaults(txMeta)
    } catch (error) {
      this.txStateManager.setTxStatusFailed(, error)
      throw error
    txMeta.loadingDefaults = false
    // save txMeta

    return txMeta
  adds the tx gas defaults: gas && gasPrice
  @param txMeta {Object} - the txMeta object
  @returns {Promise<object>} resolves with txMeta
  async addTxGasDefaults (txMeta) {
    const txParams = txMeta.txParams
    // ensure value
    txParams.value = txParams.value ? ethUtil.addHexPrefix(txParams.value) : '0x0'
    txMeta.gasPriceSpecified = Boolean(txParams.gasPrice)
    let gasPrice = txParams.gasPrice
    if (!gasPrice) {
      gasPrice = this.getGasPrice ? this.getGasPrice() : await this.query.gasPrice()
    txParams.gasPrice = ethUtil.addHexPrefix(gasPrice.toString(16))
    // set gasLimit
    return await this.txGasUtil.analyzeGasUsage(txMeta)

    Creates a new txMeta with the same txParams as the original
    to allow the user to resign the transaction with a higher gas values
    @param  originalTxId {number} - the id of the txMeta that
    you want to attempt to retry
    @return {txMeta}

  async retryTransaction (originalTxId) {//重试一次交易
    const originalTxMeta = this.txStateManager.getTx(originalTxId)
    const lastGasPrice = originalTxMeta.txParams.gasPrice
    const txMeta = this.txStateManager.generateTxMeta({
      txParams: originalTxMeta.txParams,
      loadingDefaults: false,
    this.emit('newUnapprovedTx', txMeta)
    return txMeta

   * Creates a new approved transaction to attempt to cancel a previously submitted transaction. The
   * new transaction contains the same nonce as the previous, is a basic ETH transfer of 0x value to
   * the sender's address, and has a higher gasPrice than that of the previous transaction.
   * @param {number} originalTxId - the id of the txMeta that you want to attempt to cancel
   * @param {string=} customGasPrice - the hex value to use for the cancel transaction
   * @returns {txMeta}
  async createCancelTransaction (originalTxId, customGasPrice) {//创建一个nonce与以前的交易相同的新的交易一次来取消之前的那个交易,gasPrice要更高
    const originalTxMeta = this.txStateManager.getTx(originalTxId)
    const { txParams } = originalTxMeta
    const { gasPrice: lastGasPrice, from, nonce } = txParams
    const newGasPrice = customGasPrice || bnToHex(hexToBn(lastGasPrice).mul(1.1))
    const newTxMeta = this.txStateManager.generateTxMeta({
      txParams: {
        to: from,
        gas: '0x5208',
        value: '0x0',
        gasPrice: newGasPrice,
      loadingDefaults: false,

    await this.approveTransaction(
    return newTxMeta

  updates the txMeta in the txStateManager
  @param txMeta {Object} - the updated txMeta
  async updateTransaction (txMeta) {
    this.txStateManager.updateTx(txMeta, 'confTx: user updated transaction')

  updates and approves the transaction
  @param txMeta {Object}
  async updateAndApproveTransaction (txMeta) {
    this.txStateManager.updateTx(txMeta, 'confTx: user approved transaction')
    await this.approveTransaction(

  sets the tx status to approved
  auto fills the nonce
  signs the transaction
  publishes the transaction
  if any of these steps fails the tx status will be set to failed
    @param txId {number} - the tx's Id
  async approveTransaction (txId) {
    let nonceLock
    try {
      // approve
      // get next nonce
      const txMeta = this.txStateManager.getTx(txId)
      const fromAddress = txMeta.txParams.from
      // wait for a nonce
      nonceLock = await this.nonceTracker.getNonceLock(fromAddress)
      // add nonce to txParams
      // if txMeta has lastGasPrice then it is a retry at same nonce with higher
      // gas price transaction and their for the nonce should not be calculated
      const nonce = txMeta.lastGasPrice ? txMeta.txParams.nonce : nonceLock.nextNonce
      txMeta.txParams.nonce = ethUtil.addHexPrefix(nonce.toString(16))
      // add nonce debugging information to txMeta
      txMeta.nonceDetails = nonceLock.nonceDetails
      this.txStateManager.updateTx(txMeta, 'transactions#approveTransaction')
      // sign transaction
      const rawTx = await this.signTransaction(txId)
      await this.publishTransaction(txId, rawTx)
      // must set transaction to submitted/failed before releasing lock
    } catch (err) {
      // this is try-catch wrapped so that we can guarantee that the nonceLock is released
      try {
        this.txStateManager.setTxStatusFailed(txId, err)
      } catch (err) {
      // must set transaction to submitted/failed before releasing lock
      if (nonceLock) nonceLock.releaseLock()
      // continue with error chain
      throw err
    adds the chain id and signs the transaction and set the status to signed
    @param txId {number} - the tx's Id
    @returns - rawTx {string}
  async signTransaction (txId) {
    const txMeta = this.txStateManager.getTx(txId)
    // add network/chain id
    const chainId = this.getChainId()
    const txParams = Object.assign({}, txMeta.txParams, { chainId })
    // sign tx
    const fromAddress = txParams.from
    const ethTx = new Transaction(txParams)
    await this.signEthTx(ethTx, fromAddress)
    // set state to signed
    const rawTx = ethUtil.bufferToHex(ethTx.serialize())
    return rawTx

    publishes the raw tx and sets the txMeta to submitted
    @param txId {number} - the tx's Id
    @param rawTx {string} - the hex string of the serialized signed transaction
    @returns {Promise<void>}
  async publishTransaction (txId, rawTx) {
    const txMeta = this.txStateManager.getTx(txId)
    txMeta.rawTx = rawTx
    this.txStateManager.updateTx(txMeta, 'transactions#publishTransaction')
    const txHash = await this.query.sendRawTransaction(rawTx)
    this.setTxHash(txId, txHash)

  confirmTransaction (txId) {

    Convenience method for the ui thats sets the transaction to rejected
    @param txId {number} - the tx's Id
    @returns {Promise<void>}
  async cancelTransaction (txId) {

    Sets the txHas on the txMeta
    @param txId {number} - the tx's Id
    @param txHash {string} - the hash for the txMeta
  setTxHash (txId, txHash) {
    // Add the tx hash to the persisted meta-tx object
    const txMeta = this.txStateManager.getTx(txId)
    txMeta.hash = txHash
    this.txStateManager.updateTx(txMeta, 'transactions#setTxHash')

//           PRIVATE METHODS
  /** maps methods for convenience*/
  _mapMethods () {
    /** @returns the state in transaction controller */
    this.getState = () => this.memStore.getState()
    /** @returns the network number stored in networkStore */
    this.getNetwork = () => this.networkStore.getState()
    /** @returns the user selected address */
    this.getSelectedAddress = () => this.preferencesStore.getState().selectedAddress
    /** Returns an array of transactions whos status is unapproved */
    this.getUnapprovedTxCount = () => Object.keys(this.txStateManager.getUnapprovedTxList()).length
      @returns a number that represents how many transactions have the status submitted
      @param account {String} - hex prefixed account
    this.getPendingTxCount = (account) => this.txStateManager.getPendingTransactions(account).length
    /** see txStateManager */
    this.getFilteredTxList = (opts) => this.txStateManager.getFilteredTxList(opts)

  // called once on startup
  async _updatePendingTxsAfterFirstBlock () {
    // wait for first block so we know we're ready
    await this.blockTracker.getLatestBlock()
    // get status update for all pending transactions (for the current network)
    await this.pendingTxTracker.updatePendingTxs()

    If transaction controller was rebooted with transactions that are uncompleted
    in steps of the transaction signing or user confirmation process it will either
    transition txMetas to a failed state or try to redo those tasks.

  _onBootCleanUp () {
      status: 'unapproved',
      loadingDefaults: true,
    }).forEach((tx) => {
      .then((txMeta) => {
        txMeta.loadingDefaults = false
        this.txStateManager.updateTx(txMeta, 'transactions: gas estimation for tx on boot')
      }).catch((error) => {
        this.txStateManager.setTxStatusFailed(, error)

    }).forEach((txMeta) => {
      const txSignError = new Error('Transaction found as "approved" during boot - possibly stuck during signing')
      this.txStateManager.setTxStatusFailed(, txSignError)

    is called in constructor applies the listeners for pendingTxTracker txStateManager
    and blockTracker
  _setupListeners () {
    this.txStateManager.on('tx:status-update', this.emit.bind(this, 'tx:status-update'))
    this.pendingTxTracker.on('tx:warning', (txMeta) => {
      this.txStateManager.updateTx(txMeta, 'transactions/pending-tx-tracker#event: tx:warning')
    this.pendingTxTracker.on('tx:failed', this.txStateManager.setTxStatusFailed.bind(this.txStateManager))
    this.pendingTxTracker.on('tx:confirmed', (txId) => this.confirmTransaction(txId))
    this.pendingTxTracker.on('tx:block-update', (txMeta, latestBlockNumber) => {
      if (!txMeta.firstRetryBlockNumber) {
        txMeta.firstRetryBlockNumber = latestBlockNumber
        this.txStateManager.updateTx(txMeta, 'transactions/pending-tx-tracker#event: tx:block-update')
    this.pendingTxTracker.on('tx:retry', (txMeta) => {
      if (!('retryCount' in txMeta)) txMeta.retryCount = 0
      this.txStateManager.updateTx(txMeta, 'transactions/pending-tx-tracker#event: tx:retry')

    Sets other txMeta statuses to dropped if the txMeta that has been confirmed has other transactions
    in the list have the same nonce
    @param txId {Number} - the txId of the transaction that has been confirmed in a block
  _markNonceDuplicatesDropped (txId) {
    // get the confirmed transactions nonce and from address
    const txMeta = this.txStateManager.getTx(txId)
    const { nonce, from } = txMeta.txParams
    const sameNonceTxs = this.txStateManager.getFilteredTxList({nonce, from})
    if (!sameNonceTxs.length) return
    // mark all same nonce transactions as dropped and give i a replacedBy hash
    sameNonceTxs.forEach((otherTxMeta) => {
      if ( === txId) return
      otherTxMeta.replacedBy = txMeta.hash
      this.txStateManager.updateTx(txMeta, 'transactions/pending-tx-tracker#event: tx:confirmed reference to confirmed txHash with same nonce')

  _setupBlockTrackerListener () {
    let listenersAreActive = false
    const latestBlockHandler = this._onLatestBlock.bind(this)
    const blockTracker = this.blockTracker
    const txStateManager = this.txStateManager

    txStateManager.on('tx:status-update', updateSubscription)

    function updateSubscription () {
      const pendingTxs = txStateManager.getPendingTransactions()
      if (!listenersAreActive && pendingTxs.length > 0) {
        blockTracker.on('latest', latestBlockHandler)
        listenersAreActive = true
      } else if (listenersAreActive && !pendingTxs.length) {
        blockTracker.removeListener('latest', latestBlockHandler)
        listenersAreActive = false

  async _onLatestBlock (blockNumber) {
    try {
      await this.pendingTxTracker.updatePendingTxs()
    } catch (err) {
    try {
      await this.pendingTxTracker.resubmitPendingTxs(blockNumber)
    } catch (err) {

    Updates the memStore in transaction controller
  _updateMemstore () {
    const unapprovedTxs = this.txStateManager.getUnapprovedTxList()
    const selectedAddressTxList = this.txStateManager.getFilteredTxList({
      from: this.getSelectedAddress(),
      metamaskNetworkId: this.getNetwork(),
    this.memStore.updateState({ unapprovedTxs, selectedAddressTxList })

module.exports = TransactionController


posted @ 2018-09-29 16:48  慢行厚积  阅读(1550)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报